D&D 4E messy's 4e newbie questions thread

47. are dump stats as much of an issue in 4th edition as in 3rd edition?

Because of the high (and indeed required) high point buy in 4e, I don't think dump stats are much of an issue. I don't think you're allowed to buy below an 8, and there are no racial penalties.

Having said that, every PC needs two high stats, so some stats get neglected. If the key stat is Intelligence or Dex, there's pressure to raise it to a 20 at 1st-level. (I disagree with that; my wizard PC started with Int 18.)

The NAD system mollifies the penalties of low stats to some extent. You only need one high stat between Strength/Con, Dex/Int, and Wis/Cha. Unlike in 3rd Edition, I don't see lots of low Charisma PCs. Charisma has intrinsic value now (because it gives you a good Will defense), and indeed for each pair of stats, at least one will have intrinsic value. I see lots of high Cha/low Wis sorcerers, warlords, and other such classes. Even if you have a pair of low stats, the NAD-boosting feats can save you.

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47. are dump stats as much of an issue in 4th edition as in 3rd edition?

They're mitigated somewhat by the fact that your secondary defenses (4e equivalent of save bonuses) each use the higher of two scores - so, for instance, you'd need to dump both Int and Dex in order to make a serious dent in your Reflex defense.

There's also the fact that, no matter your class, you'll never run out of attacks based upon your primary attribute scores, so your wizard will never expend his spells and find himself having to rely upon Dex or Strength for his primary combat contributions. Many classes even offer At-Will attacks which can be used in place of basic attacks, allowing your character to remain effective even when using granted attacks or Opportunity Attacks.

Low ability scores can still make a difference when it comes to skills, especially since the revision of the Aid Another rules.


I don't even remember 3rd edition very much. Something to do with that horrible marriage interfering with gaming. Never mind.
Short version, no.

I will muddy the waters with one point though. "This Power Can Be Used As A Basic Attack" is not the same as "This Power Is a Basic Attack" or "This power Counts As A Basic Attack." In one session, the guy playing the fighter got mad because a monster's effect limited him to only using basic attack powers, so he couldn't use his encounter/daily (or even his combat superiority Fighter Challenge), but the warlock could still use Eldrich Strike.
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48. does the ranger's hit and run power work like spring attack from 3rd edition (meaning, can you move, then attack, then move again)?

49. do all at-will powers increase in damage at level 21?

50. does prime shot affect all ranged powers?

51. is there any way to change the frequency a power can be used (like making an encounter power usable at-will)?



48. does the ranger's hit and run power work like spring attack from 3rd edition (meaning, can you move, then attack, then move again)?

No. For that, you'd need something like a power which allows you to move as part of your attack action, such as the rogue's Deft Strike.

49. do all at-will powers increase in damage at level 21?

It's a general design feature of At-Will powers, though it's possible there might be exceptions.

50. does prime shot affect all ranged powers?

Yes - it does exactly what it says on the tin.

Note, though, that "ranged" has a specific usage in 4e, and doesn't just mean "any power that attacks a target at a distance". Attack powers in 4e generally have one of four attack-type keywords - Melee, Ranged, Close or Area. Only attacks with the Ranged keyword can take advantage of Prime Shot.

51. is there any way to change the frequency a power can be used (like making an encounter power usable at-will)?

Not generally. Half-Elves have a Dilettente racial feature which lets them take another class's At-Will power as an Encounter power, and I think there's a Paragon or Epic feat which lets them use their Dilettente power at-will, but generally speaking there's no such option.
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48. does the ranger's hit and run power work like spring attack from 3rd edition (meaning, can you move, then attack, then move again)?

Just read what it says. A power that lets you do that either says shift, attack, and shift, or move, attack, and move, with the move not provoking an opportunity attack. There are lots of ranger powers that let you shift before or after an attack.

IIRC Spring Attack was a full-round action in 3e. In 4e, a power that lets you shift and then attack is a standard action, so you can still move away afterward. The Essentials melee ranger has stances that give free shifts and so let you replicate the effect.

Because full-round actions don't exist in 4e, you cannot literally replicate it. There are monsters with similar powers though, called Mobile Melee Attack, which is actually better because you still have a move action to play around with.

49. do all at-will powers increase in damage at level 21?

I haven't seen any that don't.

50. does prime shot affect all ranged powers?

Yes. It says ranged attacks without any additional restrictions. If you're multiclassed, or using a non-class power (such as throwing an axe as a ranged basic attack) Prime Shot still applies.

Note that it applies to both rangers and warlocks, despite one using ranged weapons and the other using spells.

51. is there any way to change the frequency a power can be used (like making an encounter power usable at-will)?

Not directly, but the demigod epic destiny causes you to recharge an encounter power whenever you have none left, so in effect you never have to use an at-will. This makes it one of the most popular EDs in the game.

The Fey Charge feat lets you not use up Fey Step if you hit with the attack. Power Strike is supposedly an encounter power, but you get more uses with levels. There's an item that lets you use a channel divinity more than once.

51. is there any way to change the frequency a power can be used (like making an encounter power usable at-will)?


No, the way 4e works this would be fundamentally broken. You can certainly buff up an at-will to some nasty degrees, and its a good way to optimize, but as a general rule, no. A half-elf dilettante can get an AT-WILL of another class as a 3rd at-will of their own, no boost in frequency from what the power was designed for. That guideline is pretty universally followed because there are some very nasty encounter powers. Demigod characters already leverage the 'always have an Encounter power' thing, but at least their Epic...

Dump stats KINDA don't exist in 4e. Most PCs are built around either 2 or possibly 3 key stats. A few characters are just built around ONE stat. Any given character will have one 8 or 10. For a given build there are TYPICAL stat allocations, so maybe a lot of fighters are kinda on the slow side. If I WANT to build a smart fighter though? I can do several things. I can build a Warlord, I can build a fighter that maybe knows ritual magic? I can just build a smart fighter! He'll probably have a bit lower dex than is ideal, maybe lose a point of Wis, he'll still do his job fine, and he can have some interesting skills. 4e is nice in that it doesn't lock you into things very much, and there are so many options that you can pretty much pick any stats and build a viable character that fits most backstories and concepts reasonably well. If you're willing to do some more serious reflavoring of game elements, then you can pretty much do anything you can dream up.


52. can intimidate be used to demoralize an opponent (like in 3e)?

53. with armor class and reflex defense being so similar, do we really need both?

54. can a two-weapon ranger use two-weapon fighting while wielding a two-handed weapon (by say, kicking for the secondary attack)?

55. what notable sacred cows from 3e were slain (i realize this could be a rather long list)?


52. can intimidate be used to demoralize an opponent (like in 3e)?

Yes, but only if they're bloodied, and there's a penalty if they're hostile (which is likely the case if you bloodied them or are in combat with them). It can't be used to eliminate a combat encounter.

53. with armor class and reflex defense being so similar, do we really need both?

If you're a heavily-armored character with low Dex/Int, there will be a significant difference. Clerics and paladins generally suffer from this, especially the former as they're not usually proficient with shields.

I killed a PC in my Dark Sun campaign due to this; he had high AC but low Reflex, being an armored shaman, and he got into a fight with a lightning drake. Sadly, the drake was roasting the entire party, and when the shaman fell they got around him in order to try to revive him (he was their only healer, so no ranged healing until he got up). He died due to failing death saves, and the other clustered PCs fell unconscious and were captured.

54. can a two-weapon ranger use two-weapon fighting while wielding a two-handed weapon (by say, kicking for the secondary attack)?

Do you mean the feat, or a power? In either case the answer is no. To use either you need to have a weapon in each hand, and holding a greatsword in two hands doesn't count.

55. what notable sacred cows from 3e were slain (i realize this could be a rather long list)?

Many. What in particular are you looking for? The definition of sacred cow varies from one person to another.
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