Metamorphosis: From Dretch to Demon Lord - Ascension Released!


First Post
Awesome post, Blackdirge. I think the best part, outside of the writing, was that winamp happened to cycle onto the theme to "Requiem for a Dream" at a perfectly appropriate moment. It was really cool. Keep up the good work, this is top-notch stuff.


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Imperial Mountain Dew Taster

Krellic said:
I don't think that Gemnez is quite the renegade he's made out to be. It strikes me that his loyalty is still with Baator and this is all some long-running plot of the devils.

I think this idea has merit Krellic, I certainly never considered it, but maybe I have been as spectacularly fooled as everyone else in the SH :) I kinda thought that Blackdirge was playing with the natures of fiends, you have a rogue Baatezu, and the lawful-tendency Tanar'ri that he works for, not to mention Grimclaw and perhaps even Heskara's...lawful tendencies.


I wish there was some way to quickly note how many total updates (as opposed to bumps and soda-related poetry) are in a thread. Here I thought I'd get a lot of good material with which to avoid work, since I haven't visited the thread in six months or so, and there were only 3-4 (albeit very good) updates...

This one is definitely on my "revisit twice a year" list. I look forward to seeing what happens.



Lazybones said:
I wish there was some way to quickly note how many total updates (as opposed to bumps and soda-related poetry) are in a thread. Here I thought I'd get a lot of good material with which to avoid work, since I haven't visited the thread in six months or so, and there were only 3-4 (albeit very good) updates...

This one is definitely on my "revisit twice a year" list. I look forward to seeing what happens.


Yeah, I hear you. There is no doubt that I need to update more. All I can say is thanks for staying with me, and I will do my best to update on a more frequent basis.


Voidrunner's Codex

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