(monday) history in your game 09-29-2003


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(monday) history in your game

torture, martyrs and witches-with other dinner conversation

Caution: links contain some strong images and depictions of torture equipment and methods. nothing too graphic, mostly medieval illustrations, but be careful if you are not comfortable with such stuff :)

we start with a firsthand account of inquisitorial torture from a 13th century fransciscan- http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/clareno-inq.html

a page with pictures of the basic torture implements of europe- http://www.angelfire.com/mt/mspepper/torturepics.html

a nice look at "trial by ordeal" the rest of the page is full of useful stuff too- http://www.communities.ninemsn.com.au/InstrumentsofTortureMedievaltoModern/trialbyordeal1.msnw

the historical torture museum(graphic intensive in places, and i mean computer speed, not graphic detail)- http://www.torturamuseum.com/

good pics of torture implements with short descriptions- http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Basement/9560/tdevices.html

medieval torture trading cards! - http://apollinaria.rema.ru/martyr.html

witchkilling "chronicle" listing all the nasty things done to accused witches. it is sof full of game goodness!- http://www.illusions.com/burning/frampage.htm

more "bunrning times" and witches- http://www.witchway.net/times/times.html

historical paper refuting many of the myths and misconceptions of the inquisition- http://www.geocities.com/militantis/inquisition2.html

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Nice stuff.

Mmhh ... a while back I saw a thread named '1000 non-gaming resources for gamers' or something similar with hundreds of links to interesting things like this ...


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Clay, on Mondays, I have two interactions with history: my honours history seminar and your ratty page of links. Your is consistently the more informative.


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fusangite said:
Clay, on Mondays, I have two interactions with history: my honours history seminar and your ratty page of links. Your is consistently the more informative.

hey, thanks....believe it or not this is not the first time i have been complimented with the word ratty :)

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