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Midnight: A Lost Faith's Shadow. Book 1, The Awakening. Chapter 3, Baden's Bluff


Kaela is weak. It is clear that she is losing her ability to focus on the conversation, especially once she notices Aislinn is prone on the floor. Every ounce of her energy goes into her concern for the Hope. Tears start to run down her face as she reaches up to feel her head as Herger cradles her. "Dearest, speak to me." She looks to her neck where the infection had taken hold of her before.

ooc:Heal +8, what the heck is wrong with her now?!?

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Frustration and weariness overcoming him, Valurel moves into the light where the six Erenlanders can get a good look at him. "Enough talk! My friends might be dying," he hisses, nodding towards Aislinn and Kaela. "Take us somewhere safe, where they can be tended to." He then turns to the one who hit Brach. "Any further violence against my friends, including him," he says with a glance at Brach, "will be answered." He drops into a crouch, flashing his claws for emphasis. "Now, show us to safety!"


Starhl grits his teeth, looking at the ailing Aislinn in despair, aware that his sword is useless. The barbarian warrior shows his weapons wordlessly, his eyes flittering to these 'allies'.


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OOC: OK, vacation is over and I have a decent internet connection once again! Thanks for being patient!

Kaela has little time to inspect the young girl Aislinn before she is swept up by Herger. However, the young Dorn does not answer Kaela's questions, but only mumbles feebly in her fever. Walking next to Herger, Kaela inspects the back of Aislinn's neck and finds the cyst once again swollen and diseased. Quickly running her hands across the girl's body, she finds three other cysts as well, swollen with infection.

As the Heroes pass through the tunnels with their new companions, the masked man who assaulted Bach Bran earlier glares at Herger and Valurel, but keeps his weapons somewhat lowered, obviously cowed by the huge northman and wild elf. The young fool would bring the entire Shadow's garrison down on our heads! You have yet to prove that he, as well as us, risking our lives for yours will weaken the Shadow's hold on our country, family,...friends. Bach is a blind fool that does not realize the Shadow can cloak traitors in the guise of friends. Bah! The Erenlander forces the pace, unwilling to talk further.

Herger notices that the apparent leader of the group, calm and composed, keeps his intense and stern eyes focused on the other masked man, but again says nothing. When the other stops speaking, the Erenlander turns his grey eyes toward Herger, eyes that seem so familiar. Jodya works with us, although we tend to keep our distance. We will see if we can find her and corraborate your story. I would not worry about her. Fell will leave her alone, since she is Fell herself. The faintest trace of a smile is disguised under his cloth mask.

Stooping and oftentimes crouching in the narrow confines of the tunnel, the Heroes move quickly. Cross-tunnels pass occassionally. At times, the tunnel runs into sewer channels, open grates above filtering torchlight into the dark tunnel. At these times the insurgence stress silence with the orc fists above. Fallax clings to Kaela, a shadow she cannot shake. Next to Starhl pads the Wolf, keeping as much distance between herself and the others. The narrow, arched stone tunnel the Heroes follow eventually narrows to a small culvert, preventing further progress. The leader of the insurgents knock on the stone wall. In response, the wall rotates slowly open. The Heroes squeeze through, with considerable effort from Herger, pass up a small flight of stone steps and into a small room with masonry stone walls. The walls are lined with candles that provide a feeble light. A single unmasked Erenlander with a long sword stands ready in the room. The room is also furnished with several benches, cots, and a table with mugs, cheese, and bread. A single barred door is the only means of egress.

Once within the room, the insurgents remove their masks and cast back their hoods. The leader nods to the Erenlander in the room who lowers his blade. Turning back to the Heroes, long brown hair and beard covering his familiar face, the Erenlander nods. My name is Murdoch, leader of this cell. This Murdoch nods to the abusive Erenlander, a long scar running down his beardless face, is Ibor. Despite his abusive nature, his hatred towards the Shadow is sincere. If he wishes to harm Bran further, he will have to cross blades with me. Murdoch's eyes blaze dangerously, as Ibor scowls at the Heroes as he sits on the table. The others are Red Hafgan, a tall, bald Dorn nods solemnly, and Bowen the Gentle, a pretty, dark-haired woman smiles pleasantly at the Heroes, and Ensin, Jewl, and Rul. Three Erenlanders all nod, two men and one woman.

Murdoch sweeps his arm around the room, Our group is small, but efficient. We are in a safe house on the Worm Docks, close to richer structures in Baden's Bluff. We have not much, but any hindrance we can give to the Shadow's war machine is a feast to us. We have food and drink for you. But, before that, we have pressing business. First, Ensin, send word to our associates. Find the White Whore Jodya and get her story about these strangers tonight. Ensin nods, dons his mask and hood, and slips down the steps into the sewers. Secondly, it now time for you to tell us your story. I have not seen such a motley crew in all my time in the insurgency. A snow elf so far from his frozen wood. Two northmen, one a giant among men, the other a wolf-brother. An Erenlander who seems more comfortable with his fists than a blade. A young woman whose heart is stronger than her body. The old man, a former scholar I believe? And an ill young girl you all seem so protective of. The Shadow is after you that is obvious, or at least one of you. We have many resources at our disposal. You will find no better help in all the Northlands or Erenland, except the Elven homeland of the west. Tell us your story and validate any potential sacrifice we have made for you!


"You used to the city yet, Wolfie?" Starhl says to his constant companion, whom he is closer to than anything else in the world.

When Murdoch speaks, Starhl can only growl. "The White Whore? Hah. Who next are our allies? The brown gnome? I shall let others tell the tale. To me, there is the enemy, who must be defeated. Our past does not matter; only what lies ahead."


Kaela smiles softly at Starhl's gruff words and speaks wearily.

"My friend speaks his heart, as always. He is a weapon against the Shadow, have no doubt of that." She reaches out and lays a hand on his broad shoulder.

"But pressing matters are at hand. Our charge, Asilinn of Caft, is ill and needs a warm place to stay. She is overcome with infection, and I need to see to her. You have done much for us already..." at this point she looks at Bran with genuine thanks, "...but I fear we must ask for more. Give me time to see to the health of my people and I will gladly share our story. You can see we are no threat to those who would stand against the Shadow."

ooc: Diplomacy +11 if needed. Sorry about the delay- busy weekend!

Valurel once again remains silent as introductions are made, preferring to allow those more versed in diplomacy do the talking. He remains alert for possible trouble at all times while listening to the conversation around him.


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The Wolf looks up Starhl expectantly, but settles down once she realizes the Heroes are not moving. Murdoch looks at Kaela and Starhl with a gaze both swear they have seen before. An obviously patient man, Murdoch nods once at Kaela. Bowen. Help these folk settle themselves. Some are wounded, despite standing. Maybe a little hospitality with assay their fears and concerns. Her cloak trailing behind her, Bowen pulls out several coarse, but clean, blankets from underneath the benches. Setting them on the benches, she assists Kaela in moving Aislinn to the bench. Feeling her cheeks, she shakes her head. She is burning with fever. Infection is claiming her body. Peering at the back of Aislinn's neck and the infected sore, Bowen looks at Kaela.There are scars here. This is not the first time she has been sick?

Murdoch reclines on a chair and motions to the rest of the Heroes. Please. Take time to rest. Bach, bring them food. The young teen scrambles to bring hard cheese, bread, and water to the Heroes. Murdoch looks at Valurel intently for several minutes. I respect your bravery, travelling through lands where if caught would mean death for you. A representative of Erethor is here, in this city. She may help you if your crisis is dire enough. Why have you risked so much to journey here? And from where?


Herger nods to Murdoch as gratification for the food. He ensures that the others have been fed before feeding himself.

"I fear that I am not quite as good with words, nor as descriptive as my companions might be." Herger looks around at the others and then continues. "We flee the shadow for many reasons. The fact that we travel with an elf and bear arms is reason enough for sure. However, it is not why the shadow is so determined to find us. I am afraid that it is the small one whom we protect. I still do not know much of her story. I only know that she is special. I know that when the shadow wants something this badly, there had to be a very good reason. We have travelled many days to get here so that we might find help in our journey south, away from the darkness that has a grip on this land. I shall let others speak now as they are better suited to do so."

He then rises and moves over to Aislinn and Kaela to see if there is any help that he can give.


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Murdoch nods at Herger's tale. I admire your committment and daring to protect this young girl, Northman. I am forced to admit that we might not be so willing to do what you do without more evidence, rather than compromise our position under the Shadow. I hold you and your companions in high esteem, doing what is right based on the goodness in your hearts. Sitting on the table and leaning against the stone wall, Ibor snorts, contorting his scarred face into an ugly visage.

Murdoch does not even acknowledge the scarred man, but continues to look at Herger. Tell me, what has the girl done to attract the attention of the Shadow? The more we know, the more help we can get from our associates in Baden's Bluff.

Voidrunner's Codex

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