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Metahuman College-Issue one: College bound [IC]


First Post
James Dunbar, HP 5/5

Dark Nemesis said:
-James Dunbar
New York, New York
August 2, 2003


“Watch it!”

“Look out, you son of a-“

James rushed after Amelia, flying past other pedestrians in his pursuit. He never actually ran into any of them, but came close, prompting protests and curses from others as they tried to get away. Despite the commotion, Amelia never paused. She continued glide slowly down the street, looking around, intent on whatever it was that she was searching for. It did not take long for James to catch up with her. He could hear her mumbling quietly to herself, “-leave me alone, why won’t they just leave me alone?”

James paused mere feet from the strange apparition, his breath coming in shuddering gasps. He could hear the blood pounding in his ears as he reached out for the strange spectre.

"A...Amelia? It..it's James...can...can you hear me?"

James' voice cracked embarassingly on the final words as he tried to touch the ghostly form of his sister.

(OOC: If anyone tries to interfere with the crazy man talking to thin air at this point, they get an instinctive backhand (with Strike, stun damage) to the face and James won't even register their existence. Time to draw the attention of the bizarre and possibly dangerous figment to me, methinks!)

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First Post
Madison, Wisconsin
August 2, 2003

Cloud's opinion of Mr. Hansen's personality begins to sour the longer she is in his presence. She's not sure why, or how it relates to her fathers work. Just hope Dad doesn't suffer for their association, she thinks to herself.

Dark Nemesis said:
Conversation over dinner was dominated by Mr. Rice telling some work related anecdote, with Mrs. Rice and Mr. Hansen trying to pay attention, despite the fact that the story was a rather boring one. At last, her father finished his story, and Mrs. Rice spoke up. “Cloud, why don’t you tell your father about your day,” she prompted, trying to bring her daughter into the conversation.

Cloud jumps on her mother's cue, equally eager to change the subject.

"Oh yeah!" she says brightly. "I can't believe I didn't tell you already. I met with a representative of a private academy in Ireland. They're offering what could very well be a full-ride scholarship to me. I've started checking into the place and it looks wonderful. They've invited all of us out there for an open house next week...at their expense even!"


I aim to misbehave
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
August 2, 2003

Rich said:
“You think she was up to something? I hope not, man. That means we just let her get away. Then again, saving anyone trapped in there’s more important. Let’s go in.”

“Up to something? Man, I don’t know . . . I had this feeling – but I can never read women. And I agree, dealing wih this was more important, for now,” Marcus replied. After he spoke, Marcus concentrated and began to shrink, dropping in height until he was barely a foot in height. “I’ll take point.”

OOC: Activate Shrinking/Density Increase, Activate Flight and move into the area.


Rogue Warrior
Jonn Birkey (Rumble)

University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
August 2, 2003

Jonn looked back in the direction that Shannon had just left in. "Man, I hope she wasn't involved. Even if she was it's kind of too late now. Let's make sure no one gets hurt."

He stopped and looked around. It seemed kind of strange going into something like this without his costume, such as it was. He felt kind of dumb, but put his sunglasses on before following Marcus into the room.

"Okay Proton. Me and Tank are right behind you!"
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First Post
Maxwell Helmdig

Max finds a comfortable spot and takes a seat. "My story is pretty simple. I help people out when they need me. After everything settles down I stick around and help people rebuild their lives until someone else needs help. I guess you could say I'm a little bit of a trouble shooter. As far as the school goes, they contacted me and asked for a meeting tomorrow, but didn't give a lot of detail about what they wanted. Right now, you know as much about them as I do."

"How about you? What's it like where you're from, and what is this 'Affinity' you are running from?"

Dark Nemesis

First Post
-Mai Hoshiko
Aug. 2, 2003
Tokyo, Japan

It takes some time, but the girl’s wounds gradually disappear. Though she remains unconscious, she seems untroubled, as if she were only resting. The officer is rather stoic as Black Star heals him, and though the businessman flinches a little bit, he allows her to heal him. When it is done, they both thank her, before a few other officers escort them away to be interviewed and sent home.

The escorting officer, whose name badge reads ‘Tanaka’, watches quietly as Black Star heals the three wounded people. At her request, he nods slightly. “You may try, but be careful. We know nothing of the person who hijacked the train, except that they are able to control a strange black fire. He is in the train, but there are more passengers in there as well.”

-James Dunbar
New York, New York
August 2, 2003

When James called out her name, Amelia’s eyes went wide. She scanned the street, but her eyes did not stop on anyone in particular. At one point, her gaze passed over him, but it was as if she did not see him. “James. James?” She turned around slowly, looking around. “James? Where are you?”

His hand reached out, but he felt only air. However, when his hand passed through her ghostly form, it was as if he could see and hear through her senses. He saw an empty street; the pedestrians that he knew to be there had vanished. He could hear a steady beeping, which sounded like the noise that Amelia’s life support system back at the hospital. Faintly, he also heard voices, two people carrying on a conversation in the distance.

-Watching Cloud Rice
Madison, Wisconsin
August 2, 2003

“A private academy in Ireland? That’s great!” Cloud’s father grinned broadly at the news. He had not like the idea of Cloud taking a year off of school. “But why so far away?”

Marcus Stevens & Jonn Birkey
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
August 2, 2003

Tank grinned broadly at the sight of Marcus shrinking, but does not comment. As Marcus makes his way into the corridor, he falls into place behind him, looking around cautiously. “Which way first, man?”

After the three men step into the hallway, the door slid shut behind them. It was quiet, though Jonn thought he heard something tapping against one of the metal doors to the left.

-Max Helmdig
Aynor, South Carolina
Aug. 2, 2003

“It all sounds very mysterious,” Rinea said, after listening to his story. When he asked about her, she paused for a moment, thinking. At last, she spoke. “I am from the planet Duramnia, in the Davinia system. It was a small planet, but it was home. Not long ago, it was invaded by the Affinity, strange grey creatures. Though we tried to fight, we were overrun. They started to change our planet in some way, but my family tried to leave before we could learn how.”


First Post
James Dunbar, HP 5/5

Dark Nemesis said:
-James Dunbar
New York, New York
August 2, 2003

When James called out her name, Amelia’s eyes went wide. She scanned the street, but her eyes did not stop on anyone in particular. At one point, her gaze passed over him, but it was as if she did not see him. “James. James?” She turned around slowly, looking around. “James? Where are you?”

His hand reached out, but he felt only air. However, when his hand passed through her ghostly form, it was as if he could see and hear through her senses. He saw an empty street; the pedestrians that he knew to be there had vanished. He could hear a steady beeping, which sounded like the noise that Amelia’s life support system back at the hospital. Faintly, he also heard voices, two people carrying on a conversation in the distance.

"Amelia? You can hear me..but not see me? I'm right here, next to you..but I can see through you. You...you're...I...what do you remember? And..and...what are you doing? Are you looking for something..or going somewhere?"

James' usual terse speech was nowhere in evidence, replaced by hesitant ramblings quite unlike the normally taciturn young man. He touched Amelia again, trying to hear more of the conversation through her senses, hoping it would provide some clue to what was going on. His attention was entirely focused on the ghostly form of his sister, totally ignoring the other people in the street and the strange looks that some of them were undoubtedly giving him. With his other hand and without removing his eyes from Amelia he fumbled for his cell phone, considering calling the hospital and asking them what condition his sister was in..

(OOC: Listen +10 if it's relevant)
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First Post
Black Star smiles at the officer and bows slightly. "Thank you, officer Tanaka, both for your concern and your willingness to let me try to help," she says. A sparkling force field envelops her as she rises into the air, floating towards the train, making sure whoever the meta-human would notice her approaching, while trying to spot the man within the hijacked train.

Once close enough to be heard, she calls out, "Hello? My name is Black Star. May I come inside and speak with you?"


First Post
“A private academy in Ireland? That’s great!” Cloud’s father grinned broadly at the news. He had not like the idea of Cloud taking a year off of school. “But why so far away?”

"Well, they're the school offering me the full ride," she says. "There weren't exactly any schools nearby that were tripping over themselves to offer me scholarship money. And the more I think about it, the more appealing Ireland sounds anyway. I mean, I'll probably learn as much just from the experience of living in another country as I will attending classes. At least it's not like the University of Tehran or something.

"And it's really not all that much further away than if I were attending a school on the East or West coast. It's just a slightly longer plane flight with a quick detour through customs."


I aim to misbehave
Marcus Stevens (Proton) HPs: 5/5

University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
August 2, 2003

"Tank, Proton and Rumble," Marcus said as he laughed, "we ought to be on WWF or something. Sounds like we were meant to be together, though."

Marcus flew through the now open door and listened for any trouble or calls for help from the various rooms. He was slightly startled when the door sealed behind him, but was comfortable to have some allies with him.

As Marcus makes his way into the corridor, he falls into place behind him, looking around cautiously. “Which way first, man?”

"Don't know, I'm not hearing anything so I guess one door is as good as another. You got anything, Rumble?" Proton asked.

Voidrunner's Codex

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