Monster Conversion Notes

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Archdevils and Dukes of Hell

Formula for a Duke of Hell:

Hit Dice: Chart will determine how the HD converts, characters with * have a chance to “move up” one.
Armor Class: Total AC will be equal to CR +18 – 1E AC (which, of course, are all negative numbers). AC minus Dex mod, bonus from items, and misc bonuses = Natural AC bonus.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, summon devils
Special Qualities: DR 20/good and silver, regeneration (5-8?), immunity to fire and poison, resistance to acid 10 and cold 10, see in darkness, SR 13+CR, telepathy 100 ft.
Abilities: We will use the divine array of 35, 28, 25, 24, 24, 24, plus adding one ability point per four Hit Dice, and borrowing liberally as we see fit. Many lords will end up with one score under 20.

Challenge Rating: Will be determined on an individual basis once completed. Most will be between 21-25.
Treasure: Double or triple standard as appropriate

Languages: Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal, plus more as appropriate.

All the aspects except Levistus have some sort of aura, and the majority have a fear aura as follows:

Fear Aura (Su): At the end of each of BEING's turns, creatures within 20 feet of him must succed on a DC X Will save or become panicked for 10 rounds. The save DC is Charisma-based.

A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by BEING's fear aura for 24 hours.

Regeneration (Ex): Good weapons, and spells and effects with the good descriptor, deal normal damage to ARCH. If ARCH loses a limb or body part, the lost portion regrows in 1d6 minutes. ARCH can reaattach the severed member instantly by holding it to the stump.

See in Darkness (Su): All baatezu can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by a deeper darkness spell.

Common Spell-Like Abilities

All have...
At will—dispel magic/greater dispel magic, greater teleport;

Most have:
At will—charm monster, major image, see invisibility/true seeing, suggestion, wall of fire;

Many have:
At will—fireball, wall of fire;
Unholy aura (3/day or 1/day)

Others used more than once: dominate person, dominate monster, fire storm, geas/quest, hellfire storm, hold monster, locate creature, locate object, meteor swarm, polymorph, scrying/greater scrying, unholy blight

Common Feats

Common: Combat Expertise, Dark Speech, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Quicken Spell-Like Ability, Weapon Focus

Less Common: Combat Reflexes, Dilate Aura, Negotiator, Spring Attack, Violate Spell-Like Ability

Uncommon: Ability Focus, Improved Critical, Improved Disarm, Vile Natural Attack

Common Skills

Note that skills in bold are taken by the majority of archdevils.

Appraise = mid to high ranks
Balance = low to mid ranks when used
Bluff = usually max ranks
Climb = high to max ranks when used
Concentration = mid to high ranks
Diplomacy = usually max ranks
Disguise = high ranks or synergy only
Escape Artist = few ranks
Gather Information = mid to high ranks when used
Hide = mid to high ranks
Intimidate = high to max ranks
Jump = mid to high ranks
Knowledge (arcana) = high to max ranks
Knowledge (history) = high to max ranks
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) = high to max ranks
Knowledge (religion) = high to max ranks
Knowledge (the planes) = high to max ranks
Listen = high to max ranks
Move Silently = mid to high ranks
Search = mid to high ranks
Sense Motive = high to max ranks
Spellcraft = high to max ranks
Spot = high to max ranks
Survival = synergy only
Tumble = high to max ranks
Use Rope = synergy only

hey hey! cool. i also find it easy to remember to look at the top of page 2 for the Dukes' thread. ;)



Skills: Most (if not all) have the following skills ranks:
Bluff +6, Escape Artist +6, Hide +6, Diplomacy +0, Disguise +0 (+2 acting), Intimidate +0, Listen +6, Move Silently +6, Spot +6, Use Rope +0 (+2 with bindings)

Feats: All mephits have two of the following feats:
Dodge, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon Finesse



The 3 linnorms in the MM2 had the same HD as a base linnorm from MCA1. therefore, to make things easy on us, we may as well make the remaining linnorms with their base-HD as well. (Note that the sea linnorm in Dragon #356 doubled its HD).

The remaining 6 linnorms would be as follows:

Flame – 20 HD, Gargantuan
Forest – 11 HD, Huge
Frost – 15 HD, Gargantuan
Land – 13 HD, Gargantuan
Rain – 10 HD, Huge
Sea – 13 HD, Gargantuan

Speed: All linnorms have fly and swim speeds.

Special Attacks:

Breath Weapon (Varies)

Crush (Ex): A flying linnorm can land on opponents three or more sizes smaller than itself as a standard action, using its whole body to crush them. A crush attack affects as many creatures as can fit under the linnorm's body. Each creature in the affected area must succeed at a Reflex save (DC X) or be pinned, automatically taking X points of bludgeoning damage. The save DC is Constitution-based. Thereafter, if the linnorm chooses to maintain the pin, treat it as a normal grapple attack. While pinned, the opponent takes crush damage each round.

Corpse Tearer - As 17th-level cleric (Destruction and Evil domains)
Dread - As 18th-level sorcerer
Gray - As 17th-level cleric (Destruction and Evil domains)
Sea - none
Stygian - none
Swamp - As 17th-level druid
Flame - As 18th-level sorcerer
Frost - None

Spell-Like Abilities: I noticed that most linnorms have caster levels lower than their HD, but the gray has higher.

Tail Sweep (Ex): A linnorm can sweep with its tail as a standard action. The sweep affects creatures four or more size categories smaller than the linnorm within a 20-foot-radius half-circle centered on the linnorm's rear. Each affected creature that fails a Reflex save (DC X half) takes X points of damage. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Special Qualities:

  • Spell Resistance = CR + 11 (Exception: sea has CR + 15).
  • Blindsense 60 ft.

Keen Senses (Ex): A linnorm sees four times as well as a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 120 feet.

Here's the DR of the existing 3E linnorms (post-3.5 conversion guide) for comparison:

Corpse Tearer (28 HD): 20/magic
Dread (20 HD): 15/magic
Gray (13 HD): 10/magic
Sea (26 HD): 30/magic
Swamp (22 HD): 10/cold iron

CC Conversions:
Flame (20 HD): 10/magic and cold iron
Frost (15 HD): 10/magic and cold iron

Ability scores of existing linnorms:
Corpse Tearer (G): Str 36, Dex 9, Con 26, Int 17, Wis 20, Cha 19
Dread (C): Str 40, Dex 8, Con 31, Int 15, Wis 22, Cha 21
Gray (H): Str 24, Dex 11, Con 20, Int 14, Wis 19, Cha 17
Sea (G): Str 38, Dex 10, Con 29, Int 14, Wis 20, Cha 21
Swamp (G): Str 32, Dex 10, Con 27, Int 15, Wis 20, Cha 18
Flame (G): Str 35, Dex 10, Con 25, Int 17, Wis 20, Cha 20
Frost (G): Str 32, Dex 10, Con 26, Int 18, Wis 20, Cha 19

Standard linnorm skills:
Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana), Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Swim

Standard linnorm feats:
Alertness, Flyby Attack, Multiattack, Snatch
Other feats: Ability Focus, Cleave, Power Attack, metamagic feats

Treasure: Standard or double standard (the 20-HD Dread and 13-HD Gray have standard rather than double)

Advancement: Advancement ranges only within the same size category (exception: sea linnorm).

All linnorms speak (at least) Draconic and Abyssal.
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below is page 20 out of the DMG date 1975 on poisions.

Page 20, AD&D DMG, 1975.

Assassins use poison just as any other character does, according to the dictates of the DM. That is, they use the normal tables for poison types (q.v.). When an assassin reaches 9th level (assassin), he or she may opt to make a study of poisons. This decision should come from the player in the case of a player character, i.e. do not suggest it or even intimate that such a study can be undertaken. The study will require many weeks and cost from 2,000 to 8,000 g.p. per week. The assassin must find a mentor — an assassin who has already made such a study and actually has put the techniques into practice. In most cases this will be a non-player character assassin of 12th or higher level, who will charge the variable amount. The cost reflects both time and the poisons used in the training. If a player character is involved,, he or she must actually have a wide variety of animal, vegetable, and mineral poisons on hand for the training; but he or she can also set the fee as he or she sees fit.

It is not the place of this work to actually serve as a manual for poisons and poisoning. Not only is such a subject distasteful, but it would not properly mesh with the standard poison system used herein. Therefore, the assassin must spend 5-8 weeks to learn each of the following poison skills:
— proper use of all poisons effective in the blood stream only
— proper use of poisons effective through ingestion only
— proper use of contact poisons and poisons effective when in the blood stream or ingested
— the manufacture of poisons and their antidotes

Thus, after 20-32 weeks of study, the assassin will have complete knowl-edge of 90% of all poisons known. He or she can then use poisons at full normal effect and have the following options as well:
— choose to assassinate by an instantaneous poison
— elect to use a slow acting poison which will not begin to affect the victim for 1-4 hours after ingestion
— elect to use a poison which gradually builds up after repeated doses and kills 1-10 days after the final dose

The assassin must compound the poison, of course. The DM will have to adjudicate this manufacture as he or she deems best. To simulate such manufacture, h is suggested that a week of time and o relatively small out-lay {200-1,200 g.p. for materials, bribes, etc.) suffice for any poison. In-stantaneous and very slow, undetectable poisons should be more time-consuming and costly, but not greatly so.

This does not guarantee the assassin success, naturally, for he or she must stil! manage the poisoning and then escape. However, it will give a far better chance and also provide leverage with regard to a slow poison by knowing the antidote. Note that the assassin can stop his or her study at any point, knowing only the knowledge gained in the completed course of study. Also during any course of study, the assassin may not engage in any other activity, or he or she must begin studying again from the beginning of the course. This means that during from 5-8 game weeks the assassin character will be out of play.

One type of poison which assassins can learn to compound is blade venom. blade venom (always an insinuative poison; see Poison Types) evaporates quickly. For the first day after Ms application it does full damage, the second day half, and by the third day none. It is likewise removed by use; on the first hit it will do full damage, on the second hit half damage, and by the third it will be gone. Partially evaporated or used death poisons allow the victim a +4 on his or her saving throw.

Poison Types:

The poison of monsters, regardless of its pluses or minuses to the victim's saving throw, is an all-or-nothing affair. That is, either they do no damage, or they kill the victim within a minute or so. Poison potions generally do the same, although you may optionally elect to have any given one be slow-acting, so that the victim will notice nothing for 1-10 hours after quaffing it. Monster poisons are ail effective by either ingestion or insinua-tion into the body and blood stream of the victim. Poison potions must be ingested. If you allow poison use by characters in your campaign, users can purchase ingestive or insinuative poisons only, having to obtain dual-use poisons from monsters.

Purchased poisons are classified and priced as follows:

Poison : Cost/Dose : Onset time : Damage If Save : Damage If No Save
A* : 5 gp : 2-8 rounds : 10 hp : 20 hp
B** : 30 gp : 2-5 rounds : 15 hp : 30 hp
C*** : 200 gp : 1-2 rounds 20 hp : 40 hp
D**** : 500 gp : 1 segment 25 hp : Death
E : 1, 000 gp : 1-4 turns : 30 hp : Death

A* : 10 gp : 2-5 rounds : 0 hp : 15 hp
B** : 75 gp : 1-3 rounds : 0 hp : 25 hp
C*** : 600 gp : 1 round : 0 hp : 35 hp
D**** : 1,500 gp : 1 segment : 0 hp : death

*Saving throw at +4, chance of tasting/smelling/seeing poison 80%.
**Saving throw at +3, chance of tasting/smelling/seeing poison 65%.
***Saving throw at +2, chance of tasting /smelling/seeing poison 40%.
****Saving throw at + 1, chance of tasting/smelling/seeing poison 15%.

Assassins use all forms of poison, other than those listed above, at an efficiency which gives the victim +1 on the saving throw; all other character types use them at an efficiency level which allows the victim +2 on saves (in all cases). Assassins who have studied poisoning have no penalty. (See ASSASSINS' USE OF POISONS.)

2nd Edition

Class Method Onset Strength
A Injected 10-30 min. 15/0
B Injected 2-12 min. 20/1-3
C Injected 2-5 min. 25/2-8
D Injected 1-2 min. 30/2-12
E Injected Immediate Death/20
F Injected Immediate Death/0
G Ingested 2-12 hours 20/10
H Ingested 1-4 hours 20/10
I Ingested 2-12 min. 30/15
J Ingested 1-4 minutes Death/20
K Contact 2-8 minutes 5/0
L Contact 2-8 minutes 10/0
M Contact 1-4 minutes 20/5
N Contact 1 minute Death/25
O Injected 2-24 min. Paralytic
P Injected 1-3 hours Debilitative

Treasure Types


1-6 1,000s of copper pieces: 25%
1-6 1,000s of silver pieces: 30%
1-6 1,000s of electrum pieces: 35%
1-10 1,000s of gold pieces: 40%
1-4 100s of platinum pieces: 25%
4-40 gems: 60%
3-30 jewelry: 50%
Maps or Magic Items: Any 3: 30%

1-8 1,000s of copper pieces: 50%
1-6 1,000s of silver pieces: 25%
1-4 1,000s of electrum pieces: 25%
1-3 1,000s of gold pieces: 25%
1-8 gems: 30%
1-4 jewelry: 20%
Maps or Magic Items: Sword, armor, or misc. weapon: 10%

1-12 1,000s of copper pieces: 20%
1-6 1,000s of silver pieces: 30%
1-4 1,000s of electrum pieces: 10%
1-6 gems: 25%
1-3 jewelry: 20%
Maps or Magic Items: Any 2: 10%

1-8 1,000s of copper pieces: 10%
1-12 1,000s of silver pieces: 15%
1-8 1,000s of electrum pieces: 15%
1-6 1,000s of gold pieces: 50%
1-10 gems: 30%
1-6 jewelry: 25%
Maps or Magic Items: Any 2 plus 1 potion: 15%

1-10 1,000s of copper pieces: 5%
1-12 1,000s of silver pieces: 25%
1-6 1,000s of electrum pieces: 25%
1-8 1,000s of gold pieces: 25%
1-12 gems: 15%
1-8 jewelry: 10%
Maps or Magic Items: Any 3 plus 1 scroll: 25%

1-20 1,000s of silver pieces: 10%
1-12 1,000s of electrum pieces: 15%
1-10 1,000s of gold pieces: 40%
1-8 100s of platinum pieces: 35%
3-30 gems: 20%
1-10 jewelry: 10%
Maps or Magic Items: Any 3 except swords or miscellaneous weapons, plus 1 potion & 1 scroll: 30%

10-40 1,000s of gold pieces: 50%
1-20 100s of platinum pieces: 50%
5-20 gems: 30%
1-10 jewelry: 25%
Maps or Magic Items: Any 4 plus 1 scroll: 35%

5-30 1,000s of copper pieces: 25%
1-100 1,000s of silver pieces: 40%
10-40 1,000s of electrum pieces: 40%
10-60 1,000s of gold pieces: 55%
5-50 100s of platinum pieces: 25%
1-100 gems: 50%
10-40 jewelry: 50%
Maps or Magic Items: Any 4 plus 1 potion & 1 scroll: 15%

3-18 100s of platinum pieces: 30%
2-20 gems: 55%
1-12 jewelry: 50%
Maps or Magic Items: Any 1: 15%

3-24 copper pieces per individual

3-18 silver pieces per individual

2-12 electrum pieces per individual

2-8 gold pieces per individual

1-6 platinum pieces per individual

1-4 1,000s of copper pieces: 25%
1-3 1,000s of silver pieces: 20%

1-6 1,000s of silver pieces: 30%
1-2 1,000s of electrum pieces: 25%

1-4 gems: 50%

2-8 1,000s of gold pieces: 40%
10-60 100s of platinum pieces: 50%
4-32 gems: 55%
1-12 jewelry: 45%

Maps or Magic Items: 2-8 potions: 40%

Maps or Magic Items: 1-4 scrolls: 50%

10-80 gems: 90%
5-30 jewelry: 80%
Maps or Magic Items: 1 of each magic excluding potions & scrolls: 70%

Maps or Magic Items: 2 of each magic excluding potions & scrolls: 85%

5-30 1,000s of gold pieces: 60%
1-8 100s of platinum pieces: 15%
10-80 gems: 60%
5-40 jewelry: 50%
Maps or Magic Items: 1 map: 55%

Maps or Magic Items: 1 misc. magic plus 1 potion: 60%

2-12 1,000s of gold pieces: 70%

1-3 1,000s of copper pieces: 20%
1-4 1,000s of silver pieces: 25%
1-4 1,000s of electrum pieces: 25%
1-4 1,000s of gold pieces: 30%
1-6 100s of platinum pieces: 30%
10-60 gems: 55%
5-30 jewelry: 50%
Maps or Magic Items: Any 3 magic: 50%


Treasure							Platinum or		Art 
Type	  Copper  	   Silver	    Gold	Electrum*   	Gems	Objects	Magical Item	
A	1,000-3,000	200-2,000	1,000-6,000	300-1,800	10-40	2-12		Any 3	
		25%		30%		40%		35%	60%	50%		30%	

B	1,000-6,000	1,000-3,000	200-2,000	100-1,000	1-8	1-4	Armor Weapon	
		50%		25%		25%		25%	30%	20%		10%	

C	1,000-10,000	1,000-6,000		—	100-600	1-6	1-3		Any 2	
 		20%		30%		—		10%	25%	20%		10%	

D	1,000-6,000	1,000-10,000	1,000-3,000 	100-600	1-10	1-6	Any 2 + 1 potion	
		10%		15%		50%		15%	30%	25%		15%	

E	1,000-6,000	1,000-10,000	1,000-4,000	300-1,800	1-12	1-6	Any 3 + 1 scroll	
	  	5%		25%		25%		25%	15%	10%		25%	

F		—	3,000-18,000	1,000-6,000	1,000-4,000	2-20	1-8	Any 5 except weapons	
		—		10%		40%		15%	20%	10%		30%	

G		—		—	2,000-20,000	1,000-10,000	3-18	1-6		Any 5	
		—		—		50%		50%	30%	25%		35%	

H	3,000-18,000	2,000-20,000	2,000-20,000	1,000-8,000	3-30	2-20		Any 6	
		25%		40%		55%		40%	50%	50%		15%	

I		—		—		—	100-600	2-12	2-8		Any 1	
		—		—		—		30%	55%	50%		15%


J  	3-24	—	—	—	—	—		—	

K	—	3-18	—	—	—	—		—	

L 	—	—	—	2-12	—	—		—	

M	—	—	2-8	—	—	—		—	

N	—	—	—	1-6	—	—		—	

O	10-40	10-30	—	—	—	—		—	

P	—	10-60	—	1-20	—	—		—	

Q	—	—	—	—	1-4	—		—	

R	—	—	2-20	10-60	2-8	1-3		—	

S	—	—	—	—	—	—	1-8 potions	

T	—	—	—	—	—	—	1-4 scrolls	

U	—	—	—	—	2-16	1-6		Any 1	
	—	—	—	—	90%	80%		70%	

V	—	—	—	—	—	—		Any 2	

W	— 	—	5-30	1-8	2-16	1-8		Any 2	
	—	—	—	—	60%	50%		60%	

X	—	—	—	—	—	—	Any 2 potions	

Y	—	—	200-1,200	—	—	—		—

Z	100-300	100-400	100-600	100-400	1-6	2-12		Any 3	
	—	—	—	—	55%	50%		50%	
	* DM's choice

To use Table 84, first find the letter given under the monster listing. On that row each column then lists the percentage chance of a particular type of treasure appearing and the size range for that particular type. Treasures with no percentage listed are automatically present. Either choose to have that particular treasure present (and the amount) or roll randomly to determine the result.

The first part of the table (letters A-I) lists treasures that are found in lairs only. These are sizeable treasures accumulated by social creatures (humans, orcs, hobgoblins, etc.) or by those creatures notorious for the size of their treasure hoards (especially dragons).

The second part of the table lists treasures likely to be owned by intelligent individuals or to be found in the lairs of animal intelligence or less monsters. These treasures are small. Intelligent creatures seldom carry large amounts of cash, while unintelligent ones seldom make the effort to collect it. When an individual or lair treasure warrants being larger than normal, several smaller entries can be listed to create an overall larger hoard.
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Alternate Form vs. Change Shape

Differences between change shape and alternate form are:

1) Change Shape cannot grant aquatic subtype.

2) Change Shape lets you keep your natural armor, Alternate Form does natural armor of new form.

3) Alternate Form spells out that it does not grant Sp and Su abilities of new form, but this seems also implied in Change Shape.

4) In Change Shape, you keep your physical abilities; Alternate Form gives you Str, Dex, Con of new form (but hp don't change).

And confusing the issue further, lycanthropes have the following modified alternate form ability...

Alternate Form (Su): A lycanthrope can assume the form of a specific animal (as indicated in its entry). It does not assume the ability scores of the animal, but instead adds the animal’s physical ability score modifiers to its own ability scores. A lycanthrope also can assume a bipedal hybrid form with prehensile hands and animalistic features.

Changing to or from animal or hybrid form is a standard action. A slain lycanthrope reverts to its humanoid form, although it remains dead. Separated body parts retain their animal form, however. Afflicted lycanthropes find this ability difficult to control (see Lycanthropy as an Affliction, below), but natural lycanthropes have full control over this power.

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