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MiPS Lost Mine [IC]

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"Well, if I we want to be goin' as fast as possible," Vottr says,"Me and the halfling would ride on the wagon and you long-leggeds could take turns walkin'. Not much of a scout meself, but if any of you are, yer welcome to go ahead."


First Post
OOC: there would be room for two Medium or one Medium and two Small people on the buckboard, one spot in the back and anyone else would need to ride on top of the provisions or walk alongside.
It's essentially this: http://www.bellewood-gardens.com/2007/Carousel Lavender_Wagon.jpg but with a pile of stuff in the back covered with huge oilcloth.

OOC: Can Garret hide underneath the cloth and hide in there while peeping out to keep en eye out? If so, I would like a seat just right behind the front seats, underneath the cloth, with eyes out towards the front. ;)


OOC: Can Garret hide underneath the cloth and hide in there while peeping out to keep en eye out? If so, I would like a seat just right behind the front seats, underneath the cloth, with eyes out towards the front. ;)
OOC: This is completely doable but if you are right behind the front seat looking forward, you'd be seeing lots of legs and possibly buttocks...


"Oxen move slowly when pulling a load," Eddicus comments. "Any of us can keep up by walking. Therefore, it's not about speed. Instead, it's about weight: the more weight the oxen have to pull, the slower they go, and the longer it takes us to get to Phandalin. If Garret rides atop the cart, he has better aiming angles with his shortbow; if Vottr rides atop the cart, he has to climb down again to fight."

[OOC: Re: Scouting: Caelynn, Brachnuss, and Vottr are trained in Perception (+3 each). Eddicus (+5) and Garret (+7) are trained in Stealth. Conclusion: those of us who can observe best, cannot sneak; and those of us who can sneak, cannot observe best. There doesn't appear to be any obvious Scout in the party.]


First Post
"Oxen move slowly when pulling a load," Eddicus comments. "Any of us can keep up by walking. Therefore, it's not about speed. Instead, it's about weight: the more weight the oxen have to pull, the slower they go, and the longer it takes us to get to Phandalin. If Garret rides atop the cart, he has better aiming angles with his shortbow; if Vottr rides atop the cart, he has to climb down again to fight."

[OOC: Re: Scouting: Caelynn, Brachnuss, and Vottr are trained in Perception (+3 each). Eddicus (+5) and Garret (+7) are trained in Stealth. Conclusion: those of us who can observe best, cannot sneak; and those of us who can sneak, cannot observe best. There doesn't appear to be any obvious Scout in the party.]

Upon hearing what Eddicus said, Garret climbed into the wagon and hid underneath the heavy cloth with his shortbow in hand and eyes wide open.
OOC: [MENTION=61026]tuxgeo[/MENTION] Garret is actually trained in both Perception and Stealth. His perception is at a +4 and stealth at +7. :p [MENTION=6746242]mips42[/MENTION] Then I will instead be hiding under the cloth to the left side then. Keeping a lookout while hiding. :)
Also, I'll be in your care again mips42 (regarding rolls :D)


Vottr: "Well, is foot speed ain't the priority, I can take point. Not a race that goes about upright won't tire out before a dwarf. And maybe that the sight o' Sweet Meduna will deter any fool bandits layin' in wait. I'm pretty good with an ox team, though. So let me know iffin' you need a break to stretch yer legs."
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Places chosen, Vottr snaps the reigns and the oxen move sullenly away from the bleak stone gatehouse and you begin the trek to fulfill your promise to Gundren.
The day passes slowly but steadily with meal and water breaks, as well as wagon-driver changes as needed.
The day fulfills its' promise soon enough with warm, humid weather replacing the cool of morning. The High road stretches out through the wilderness of trees and shrubs, as well as small wild fowl flitting through the air. In the early part of the day you pass several people and carts headed towards Neverwinter from outlying houses and farms, all reporting no trouble or signs of raiders.
Near the end of the day, however, you are moving into the more rugged wilderness. The trees and shrubs are more wild and closer to the road here. Several times you spot what could be good ambush spots but nothing comes of them. Your pace continues until dusk begins to settle over the High Road.

Voidrunner's Codex

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