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Midnight: A Lost Faith's Shadow. Book 1, The Awakening. Ch. 5, The Darkening Wood


Kaela can't help but cry out when Aislinn's voice is heard. Shutting her mind to the sound of the otherwordly voice, she turns to where Starhl and Wolf face off against the invisible traitor. At least, I hope she's there...

Her expression dark, the young enchantress tries once again to pummel her foes into sleep with a heavy blanket of magic.

ooc: Try to hit the area Cyz might be in while avoiding my buddies. If I can hit Cyz + others, that would be super. Deep Slumber will affect 10HD, save DC is 17.

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Mardo's skin crawls as the bodies on the rubble-strewn ground begin to stir. Standing over the Caransil archer, Mardo grits his teeth at the job he must do. Squatting down, the Gnome slices, hacks, and saws as quickly as he can at the Elf's neck, removing the head of the once beautiful Caransil from the body of the corpse. The body quivers once, then holds still.
OOC: Mardo took out the Caransil Fell.

Nearby, the Erunsil warrior, Cerendil, Ibor, and Fallax all sit up, shocked looks on their faces, not quite taking in what has happened to them. Kaela takes little notice of the risen dead, instead focusing her energy on Cyz. Calling Aryth's eldritch energy, Kaela feels the power flow from her fingertips...only to be ripped from her body. Her eyes wide in shock, her spell goes for naught. Her eyes are drawn to the swirling pool of blackness where the altar once stood, its blackness stealing light, sound, and...magic.

Above Aislinn's crumpled form, the darkness shimmers and flickers. A scream of rage erupts as Cyz is revealed, the magic cloaking her stolen by the pool of shimmering darkness. She swoops low, grabbing at Aislinn. From out of the darkness an obsidian blade is launched to strike the demoness. She screams in pain as the blade pierces her perfect flesh, her blood smoking as it strikes the ground. At the edge of the forest stands Thune, the Widowmaker, bloodied and torn.

Above the swirling pool of darkness, a green mist begins to coalesce. Within, a humaniod form stirs. Female, but indistinct. A woman's voice, sad, tired, rings throughout the glade, its language ancient but understandable. My children...I have awoken from my slumber. A slumber so long after a fall so far...even I have forgotten my own name. Who am I? What have I become?


Starhl charges at the figure and swings his sword at it. "Be gone back to the hell where you came from!" the barbarian shouts, charging in.

Rage: To hit: +13 Damage: 2d6+10 19-20/x2, flanking. HP: 45+10(rage bonus)-6-10-12=27


Herger is completely shocked at what is happening around them. The enemies that had been put down are now rising. Taking a queue from the gnome, he looks to the most helpless fell in an attempt to dwindle their numbers before they realize what has happened.

coup de grace if still possible.

if not...

Power Attack Greataxe +10 (3d6 + 13, x3) (+5 BAB, +5 St, +1 WF, +1 Dorn melee 2handed, +2 flanking, -2 power attack, +2 dmg (weapon specialization), +7 damage (strength, x1.5 for 2-handed weapon), +4 damage (+2 from power attack x2 for 2-handed weapon))

WIth the chaos continuing to erupt around them, Valurel redoubles his efforts to reach Aislinn, while avoiding any attacks sent his way by any of the rising Fell or other unseen enemies.


Mardo stays close to Herger's side, distracting the undead foes as the giant's axe cuts them down.

OOC: When Herger faces a foe, Mardo is going to concentrate on protecting him by using Aid Another to provide him with +2 AC.


Kaela sees Valurel run toward where Aislinn lies still and decides to follow, her heart aching with the fear that she might be dead after all they have been through to find her. "Little Sister! We are coming!" As she runs, her hand seeks out the slim dagger she carries in her smock.

ooc: Follow Valurel, with similar avoidance tactics.

Thornir Alekeg

As the demonic Cyz drops from the Widowmakers blow, Lodric looks about in confusion. While his arcane insight allows him to know exactly when and where to strike a foe, it cannot help him understand who is a danger. As Fallax, Ibor, and Cerendil rise as what he assumes are Fell, he looks over at Kaela and Valurel, sure he saw them take fatal blows as well. Are they Fell now as well?

Unsure, he drops into a defensive crouch and waits.


First Post
Herger and Mardo scan the ground for Fell. Nearby, an undead Ibor moans as he slowly tries to stand. Herger strides over, his axe raised. The steel of the axe sings as it descends with incredible force, splattering gore across the ground. Ibor's body twitches once and lies still forever.
OOC: Herger finished off Ibor.

While Herger finishes off Ibor, Mardo's eyes dart across the glade open for any threat. His eyes finally catch Cerendil as Cerendil raises his hands in an arcane gesture. The air shimmers as a spell is cast...but its arcane energies are sucked in the pool of shimmering blackness. Cerendil hisses in fury and frustration.
OOC: The undead Cerendil tried to catch Mardo with a spell, but the spell was disrupted by the pool of darkness.

Anxiety rises in Lodric. Their enemies arise as Fell. Are their fallen comrades doing the same? And now the Widowmaker has returned. As friend or foe? Nearby, Fallax arises, only to look at Herger in fear and scramble off into the dark woods. Near Starhl, the Erunsil stands, weeping, realizing her horrible fate.

Valurel scrambles up the weathered stone, grabbing at the ragged bundle that is Aislinn. The weathered stone crumbling beneath his weight, Valurel slides back down the stone to land hard on the rubble-strewn ground. Trying to right himself, a rush of wings alerts him to danger above. Didn't I already kill you, Elf? Looking up, Valurel shields Aislinn as the demoness descends, dripping crimson, burning blood. Then, Kaela is there. Diminutive Kaela, her slight form swinging a dagger to keep Cyz at bay. Her dagger narrowly misses. Cyz screeches in delight as she descends on the overmatched witch. As Cyz reaches out for Kaela, she is hit with incredible force. Thune stands next to Kaela, a heavy obsidian long-knife in his hand, its blade buried in Cyz's belly. The demoness screams before ascending in a skyward arc to be lost in the darkness above.

Valurel and Kaela: [sblock]Kaela and Thune catch eyes once, before both look down at their quarry: the emaciated Aislinn lying in a bundle of rags in Valurel's arms. No longer does handsome beauty and Dornish strength run in Aislinn. Her limbs are emaciated, white, and veined with thick, purple striations. Kaela kneels and calls to the girl. Aislinn shifts slightly at Kaela's voice, and begins to sob, her body wracked by horrific torment. Don't see me sister...don't see me... Kaela shushes the young girl, and runs her hand through her hair to remove it from her face. Valurel and Kaela stiffen in shock and horror. The mighty Thune even steps back. Aislinn's eyes...are gone. Open wounds gape at the Heroes, leaking viscous body fluids. Her lips are cracked and dry, her skin raw and bleeding. Aislinn weakly swipes her hair across her face again to hide her features. Valurel's heart rests on Aislinn's cold chest. No pulse can be found. Don't see me...the blessing of the Goddess...don't you see...I am dead![/sblock]

Starhl and the Wolf spy the figure in the mist, its indistinct form that of a lithely built, athletic woman. Long hair swirls in the mist. Unearthly beauty. Stahrl, cheated and tricked by the dark agents of Shadow, will have none of it. Better to die fighting that be tricked by a minion of evil. Swing his sword through the mist, the figure inside stiffens and screams in pain. And sobs. Why...why do you attack me my child? I am lost...but I am here to help you against the darkness! Please...[sblock] The mist parts in front of Starhl and the figure is revealed. Gone is the beauty cloaked by the green mist above the dark pool, but the ruinous figure of a once beautiful woman. The figure stoops as Starhl screams in horror as a withered hand reaches out. My child...receive my blessing. I forgive you. The hand lightly touches Starhl's chest.
OOC: I need a Fortitude save for Starhl.[/sblock]

Starhl's scream of horror rips through the glade. Aislinn screams in turn. She is here! Aieee!


Seeing Cerendil's efforts thwarted, Mardo looks about to see what may have saved him from an arcane assault. For the first time he notices the strange winged creature in the air, threatening his new friends. Seeing Kaela's brave actions, Mardo turns his attention back to Cerendil. "Your friends are fleeing or dropping like orcs in the woods, Cerendil."

Mardo approaches Cerendil and carries his dagger like he's presenting it to a wealthy customer, making sure that the gore of the caransil's blood is clearly visible to the sorcerer before him. "Now of course you understand that the screams from around us mean that the tide is turning in our favor, and that the massive axe behind me is going to meet with your heart only moments after your blood is mixed with what the Fell elf left on this exquisite blade. But you have a choice, now that your life has ended and the long suffering of madness has begun. Turn against our enemies. Throw yourself at them and have mercy on your own future. Accept a destruction that at least helps serve the living."

Mardo, now getting much closer to Cerendil, breaks his expression of dire warning with a wicked, toothy smile that spreads his blocky, black mustache across his face. "Or of course, you could face the giant with my dagger in your throat and know that your death served as little purpose as your life."

OOC: This is probably a Diplomacy check (+12), but it could be ruled to be an Intimidate (+8). Mardo's AC vs. Cerendil is 16.

Voidrunner's Codex

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