Level Up (A5E) Monstrous Menagerie Errata


Hi there!

After watching some Sly Flourish YouTube videos, I picked up the A5E Trials and Treasures book as well as the Monstrous Menagerie book. So far, I am absolutely thrilled with these two resources - when I add in the Flee, Mortals resource, I feel like I have so many ways to challenge my combat-focused 5e group!

The one feature I wish the Monstrous Menagerie had that it doesn't currently have is a "salvage" information block for each creature, similar to the Lairs of Etharis from Ghostfire Gaming. For example, to craft an Animated Shield, you need the swords from a marilith, and while this information is in T&T, it isn't in the MM. Having information like:

Salvage: the swords from a defeated or deceased marilith can be used to craft an Animated Shield.

directly after the monster's stat block would help streamline a lot of post-battle "what loot do we find?" questions from the players. Perhaps if there's ever a second edition or an errata version of the pdf, this would be a feature that other DMs would appreciate!

Thanks very much for these outstanding resources! :)

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This is a completely unrelated 3rd party product, but you might like the magic item creation subsystem in Bianca's Guide to Golems. It has a specific system for harvesting pieces for magic items from monsters and magic item creation using them, which sounds exactly like the sort of thing you're looking for.

Distracted DM

Distracted DM
Hi there!

directly after the monster's stat block would help streamline a lot of post-battle "what loot do we find?" questions from the players. Perhaps if there's ever a second edition or an errata version of the pdf, this would be a feature that other DMs would appreciate!

Thanks very much for these outstanding resources! :)
The monstrous Menagerie was my entry into a5e, now most of my games are a5e :D
.any if not all entries do have encounter examples, and loot to go with them

Voidrunner's Codex

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