D&D General Mind Flayer Encounter

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Here's another question - I plan to use a wild magic table for the magic users and clerics in the party due to the unstableness of magic in the underdark because if the "faerzress". My question is, does the faerzress effect just divination andc conjuration? or all sphere's and groups of magic? Or simply DM's choice?
For simplicity's sake I'd go with "all magic" , but you could pick different zones affecting different magic types.

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Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Those are 5E monsters, yes? the morlock and goo warlock?
Ahhhh yes, the main forum is generally used for 5e or edition-agnostic stuff, but now I see you are in 2e.

But I bet that morlock are somewhere in 2e. Add a few priestly spell to them to make a shaman, maybe? Never played 2e outside of BG2/Icewind Dale 1


Mind Flayers work best as "alien" type encounters....both aliens in general, and the Alien movies. Go with living rooms/areas, and goo, and slime, and muck and eyeballs and tentacles.

Giving them weird psionic powers works out too....or if you need to just make them illusionists, and call it 'mental powers/psionics'. They work get with illusions that make you think the pool of acid is a pool of water and that sort of thing.

You really want to "go up past 11"....so it's not just a dark cave made out of living flesh....it's a cave with hungry living darkness that bleeds 'light' blood

By the books the Underdark only messes with conjurations and divinations....mostly teleport and scrying. Anything else is left open.

I like all sorts of strange magic in my Underdark, tunnels that move for example, but I have that stuff on the surface too..


Mind Flayers work best as "alien" type encounters....both aliens in general, and the Alien movies. Go with living rooms/areas, and goo, and slime, and muck and eyeballs and tentacles.

Giving them weird psionic powers works out too....or if you need to just make them illusionists, and call it 'mental powers/psionics'. They work get with illusions that make you think the pool of acid is a pool of water and that sort of thing.

You really want to "go up past 11"....so it's not just a dark cave made out of living flesh....it's a cave with hungry living darkness that bleeds 'light' blood

By the books the Underdark only messes with conjurations and divinations....mostly teleport and scrying. Anything else is left open.

I like all sorts of strange magic in my Underdark, tunnels that move for example, but I have that stuff on the surface too..
yeah, this is what I want.. I want to make it a really good mind f**k. Because to be honest, this is a party of 9 who are 9th and 10th level and they would just tear apart mind flayers and even their thralls. But I will throw them in there, the thralls and maybe even a Male Drow...

Some background to make it all make sense: I have been playing with my current DM since the 80's. Myself, I have never been a DM, always a player. My buddy is an excellent Dm and always goes for character creation and building, sometimes we don't even have encounters in our game.
This current campaign of about 2 years with this group, myself and a group of some younger guys - good players and all - but my buddy, the DM has been using one of his old players as an NPC for the groups latest year long quest. The end of this storyline is going to come to an end by next month - my buddy wants to play his/character as a player after the major battle. But wants to hand the reigns over to me for one day/8 hours or so and bring it home, which involves going into the underdark (to retrieve the King's Axe). The crux of the story line involves some mind flayer influence and the siege of a dwarven stronghold. I don't know the "boss monster" yet because I am still a part of the player only part but I know it will involve a mind flayer or two and going into the underdark. So I have a one day campaign to make it fun and scary - doesn't have to be about the hack and slash... I can have the party hack through some stuff on their way down into the underdark.. but the finale should be fun and creepy but should last a little bit because, you know, saving throws can make or break the encounter.
The cool thing is, this is a group that has been through a lot - I know and have all of their character backgrounds - it could be really fun to mess with their minds a little..


Quick question - I am curious to know if there are any giant bio-luminicent mushroomsin the under-dark whose spores have hallucinatory properties if the group walks into a patch of them? And what kind of saving throw would that be?

I see that there is plenty of shrooms in the under-dark, poisonous and some edible ones but nothing that really fits what I am looking for - Would it be okay for me to homebrew one up?


Basidironds come to mind - they have hallucinogenic spores. I'm not sure what edition you're using, but they've been around since AD&D 1st Edition. Even if you homebrew something up, they'd be a good source of inspiration.



Basidironds come to mind - they have hallucinogenic spores. I'm not sure what edition you're using, but they've been around since AD&D 1st Edition. Even if you homebrew something up, they'd be a good source of inspiration.

Awsome, thank you. I'll read more into this.

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