Mongoose 3.0/3.5 Grand Archive - Any Interest?


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Hi guys,

There is (predictably) a lot of talk at the moment about 4e and the GSL. At Mongoose, we are currently going through the fineprint to determine whether the products we planned specifically for 4e (no conversions of older books are planned) are still viable.

However, I wanted to look back for a moment, rather than forward.

We produced a great deal of OGC under D20. Most of these books are now out of print, with just PDF copies available - by the end of the year these will disappear too, as it is not realistic for us to remove D20 licensing off every product we produced over the years. Just too many!

However, it seems a shame to have all this material simply disappear, so. . .

If there is any interest, we would be prepared to make the vast majority of our D20-based content available freely. In the past, there has been talk about an OGC Wiki of sorts, and I think we can kick such a project off in a sizeable way.

If a volunteer (or volunteers - you might have to be some sort of maniac to go through all this material solo!) were to come forward and create a suitable web site, we would happily supply electronic versions of our D20 lines for translation of OGC to such a web site. We would be very free with the material permissable, allowing you to effectively cut and paste large chunks of 'fluff' text alongside the OGC.

This would include all the Quintessentials, Slayer's Guides, Encyclopaedias, Ultimates - potentially, even some Babylon 5 material, if someone is prepared to remove all the licensed text (no Conan though, as that is still current!)

All we ask is that the project is taken seriously and that there is maybe a link or two to us from the site :)

If other publishers are interested in such a project, we would gladly welcome work alongside them - this could end up being a seriously large site!

So, any interest? If someone wanted to build the Mother of All OGC sites, we can give you a serious head start. Might even be able to provide you with web space and some rather large bandwidth.

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Admiral Caine

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Wintergreen said:
That's an amazing suggestion that definitely would have a lot of support.


This was cross posted over at Paizo. One of the folks over there has asked what would the storage space requirement be (or even an estimate). They feel they might be able to mirror for this collection indefinitely.



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MongooseMatt said:
So, any interest? If someone wanted to build the Mother of All OGC sites, we can give you a serious head start. Might even be able to provide you with web space and some rather large bandwidth.

I'll provide fresh reviews!

Voidrunner's Codex

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