Most Ignoble PC Death

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2e: low level Wizard (I wanna say 2nd). Out of spells, seperated from party, heading towards camp... attacked by a pair of... bats. 1/4 hd bats (1/8th?!). I took one out with my staff, but the other finished me off.

3e: 7th level Monk. Party is attacked during travel by a "juvenile" Purple Worm. I charged (had Flying Kick and Power Lunge!), Purple Worm AoOed, bite/grapple/swallow. Party fled.

3.5e: 4th level Warlock, exploring a temple-crypt with Party. I showed up 10 minutes into the session (I blame starbucks!) to find that we're all roughly 1/2 dead do to several dozen stirges... that the party scout upset by firing an arrow at one. Oh, the sorc tried to help by using burning hands vs the party/stirges. I die on fire with 2 Con.


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One of the few times I've played as opposed to DMed...

It was a 2nd edition game. I was playing a 1st level wizard (yay me with my 1 hit point). I was feeling pretty cocky....I had managed to use Prestidigitation to convince a (stupid) kobold that I was a god (by pure luck. I told him that I was a god, and that if he lied to me about the whereabouts of the dagger we sought, I'd know it. He lied (though I didn't *know* he'd lied) and I immediately cast Prestidigitation to make him sparkle, which was apparently enough to convince him.

Anyway. So we get to the room where the magic dagger was. It was in the middle of a fire. I (both the player and the character) decided that it was an illusion.

Long story wasn't, I caught fire, I died.

..and if I'd lived, I would've had a kobold worshipper too.

Second tale, subtitled "How I Learned to Hate Save-or-Die."

I had spent an hour or so creating a 15th level dwarven fighter for one of my friends' games. First encounter was with a group of medusae. I was turned to stone like the 2nd round of combat.

Mr. Wilson

As a PC, just after the switch to 3E, we still weren't 100% up to speed on the new rules, so we didn't realize you couldn't full attack after a move.

I was playing a 5th level Halfling Speciality Priest of the Halfling War Deity in FR (who's name escapes me atm) turned 5th level cleric.

We stumbled upon a Dire Bear described as a "cave bear", so I cast human size and moved to engage, as I was the most aggressive of the PCs, and in general first in combat and last out.

The dire bear moved his full move action than took a full attack on my character (oops). Having 40ish hit points, I was paste before the third attack actually managed to land. Everyone around the table sat in shock for a few moments making snide commets about the "upgrade" cave bears received, before eeking out a narrow victory.

Literally, I died in the first round of my first combat encounter in 3rd Ed.

As a DM, the only time I've ever used the lame, "That didn't happen" rewind was when I TPK'd a group of 6 4th level PCs with a flock of cockatrices in two rounds (yes, each and every member failed their saves, it was brutal). Stupid random encounter tables.


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Home Grown Game

Many many moons ago using our home grown game for a Star Trek themed game. The game starts out by us being led to a Klingon Transporter (theirs don't make the same noise due to the carrier wave being removed). Side effect of them being used is there was a 1 in 30 of you not reappearing. So 30 seconds after I sit down to play I'm re-rolling up a new guy. (was on character 4 by the night's end)

Best infamous death, same game system but I'm running a martial arts type from the old movies with REALLY bad dubbing and for the visual my guy was a Nightcrawler (X-men) twin.
So we are in this abandoned town which is cloaked/covered by this white substance/tarp and this is where I get CLEVER:p! Also on a side note I used to "get into" my friend's head and blurt out an idea prior to her doing it, which would bug the heck out of her. So I immediately tell the ref "I'll use Way of Mole to borrow through the ground and pop up on the other side!" My friend is irked at me cause I did IT AGAIN. The Dm looks at me a bit stunned and says "I don't know how to tell you this but you're dead..." and then explains to the rest of the group that all they see is red mist & blue fur spray out of the hole.... It was later revealed that I was stepped on by Spiga and weight/dropping damage 20lbs= 1point of damage I became the only person to take 400,000 points of damage in one combat turn! And on a side note from that point on my friend never minded that I got in her head from time to time :D


First Post
As a PC, just after the switch to 3E, we still weren't 100% up to speed on the new rules, so we didn't realize you couldn't full attack after a move.

I was playing a 5th level Halfling Speciality Priest of the Halfling War Deity in FR (who's name escapes me atm) turned 5th level cleric.

We stumbled upon a Dire Bear described as a "cave bear", so I cast human size and moved to engage, as I was the most aggressive of the PCs, and in general first in combat and last out.

The dire bear moved his full move action than took a full attack on my character (oops). Having 40ish hit points, I was paste before the third attack actually managed to land. Everyone around the table sat in shock for a few moments making snide commets about the "upgrade" cave bears received, before eeking out a narrow victory.

Literally, I died in the first round of my first combat encounter in 3rd Ed.

As a DM, the only time I've ever used the lame, "That didn't happen" rewind was when I TPK'd a group of 6 4th level PCs with a flock of cockatrices in two rounds (yes, each and every member failed their saves, it was brutal). Stupid random encounter tables.

Name of the deity is Arvoreen btw.

Voidrunner's Codex

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