D&D General MONSTERS: Perytons fighting over territory


Sorry if this is a silly question, but since perytons are solitary (as I understand it), it would make sense that two perytons could be encountered, fighting over territory and then, together, attack a party intruding on said terriotry? Just looking for a reasonable way to encounter more than one in the wild.

Other ideas on why more than one could be encountered?

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A family or pack could work as well. They've got to get together to make more at some point, and the lil' ones need to be taken care of until they can hunt for themselves.

In other cases, you might have one dominate peryton, and the others are subservient to the alpha. The alpha might not even be a peryton...


Sorry if this is a silly question, but since perytons are solitary (as I understand it), it would make sense that two perytons could be encountered, fighting over territory and then, together, attack a party intruding on said terriotry? Just looking for a reasonable way to encounter more than one in the wild.

Other ideas on why more than one could be encountered?
They could live communally and still be solitary hunters, like cats. Optionally, they're intelligent enough that they can overcome their solitary instincts if needed. Even if they don't speak, they can still communicate nonverbally.


CR 1/8
A person with an especially pure heart has appeared in the Land, drawing voracious perytons from miles around to claim it-- even fighting each other to the death, if need be.

Voidrunner's Codex

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