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Middle Earth D20 Conversion


What? Me Worry?
Yes, please take what I'm saying in as friendly a tone as possible.

We welcome content for the Middle Earth d20 site. What I hope is that we end up with a range of material that can appeal to any taste. If anyone dislikes something on the site, and feels they have a better way - please write it up and contribute! As I said above, even if you feel that no changes are necessary to the D&D system, write an essay exploring that, and send it to us or post it here. I sincerely want to see such material posted.

What I'm personally going to do is contribute stuff to fill in the blank spots on the site. Characters and items are at the top of my "to do" list, and I have a number of character write ups that I'm in the process of finishing; with luck I'll be able to send them to Palcadon tomorrow (3/3) to post.

But that doesn't mean that my versions of the characters and items are the only ones - I was hoping to see more write ups, and I was glad to see Gru's posted.

Speaking of which, we'd like the characters statted up more completely so we can post 'em. Check out the examples I wrote that are on the site, which are of Gandalf the Grey and Aragorn. That level of detail is what we are looking for. I haven't fully equipped them, but have mentioned their most important items (I do intend, however, to fully equip them once I get all the characters I'm going to do written up, and probably include the Defense Bonus stats discussed in the conversion docs; Vitality and Wound points, which I've mentioned as a good addition to Middle Earth d20, are easy to figure without me actually writing them down).

I want to stress that this is a site for the fans, by the fans. We aren't putting stuff up and saying "this is the only way to do this!" This site should be a clearing house for material that suits anyone and everyone, and which can be picked over like a menu, with everybody choosing to use what works for them and leaving the rest - and contributing material when they see a niche that needs filled.

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First Post
I would like to add to Colonel Hardisson's post.

When one reads Tolkien, they take away different views of Middle Earth and the characters within. When one plays a session of D&D one has a different view of the scenario that the DM is trying to present. This is the way the imagination works, no two imaginations are alike.

The material presented on the site is a conglomeration of each Tolkien fans perception of Middle Earth. You will find different versions of the same characters and places as the site grows. The DM will take or make the version that suits his campaign and use it.

One type of contribution that I look forward to seeing the most is campaign journals. Derek 'GruTheWanderer' has submitted the first of these. As you take or make your conversion material, I would like to see what has worked and what hasn't in your campaign. This is the only true test of our project.

I am in no way stating that discussion of how characters and mechanics are represented isn't right. This is one way of spurring creative juices. Something you hadn't thought about may be layed out right in front of you here.

Please take what you want to the table. Weather this is your creation or something you have found on the site. When it has been played bring it back to us and let everyone know how it fared. Then each can adjust and combine to fit their campaign style.

As I have often said to Colonel Hardisson, ' This is a work in progress'. I hope it remains that way for a long time.


A tad OT....

This is a tad off topic, but I was looking online and I found a rather interesting essay on Tolkien. It was written by some college guy who had to analyze Tolkien's LOTR for a course. In it, he "discovered" that Lord of the Rings is a representation of WW2. It was very interesting! Sauron was the Nazis, the hobbits were the british, the elves were the swedes.... all in all, pretty interesting. This post does have a point tho. I agree whole-heartedly that ME always has different perceptions by different people. While I may not agree that LOTR has ANYTHING to do with WW2, we must still respect each others interpretations.


First Post
Greetings and "Aeglos" conversion

I am new at this forum and as I suppose I used to play MERP old game from ICE as many of you. I have converted the famous spear from Gil-Galad only paying a slight look at ICE stats of that weapon so I finally adapted it only taking a partial inspiration from it. Here it is. I posted it already in the Yahoo forum, but I would like that you send me your opinion of it:

Spear of size change(*) +15
Frost Brand & Icy Burst
Ghost Touch (on command)

(*): may become a short or long version of the weapon
on command. The size change effect or power counts as
a free action.

For many of you it may appear as an over-powerful weapon. In other conversions I have made I have adapted some enemies weapon even more powerful than this one.I think a canpaign as ME should be strongly recommended to have a powerful magic background, at least that's my point of view.
But, anyway, this is not a weapon PC'S could easyly get.
Please, write back and let me know what you think.
Another thing: Las t Monday I was checking www.d20reviews.com when I discovered the site this web had created with ME D&D3rd Ed. d20 conversion. I thouhgt i had touched Heaven. This is a great initiative that many fans have been waiting for so long. Thanks a billion to those ones that made it possible.


First Post
Alternative to ECLs

I asked my four players to look at three sets of ME racial bonuses (Colonel's, Wolfspider's, and mine). By and large they don't like the idea of sacrificing class levels to play any of the elves.

I prefer not to use ECLs, instead I adjust the points a player uses to create their character with based on race. I use the alternative point buy system in the DMG. I allow normal PHB races 32 points for my campaigns. For Middle Earth Elves I use the following:

Silvan: +2 DEX, +2 WIS, +2 CHA (25 pts)

Sindar: +2 DEX, +2 INT, +2 CHA (25 pts)

Nolder: +2 STR, +2 DEX, +2 WIS, +2I NT, +4 CHA (20 pts)


First Post
I noticed in the conversion rules for changing moneys from D&D to ME that Electrum pieces are said to be the equivalent of Tin pieces... why such a disparity in value (Electrum is a gold/silver alloy, much more valuble than tin)? Or was this just a typo?


First Post
Pale said:
I noticed in the conversion rules for changing moneys from D&D to ME that Electrum pieces are said to be the equivalent of Tin pieces... why such a disparity in value (Electrum is a gold/silver alloy, much more valuble than tin)? Or was this just a typo?

I have notified Scott of your question and hope for a return soon.

Thanks for your eagle eye and the notification.


Red Baron

First Post
Hi Pale.

Actually, those "conversion" values are not at all intended to represent the relative value of the coins themselves -- it is simply the number of said coins that might be found in one location if you were, say, translating an older D&D module to be used in M-E.

In AD&D, ep and pp were the rarest coins (i.e., least often found in hoards), and these relate in terms of frequency/rarity, but not monetary value, to tp and gp in my version of the game.

My intention is noted in the subtitle where it says "for altering treasure troves, etc." -- probably the title of that section shouldn't be 'Coinage Equivalencies,' however. That's a bit misleading... Sorry for any confusion.
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So, what does everyone think of Alignment in Middle Earth? Should this mechanic be used, modified, or abandoned? I've been thinking of coming up with something called "Allegience," but I haven't quite got my ideas straight on that.

Any comments?

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