Monster Book Timeline?


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
Is there a rough date of publication for the Trailblazer Monster book?

Is it over halfway finished?

Is it as cool as the Trailblazer rule book?

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Is there a rough date of publication for the Trailblazer Monster book?

Is "soon" or "when it's done" rough enough for you? ;)

Is it over halfway finished?

Absolutely. I'd say closer to 85%. Wulf is working on layout now. There is basically one section remaining that needs to be "written", and I say that in quotes because Wulf and I just need to finalize some of the mechanics and design. A lot of it is already done. Once layout is done, we'll work on that section and finish up whatever is left.

Is it as cool as the Trailblazer rule book?

I hope so, but that will be for you to judge! If nothing else, it's going to be a massive tome.


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
Is "soon" or "when it's done" rough enough for you? ;)
No. I want it now.


Is there a complete list of the monsters available somewhere?

Voidrunner's Codex

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