More DUNGEONS DEEP Miniatures

Last week I previewed some of Paizo's upcoming Dungeons Deep miniatures set, including one of the new dungeon dressing pieces. This week, I have three more - another dungeon dressing piece (the burning brazier), along with the dreaded Chupacabra, the legendary goat-sucker of South American cryptozoology and a gorgeous Gargantuan Red Dragon!

Last week I previewed some of Paizo's upcoming Dungeons Deep miniatures set, including one of the new dungeon dressing pieces. This week, I have three more - another dungeon dressing piece (the burning brazier), along with the dreaded Chupacabra, the legendary goat-sucker of South American cryptozoology and a gorgeous Gargantuan Red Dragon!

There are six dungeon dressing pieces. "One in four Dungeons Deep booster packs will contain a dungeon dressing figure, which will replace a regular figure's spot in that pack. That means customers can expect 2 pieces of dungeon dressing per brick, and 8 per case. As you can see, some dungeon dressing will not come on a standard base, to aid in the verisimilitude of the dungeon environments you create on your tabletop."


Gargantuan Red Dragon (limited edition)


Chupacabra (small, common)


Dire Boar (large, uncommon)


Burning Brazier

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I wonder how big that Gargantuan Red Dragon will be, relative to the Colossal Red Dragon that D&D had put out? I can't wait to take a pic side by side :)


First Post
Ditto - that would be awesome!


One per four boxes? I usually just buy two boxes of every Paizo and WOTC set so I don't get anything repeated. If they're only doing one per four boxes I kind of lost interest. Essentially I'd end up owning a lot more kobolds before getting something as simple as a chair.


I wonder how big that Gargantuan Red Dragon will be, relative to the Colossal Red Dragon that D&D had put out? I can't wait to take a pic side by side :)

Keep in mind "Colossal" is somewhat larger than "Gargantuan".

Of the ICONS Dragons (WotC), the Red was Colossal (largest), while the Blue, White and Black were "Gargantuan".

I'd be willing to bet the Paizo red dragon will have a similar scale to Icing Death (gargantuan white) -- a bit smaller than the Red Dragon, but still extremely large in comparison to the 28mm humanoid figs.

Paizo's dragon figures have been slightly smaller than WotC's (thus far) even the same (in game) size category, so it's possibly it might be closer in size with the Blue ICON (which was hunched over and a tad smaller than the Black or White ICONs).

Source: jeankes, on Flickr
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