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Morpheus and DnD


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Tsyr said:

Possibly because, unlike say the music industry, most gamers (at least those who have been around for a few years) remember good, hard working gaming companies that produced good, fun products go out of buisness, or at least change radicly... ICE... WEG... TSR(sorta)... FASA... and this was BEFORE filesharing came into the picture.
Damn staight...

Also I rememeber the horror when looking glass were disolved...

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Here is my take on the whole thing. I agree with robaustin and the others who say the same thing he did.
First, I have never DL a rpg book that I did not pay for.
Second I have a ton of MP3s. Most of them are from cd I would never buy, because I only like one song. (not a justification, just thought I would say that)
Third, I just got a copy of a PDF from a friend. There are several pdf books we want. I will buy some, he will buy the others, we share.
Now, I know that is not honest. I do wish I could support the authors more, but in reality I can't afford to buy every book I want. Most I just do without. (I am a big fan of Wheel of Time, but I did not get the sourcebook or the ravenloft one,because it was too expensive) For some of the PDF, I would not buy them all. If I didn't get the copy from a friend, would I have bought it. No. That still dosen't make it right.
There are people who make thier living off of this stuff. Everytime you DL a book, or anything like that illegally you are hurting them. It does not mater what you think of the company. It dosent mater if you brother-in-law second cousin's roomate is going to give you a copy in two days, but you want it a day early. It is wrong.
You are taking money from people who deserve it. That is the bottom line. End of story. If somone was taking money from you, that you deserved, it would be a different story. While I feel bad, I use a very crappy justification. The fact that if I did not get the mp3 or the pdf, I was not going to buy it anyway, make me feel a little like no one is losing out. But even then, I can see now that it is wrong. I wish I could give all these artists, and writers thier due, but obviously I can't I wish I could afford to buy every pdf and book I like, but I can't.

Now, for those of you coming up with all kinds of reasons why you do it, grow up. That is like you sitting in a room, with your friend, you are the only two there, and you let out some gas. Then you look at him and say "wasn't me"
Come on. You are kidding yourself and fooling no-one. If you don't believe that. then you have a whole set of problems you should deal with.
I would like to apologize to any writer out there that loses money on a product because of crap like this. Does that mean I am going to stop DL music or sharing the PDF my my pal. No, but I will promise that the money I CAN afford to spend, will go to those that deserve it.
Just my honest blurb.


noretoc said:

I would like to apologize to any writer out there that loses money on a product because of crap like this. Does that mean I am going to stop DL music or sharing the PDF my my pal. No, but I will promise that the money I CAN afford to spend, will go to those that deserve it.

Rather than apologizing, you could try not ripping people off in the first place.

I know, I know---you don't feel that bad about it.


First Post
I'm not posting here to pass judgement on anyone and am staying out of this whole debate as to what's right or not. Instead, I want to draw attention to the Morpheus software itself...

Morpheus is a terrible p2p program. It is ridiculously slow and most everything you want to get will never be downloaded properly, if at all. It's a waste of time to DL and use it.

I also just heard that Morpheus wreaks havoc on your computer, causing major slowdowns of other programs, fragmenting your HD at a rapid rate, etc. Even if you remove Morpheus, it leaves annoying bits of itself on your hard drive that can still cause problems, forcing you to manually hunt down and delete each bit one by one.

To safely remove Morpheus, go to "add/remove programs" and select remove Morpheus. Then, go to Program Files, find the folder for Morpheus (which will still be there) and delete that. Then, run "Find" (morpheus) and delete everything it finds. Empty trash can/recycle basket. That should correct any system problems you are having.

So I do not recommand using Morpheus for any purpose, legal or otherwise.
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Kaptain Kantrip - THAT'S not the half of it!

Morpheus went into my wallet and replaced my kid's pictures with ones of Mario Cuomo's!

Then it took my dog's fur - left her furless in winter!

It changed my HD's file system from FAT32 to FAT and made my IE homepage theonion.com!

Come on, man.
Morpheus, AFAIK, is the least intrusive P2P program you can use of the majors.
There are always crackpots who will tell tall tales of the program messing up their computer.

If you're really worried, install the program on a test computer first and see how it unistalls.
And there's a crucial program called Ad-Aware which you simply MUST get if you want to remove intrusive "spyware" programs, which Morpheus WAS the only major P2P program that didn't have... until the latest one, I've heard.
Now, it's a shell of what it was last month. :(


First Post
I was talking about the new "preview edition" version you can DL. I got it, tried it out and after several frustrating hours of getting nothing, gave up on it. The next day a friend said that Morpheus will mess up your computer (not sure which version he meant). I deleted it as outlined above. My disk became massively fragmented after using morpheus, took forever to defrag.

Anyway, the day after that, my friend's computer froze up every time he tried to do anything... once he deleted kazaa, (which he'd just got the night before) he had no more problems.


reapersaurus said:
Kaptain Kantrip - THAT'S not the half of it!

Come on, man.
Morpheus, AFAIK, is the least intrusive P2P program you can use of the majors.
There are always crackpots who will tell tall tales of the program messing up their computer.

If you're really worried, install the program on a test computer first and see how it unistalls.
And there's a crucial program called Ad-Aware which you simply MUST get if you want to remove intrusive "spyware" programs, which Morpheus WAS the only major P2P program that didn't have... until the latest one, I've heard.
Now, it's a shell of what it was last month. :(

Well, just for the record, Morpheus -does- contain Spyware, at least two apps that it attempts to install when you install the software package. If you don't pay attention during the install process, these packages are installed, and even if you tell it -not- to install them, it still copies the executable to your system with a shortcut(s) placed in various locations just waiting your you to double click on them to install.

And this has been this way on at least the last two versions that I'm aware of, because I got the great honor of having to clean up the "mess" left behind when it was uninstalled, and the removal of spyware.

I'm curious as to whether or not people consider it theft to download a file on morpheus (or some other p2p) that a given company has already made available for free DL on their own site.

I downloaded Grokster, just to see what all the fuss was about & I must say I am not that impressed. Alot of the files were pdfs that I could get from a company site also for free, plus I didn't see a whole lot of variety. Looks to be like most of the stuff is D&D. I din't see a whole lot of variety.

Dave G

First Post
Okay, I've been following this thread, and I even had some pretty interesting discussions about it with a good friend of mine. I sent him the link and it inspired him to do some research of his own, here's his e-mail to me:

I looked up the law on http://www.loc.gov/copyright (the US government's
very own site). It would be legal to copy a book and give them to your

Section 106 of Title17 subsection 3.
(3) to distribute copies or phonorecords of the copyrighted work to the
public by sale or other transfer of ownership, or by rental, lease, or

The courts have ruled repeatedly that friends and family to not constitute
the public. I found a Stanford site that references multiple court cases
that have decided that.

I was reading through some of the en world link you sent and that would blow
a lot of the arguments away on both sides of the heated debate.

People are silly.

Not with standing the above downloading and posting to p2p programs is a
violation because it is to the public.

I'm certainly not trying to fan the flames here, but I just thought that several of you who are arguing until you're blue in the face would be well served to know this.


Okay, I'm glad you provided that link, but if you (or your friend) are going to quote the law, please do so correctly:

"Copyright is a form of protection provided by the laws of the United States (title 17, U.S. Code) to the authors of “original works of authorship,” including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works. This protection is available to both published and unpublished works. Section 106 of the 1976 Copyright Act generally gives the owner of copyright the exclusive right to do and to authorize others to do the following:

To reproduce the work in copies or phonorecords;

To prepare derivative works based upon the work;

To distribute copies or phonorecords of the work to the public by sale or other transfer of ownership, or by rental, lease, or lending;

To perform the work publicly, in the case of literary, musical, dramatic, and choreographic works, pantomimes, and motion pictures and other audiovisual works;

To display the copyrighted work publicly, in the case of literary, musical, dramatic, and choreographic works, pantomimes, and pictorial, graphic, or sculptural works, including the individual images of a motion picture or other audiovisual work; and

In the case of sound recordings, to perform the work publicly by means of a digital audio transmission."

Downloading a work owned by someone else does not make you the owner, nor does it give you the right to distribute it. The holder of the copyrighted work may distribute it as they see fit.

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