D&D 5E Monte Cook working on 5E?


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I'm sure that D&D: Full Monte (love it :) ) will draw on some of the lessons of 4e. As much as I can't stand it as a role-playing game, I think there are some solid concepts within the system. At the same time, I trust that Monte Cook has the experience and capability to draw on older versions to hopefully build on the strengths and fix some of the problems in each.Cheers!

I'm actually apprehensive about Monte joining the crew. I like 4e, and I don't think he does. Moreover, I don't think he played it enough to pull the strengths you allude to from it, or maybe he just doesn't want to regardless. I can't speak for the man, but the L&L's reflect very little 4e in my opinion and much more old school + modularity + complexity dial. Mearls, also, doesn't seem so much a 4e fan at this juncture so much as someone who compromised in the early design and, now at the head, is kicking the game in whole new directions.

I'm willing to go along with them and see what comes of 5e, like many others playing all kinds of games are, but as of now I'm pretty content with 4e and want to see that continue and inform the next edition more than any other iteration of the game. Monte's presence sort of suggests that it won't happen.

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Dog Moon

Looks like it's time for a new sig! ;)

What the? That was was from a two year old thread and that specific post was EXACTLY two years ago today!

Did you read that post two years ago and then save it in your calender JUST so you could comment on it if what he was said didn't come true?


I post in the voice of Christopher Walken
What the? That was was from a two year old thread and that specific post was EXACTLY two years ago today!

Did you read that post two years ago and then save it in your calender JUST so you could comment on it if what he was said didn't come true?

that is some good planning. Must be a DM.


5ever, or until 2024
I don't think anyone could have imagined how long it would take.

And just look at the latest legend and lore....they are not done yet, even with the core.

Wednesday Boy

The Nerd WhoFell to Earth
Did you read that post two years ago and then save it in your calender JUST so you could comment on it if what he was said didn't come true?

What?? No way! That would be obsessive and crazy... :)

A deal is a deal. Changing it now. However, I was basically correct, a new editino was in the works, even if my timeline was off by a year or so.

Yeah, I don't think anyone would able to predict it. Two years ago even WotC didn't know when it would be released!

that is some good planning. Must be a DM.

Actually I'm primarily a player. But I'm really good at taking session notes.


Props to Bedrockgames for being a good sport. If it were me, I'd be saying, "Look, people are actually playing 5e as we speak, and an actual product was sold for money at GenCon. I think I'm in the clear here..."

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