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Mormons, Mayhem, and JFK

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Why not, this story's worth a bump or two!
And while I'm at it, check out my own similar-ish campaign story hour that I just started writing up -- link's in the sig!

Nera Mente

First Post
i have to tell you guys, i was distraught about going to the meeting point with the boys. i just wanted to call the cops again. it's tough being lawful good.

that driving maneuver i did was incredible. i think i rolled a 19 or 20 with my driving bonus on top of that. it was very cool.

can't wait for fenzer to post the rest of the story. i really start to squirm.


Piratecat said:
This is great. I'm thinking that the film has some sort of JFK conspiracy information on it. Am I right? :D

Hope so. That or aliens. Or something Man Was Not Meant To Know :)


Librarian, Geologist, and Referee
Joshua, Jarval, P-cat thanks for the kind words.

Nera thanks for stopping by and giving your input. I'm glad you enjoyed the session. The one thing Nera didn't mention was that she initially blew her driving skill check and decided to use a karma point (house rule reroll option) rolling high on the reroll. I tried to incorporate this in the story hour writing that she hesitated and imagined the crash that never happened.

Okay P-cat, you keep your educated guesses to yourself. :p The info is forthcoming.
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Librarian, Geologist, and Referee
4:47 p.m. August 9th, 2002, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Earth

“Damn blockade runners! Only in Utah are there drivers who fill all lanes of traffic going the same speed!” James yells glaring out the windshield.

Twenty yards ahead of the hard body pickup truck is a mid eighties sedan in the right lane, a small two wheel drive Toyota pickup in the center lane and a large white SUV in the fast lane. Driving the pickup up on the bumper of the Toyota, James pulls hard on the steering wheel sending the Nissan skidding to the left and on to the shoulder of the highway. The soccer mom in her new white SUV lays on the horn as James grinds past her and takes the fast lane.

Peeling her stare from the windshield and taking a deep breath, Jen looks back behind them to see if the suburban is still giving chase. What she sees is horrifying. The small Toyota pickup truck is caterwauling end over end and lands on the front of the hood of the suburban sending it out of control and off the highway leaving a huge billowing cloud of dust and debris.

“Oh my God!” Jen gasps. Quickly turning forward. “I think we’re safe now.”

“Yes!” James shouts looking in his rear view mirror.

“We need to find a place to pull over. We need to see if Josh is okay.”

“Climb out the window and check him. I’m not stopping for anything. I think there is a first aid kit in my backpack.”

Climbing into the bed of the moving pickup, Jen feels for a pulse. “He’s alive!” Taking the first aid kit from the pack she stops the bleeding and stabilizes Josh. After making Josh as comfortable as possible, she returns to the cab. “He needs a doctor. He’s been shot in the neck and he’s lost a lot of blood.”

“I don’t think a hospital is a good idea right now.” James says flatly.

“He will die if we don’t get him some help!” Jen yells back.

“Okay, Okay. I know this is just a hunch but I have a feeling that the guy who called us is looking out for us, maybe he can help Josh. Can he last a few more hours?”

“ I think so.” Jen whispers.

For the next four hours James and Jen speed to the rendezvous. The sun has gone down and long darkening shadows line the edge of the roadway. The intersection is less then a mile away.

“Okay, this is what we are going to do.” James commands. “I will meet this guy. You stay in the truck with the motor running. Take Josh’s rifle and cover me. I will have my cell phone ready to dial Josh’s. If the phone rings I want you to take the guy out then come and get me. Okay?”

“Okay.” Jen seems somewhere else.

A few minutes later James is standing by the roadside at the intersection of Highways 189 and 191. The pickup is parked down the road about 50 yards, idling with the lights off. Jen is sitting in the drivers seat, Josh’s rifle on her lap, Josh’s cell phone in her hand.

“Hello James” A relaxed voice says from behind.

“Whoa! Where did you come from?” James yelps spinning around.

“Right on time, good. My name is Elijah Green.” His English accent is soft and his speech exact. “I head a Concern interested in maintaining a global balance, you might say. Think of me as a global judge and jury.”

“Okay. Fine. What do you want with us?” James fidgits, trying to make out the mans features in the dark with little luck.

“Well, it would seem fate has led you to me and is offering you a choice. You see that canister that wound up in your possession contains some very incriminating video. It shows, all in amazing Technicolor, who shot President John F. Kennedy. And no it wasn’t the poor bastard Lee Harvey Oswald. It belongs to the Organization responsible for the assassination. It is this Organization that is trying to kill you just like they did the man before you. It does not matter what you have told the police nor that you gave them the canister. The film is now back in the hands of its owners and you are expendable, a loose end that needs tidying. You see, this Organization is old and very powerful; one that has flourished in the dark beyond the discriminating eye of the public. It is this Organization that is responsible for some of the most heinous crimes in world history, the Crusades, the Holocaust, Nine-Eleven and many more tragedies the world doesn’t yet know.” Elijah’s eyes seem glazed and his stare far away. “Things would be worse, much worse if it was not for my...Work.” Bringing himself back to the present, Elijah stares James in the eye. “You have one chance. If you can make it to Jackson Hole with your lives, we will speak again and I will offer you your choice. If not, may which ever gods you believe in have mercy on your souls.” Turning to leave, he stops. “Oh yes. Here.” He hands a long narrow metal box to James. “Apply this directly to his heart.” With that Elijah melts into the shadow and disappears leaving James alone and stunned.

“Right to the heart?” Jen says staring at the hypodermic she just assembled.

“That’s what he said. Just do it. We have to hurry. We need to get to Jackson Hole now!”

“Do you want to do this? Then shut up!” Jen fires back as she embeds the needle into Josh’s chest.

“Is it working?”

“I don’t know.” Jen answers. “I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.”

Minutes later the little pickup is speeding off toward Jackson Hole. Jen and James aren’t saying much. They both look like deer caught in their own headlights staring blindly onto the road ahead of them.

Someone grabs James’ shoulder.
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