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Midnight: A Lost Faith's Shadow. Book 1, The Awakening. Chapter 3, Baden's Bluff


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Arc of Zimra, Day 13 LA 99

Pausing in the late afternoon sun, his gnarled hands stretching a heavy net on the dock, the fisherman Ebil felt a shiver run down his back. Above, seagulls flocked and shrieked, fighting over the entrails of the fish Ebil had just cleaned. The stench of fish and tar wafted across the docks with the hot wind of late summer. Ebil's eyes scanned the rotting docks with its unkempt hanging nets and innumerable small fishing boats. Many fishermen were returning from their work on the Pellurian Sea, sullenly glaring at the human tithemasters waiting to collect their bounty on the docks. Ebil had seen this scence uncountable times before, but tonight something was different. Something dangerours stalked the docks. Without meeting eye contact, Ebil eyed the Shadow warriors: Blood Mother orcs with elaborate tattoos, mohawk-shaved heads, and cruel vardatches. Frightening and cruel, Ebil had lived with them all his life. No, something else was different. No. Wait. There! An orc. Tall and rangily built, and guiding a small skiff with a pushpole, no less. Not a Blood Mother, either. Even the other orcs on the docks moved away when the other orc passed by. Dressed in dark leather with a its long, black hair tied in a topknot, the large orc was looking for something. No, not looking. Hunting. Momentarily Ebil's eyes made contact with the orc's black orbs. Again, Ebil's blood ran cold. The eyes were not those of a mindless orc. Instead, they held a calculating, cold intelligence. This creature was more dangerous than any orc Ebil had ever before seen in Baden's Bluff.

The small skiffs skimmed the dark waters under cover of night. The hot wind of Zimra still blew, even at this late hour. Ahead, the rocky promontory of the Erenlander city of Baden's Bluff crouched darkly against the blue-black night sky. The journey across the Pelluria had taken almost thirty days. Bardin had made sure the Heroes were active, helping the other gnomes and the Erenlander Geoffrey maintain the barge. Little did they see in their journey, actively avoiding islands and other ships to maintain their secrecy as well as avoid any hidden dangers.

Now, only miles away from the Pellurian city, the barge was held fast in deeper water and out of sight of the shore as the Heroes were rowed toward the northeastern docks of Baden's Bluff. The Worm Docks, as Geoffrey called them. Almost two miles of rotting docks, stinking nets, dank alleyways, and dilapidated warehouses, taverns, and homes, all crowded together as if seeking refuge from the Shadow. Tonight the Heroes would enter Baden's Bluff while Bardin and Geoffrey would continue west along the southern coast of the Pelluria before returning north before the coming of winter.

The small skiffs pulled in next to the cliffside shores, lurking in the shadows out of site of the lights gleaming from windows in houses and taverns along the docks not more than one hundred feet away. Above and to the south, the city of Baden's Bluff climbed from the seaside docks around the hill and bluff from which the city got its name, lights gleaming and sparkling in the warm air.

Quickly. Geoffrey hissed. Fell lurk in these waters. We cannot stay here long. Hidden under the water not more than a foot is an old stone quay, now sunken and long fogotten. Hold to it straight to the Worm Docks. But be swift, else the dark things in the water will claim you. See the tavern with its bright lights? Follow the alleyway to its left. It is narrow and treacherous, but help can be found there. Don't worry about orcs, they fear the fell that sometimes walk the docks as well.

Bardin reaches out, clasping each Heroes hand, but lingering long with Kaela's. I wish our parting did not leave behind such unknowns. Unfortunately, my crew is accounted for and I cannot have Geoffrey quide you into the city. The punishment for missing crewmembers is swift and harsh. The gray-haired gnomes winces in the dark. May Aryth herself bless you all and the child that you protect. Go! Now! With that, Geoffrey steps from the skiff into the water and onto the invisible, submerged quay, his hands held out to assist others.
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Thornir Alekeg

Riding in the skiff, the almost relaxed feeling Lodric had during the routine days upon the barge quickly fades.

Lodric shakes Bardin's hand. You and Geoffrey, and all your crew have our deepest appreciation for your assistance. Can you give us some indication as to what or who we should expect down that alley? It has to have been at least an arc since you have had contact here. In that time things may have changed without your knowledge. Whoever we meet will have no reason to trust us, but I hesitate to reveal your assistance to gain their trust unless I can be reasonably assured that we are dealing with the correct people. Is there another, safer means by which we can identify ourselves and begin the inevitable dance needed to measure the trustworthiness of each other?


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Geoffrey reaches for Lodric, assistant him onto the submerged quay. The footing is stable. The quay is covered with shellfish and sediment. Geoffrey continues to help the others as he whispers to Lodric. The alley is a contact point for the insurgency. Strangers such as you will be easy to spot for them. Look for friends were you least expect. And show them this. Geoffrey holds forth to Lodric the shell of a small, brown, freshwater clam. These are only found in the Ishensa. The resistance will know you have been ferried to them by the Blue Sky Traders.


The gratitude in Kaela's eyes is clear even in the dark. "Thank you for all your help, my friend. I know we handled things poorly back at the warehouses." She blushes slightly. "You saved us, and in turn saved Aislinn." She leans close and kisses the gnome lightly on the cheek before turning and lowering herself into the water. Helping Aislinn down, she whispers a quiet warning as to the footing and holds the girl close.


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The gray-haired gnomes is silent after Kaela's kiss. The darkness does not betray his emotion, but his strangely-tender voice does. In my heart, I do not know if this girl is tied in any way to our struggle. But, to live with doubt, that I did not do all I could for her...what if she is special? Not to mention, I could not deny any of you my support when you succeeded in making it into the Blue Sky Traders. My fortune smile on you...on all of us.


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With a swift goodbye, Bardin and Geoffrey and the accompanying gnomes move the skiffs toward the horizon, slowly dissappearing into the darkness. The Heroes waste little time on the submerged stone quay and move west toward the piers. All about, the black water of the Pelluria swirls with hidden menace as hideous thoughts cross the Heroes' minds. Channels cut into the stone bluff on their left also seem to hold hidden menace. Still, the submerged quay provides easy footing, covered in sand and shellfish. At its end, the Heroes stand just under the wharves at the water's edge. Above, dank alleyways run between dilapidated warehouses, taverns, and homes; the larger streets have lights, but alleys are dangerously dark. To the north, the docks and wharves stretch off into the dark, fishing boats bobbing on the night sea and the wind whistling through fishing nets hung on rails.

With Starhl's and Lodric's assistance, Herger heaves himself onto the pier above and assists the others up. The sounds of the city are muted by the warm night wind, but conversations, shouts, and soft music drift on the night wind to the Heroes' ears. The smell of tar and fish on the piers mingle with the smells of cooked meals and human refuse from the city above. In the darkness, the harsh laughter of orcs reminds the Heroes that Baden's Bluff is still tightly in the grip of the Shadow.

Moving into the dark alley as Bardin directed, the Heroes lose themselves in the darkness. Two-story homes, most likely those of fishermen, crowd around the Heroes. Moving slowly to avoid hidden obstacles and hidden knives in the dark, the Heroes are suddenly startled by a flash of white in an alcove. A tall woman, dressed in dark leather, her face and hands a silky white steps out. The minute amount of light in the alley glints off her full, red lips.Well, well, well. You certainly aren't my usual clients. Two big men - no, one big man and one really big man. I think I might have something you want. And a beautiful young woman. I service woman as well. So, anyone looking for a good time?


Kaela's eyes narrow as she bites back the refusal that comes to mind. This is no Dorn, she thinks. I know not the ways of these people. She waits for Lodric to act, holding Aislinn close. Maybe he can show the shell in a discrete way...

Valurel raises his eyebrows in surprise upon seeing the woman and hearing her speak. Unsure how to proceed, or what to say, he keeps his mouth shut and tries to shrink back deeper into the shadows of the alley. He hopes that someone knows how to answer this woman without getting them all into trouble...

Thornir Alekeg

Lodric steps forward with just a hint of timidity and hesitation. Good times are difficult to find in these dark days. When someone suggested we turn down here, I did not realize we might find such a lovely woman to offer us comfort. My friends and I travel together and I'm not sure if we have anything we could exchange for your ministrations, let me see... Lodric begins patting pockets pulling things out for a moment so they can be seen by the woman briefly; a candle stub, the clamshell, a small bit of soap. Alas, it appears we have little to offer.


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The woman's full red lips part in a big smile, her white teeth flashing in the darkness. My, you are new to these parts, aren't you? She laughs lightly, but without warmth. Small tokens will not buy any of my charms, stranger. But, I think you might possess something others in the city may be interested in. Still, this is awkward isn't it? I don't even know your names or what pleasures you seek. Come now, don't be shy. What are your names? The tall woman places her cool hand on Lodric's shoulder seductively before nestling up to Herger, her attractive gaze fixed on Starhl. Strong, brave men have many tales to tell. Her seductive gaze travels up and down Kaela's lithe body approvingly. And strong women, too. Tell me your tale so I know better with whom you may wish to speak. And after that...well, I can offer companionship and pleasure if you wish.

Voidrunner's Codex

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