Metamorphosis: From Dretch to Demon Lord - Ascension Released!


Oooh the juicy badness of fiendish politics!! Awesome update. Sad to see Pyrak go, but eager to see Hezergal realize more of his 'potenial'. :eek:

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Kalanyr said:
Amazing. Not sure if you want errors pointed out but " A single word, and ancient and terrible word, spewed forth from Heskara’s mouth amid the crackling hell of powerful magic " doesn't make sense should probably be "an ancient and terrible word,". I'll edit this out when you reply.

Sheesh, you make one typo... :p

Yeah, good catch. That should read "an ancient and terrible word"

Thanks for reading,

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Hey all,

Just wanted to say thanks for hanging in there, and I hope the last installment didn't dissapoint.

I really dig all the speculation you guys do, it actually helps me write the story. Often times one of you wil post something, a prediction or idea, that I hadn't considered, and I'll end up uisng that rather than what I had originally intended.

So, it looks like most of you think Heskara is going to open up a kingsize can of whupass on ol' Hedrenatherax. Hmm... just have to wait and see. :)



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Gemnez watched these startling events from behind his pillar, scarcely able to believe what he was seeing. This day had ever loomed upon the rogue baatezu’s horizon, the day that Pyrak was cast down and all he had accomplished dashed to ruin. All Gemnez himself had accomplished would be in jeopardy should this nefarious event come to pass, but he could not intervene. A hundred times he could have crushed Hedrenatherax, he was far more powerful than the balor or even Pyrak himself suspected, but he was not here to rule. To remain neutral, to watch and encourage the growth of something monumental, that was his duty.

I must confess myself confused by Gemnez's motivations here. Once the nycaloths were dispatched, what was preventing him from interfering in the battle? He could have easily ensured Pyrak's victory, with considerable benefits to himself, and there would have been no witnesses left to report that he'd been personally involved in the battle. And as he's a traitor to his race, it's not as if he'd be disobeying any externally imposed rules. So why didn't he just stomp Hedrenatherax flat?


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Fimmtiu said:
I must confess myself confused by Gemnez's motivations here. Once the nycaloths were dispatched, what was preventing him from interfering in the battle? He could have easily ensured Pyrak's victory, with considerable benefits to himself, and there would have been no witnesses left to report that he'd been personally involved in the battle. And as he's a traitor to his race, it's not as if he'd be disobeying any externally imposed rules. So why didn't he just stomp Hedrenatherax flat?

I don't think it would go over well with the other demon lords if a _devil_ was ruling a layer of the abyss :)

Also, pyrak needed to die, so there could be someone weaker on the throne when hazergal decided to take it.

he was far more powerful than the balor or even Pyrak himself suspected, but he was not here to rule. To remain neutral, to watch and encourage the growth of something monumental, that was his duty.

Maybe devils can't change? Maybe, like celestials, they cannot change from what they were originally created to do. It was not Gemnez' purpose to rule a layer of the abyss, and so he didn't seize the chance when the opportunity presented itself. (remember, this only applies to this story hour. It completely contradicts sep's :))
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So, it looks like most of you think Heskara is going to open up a kingsize can of whupass on ol' Hedrenatherax. Hmm... just have to wait and see. :)

Actually I'm not expecting her to beat Hedrenatherax. I'd prefer her to, just like I wanted Pyrak to, but I didn't expect that to occur either. From a story perspective, I think you will be letting Pyrak's killer (however unworthy he may be - and perhaps because he is unworthy) take over his throne for the time being. That's my guess. Of course, I could be misjudging your plans, in which case - go, Heskara!


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MEH! Updates Rock! Thanks, Dirge!

Oh, I think the snake lady is gonna have some butt-kicking to perform. I mean, she didn't use all those buff spells for nothing...

Good story hour. I like the new fresh aspect of it all. Nobody has demons as their heroes. I do have one little problem though. I didn't think the "dream scenes" fit very well. How could he talk to his future self? and the chanting of his name? I do like how you worked towards it though. Having his memory fail him. I also wonder if he'll run it anyone that he used to know "back on the prime". He probebly killed and wronged a lot of people.


I don't think that Gemnez is quite the renegade he's made out to be. It strikes me that his loyalty is still with Baator and this is all some long-running plot of the devils.

Voidrunner's Codex

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