D&D 5E Mordenkainens starting to show up in the wild?

Queer Venger

Dungeon Master is my Daddy
Good news, everyone! D&D came out with a new product this year, which can be purchased multiple times in multiple formats! And as always, it's not really D&D unless it skews common perceptions of classic races, displaces iconic characters into a catch-all setting that has become a distant echo of it's former glory, and has been preceeded by more sneak peeks and tantalizing previews than a traveling showgirl troupe performing an outside show in the park. Let's move on already to the next item hinted at for release and begin the 6+ month journey of hype and speculation for another collection of uninspiring and recycled ideas! 5e 4evar!! ;)

Are you cranky because you skipped your nap time?
5e is highly successful; and selling better than any previous edition, just read the news!


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I'm getting this book, but I have to admit that the contents seem...incoherent, I guess? It's called "Tome of Foes", which makes it seem like a monster book, and it also talks about conflicts in the multiverse like the Blood War, which sounds neat. But then the other chapters apparently focus on Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, etc. It feels like they had several different things they wanted to focus on but didn't have enough material to devote to just one topic.

I'm getting this book, but I have to admit that the contents seem...incoherent, I guess? It's called "Tome of Foes", which makes it seem like a monster book, and it also talks about conflicts in the multiverse like the Blood War, which sounds neat. But then the other chapters apparently focus on Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, etc. It feels like they had several different things they wanted to focus on but didn't have enough material to devote to just one topic.
Well, the elf and dwarf chapters are supposedly more like "elves vs drow" and "dwarves vs duergar", so they do fit the conflict and monster themes. The chapter on gnomes and halflings does kind of stick out, even if it is explained as a chapter that contrasts peaceful raves with those in conflict.,,


Book-Friend, he/him
Well, the elf and dwarf chapters are supposedly more like "elves vs drow" and "dwarves vs duergar", so they do fit the conflict and monster themes. The chapter on gnomes and halflings does kind of stick out, even if it is explained as a chapter that contrasts peaceful raves with those in conflict.,,
They also stated at some point that we will get Gnomish clockwork monsters in the Bestiary chapter, at least, so there is that connection: also, where else are they going to put the Complete Halflings & Gnomes equivalent material, in a Dragon book...?


Book-Friend, he/him
I'm getting this book, but I have to admit that the contents seem...incoherent, I guess? It's called "Tome of Foes", which makes it seem like a monster book, and it also talks about conflicts in the multiverse like the Blood War, which sounds neat. But then the other chapters apparently focus on Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, etc. It feels like they had several different things they wanted to focus on but didn't have enough material to devote to just one topic.
Every supplement so far (both of them!) has made it a priority to have useful info for Dams and players: Monster Manual 3 plus the 2E "Complete Book of [Given Race]" = this book. Only Humans (for obvious reasons) and Dragonborn (probably being saved for a Dragon specific book) are left out of the PHB races. Means this has more value to a given group of players than Volo's did, while still being primarily a Monster Manual expansion.


Book-Friend, he/him
Oh yay. More halflings with gigantic heads...

Seriously, that is the worst artwork in the entire PHB and they decided to stick with it in a supplement?
They have stuck with the playtested design for every other book released for 5E, doubt they will stop now.

The Center for Fairness for Spriggans is very upset that there is no indication that they will get their just deserts (by which they mean the Halfling and gnomes chapter should focus on the epic superiority of spriggans over halflings and gnomes).

The Center for Fairness for Spriggans is very upset that there is no indication that they will get their just deserts (by which they mean the Halfling and gnomes chapter should focus on the epic superiority of spriggans over halflings and gnomes).
While we haven't had any indication spriggans will be covered in the book, we conversely also haven't had any indication they won't be either. And this books would definitely be a logical place to update them to 5e, so I wouldn't be surprised to see them in the book...

Voidrunner's Codex

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