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Movie Sequels

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Not that blatant. "Get Smart" is straight-up comedy, while Matt Helm and Derek Flint were more loving parody. More Man from Uncle that Get Smart, I guess.
I'd like to keep my eye out for them but wouldnt even know where to look. All I have is Amazon Prime to stream AFAIK.

Not that blatant. "Get Smart" is straight-up comedy, while Matt Helm and Derek Flint were more loving parody. More Man from Uncle that Get Smart, I guess.
Maybe I'm misremembering, but I'd say the Flint movies were notably some degree broader than The Man from UNCLE, though not at Austin Powers levels of silliness. Also one of them is really genuinely funny and so 1960s it's amazing, whereas the other one is a bit "meh", but I can't remember which is which (and their synopses aren't helping me). It's that part of the 1960s too where some of the visual design is so sharp it still looks modern now (c.f. 1965's Planet of the Vampires - terrible movie, incredible art direction/design).

EDIT - Aha the really funny one isn't either Flint movie, it's the somewhat similar spy parody also starring James Coburn from the late 1960s, The President's Analyst.
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I had the chance top buy all the old Marvel-films from the 70s/80s at the annual Book and Library fair in Gothenburg earlier. I decided against it, as they are really really bad (at least the ones I have seen; Hulk vs Thor, and Captain America). Though, they do hold a certain perverse cult-value. Can't remember if the Nick Fury film with David Hasslehoff was included in those. That one was fun.

As for sequels as good as or better than the original.
  • Aliens. I love Alien, but also love Aliens. The other films were so-so. The fourth was good except for the part with the more human-looking alien queen that was cloned from Ripley. Otherwise a good movie.
  • Mad Max Road Warrior. So much better than the original.
  • Terminator 2: Judgement Day. Very good continuation on the original Terminator.
  • The comedic remake of Evil Dead is much better than the more straightlaced horror that was the first film.
  • I think I will go as far as say that 2010 is better than 2001: a Space Oddessy. I had read the book before so I knew what the damned monolith were, and I must say that I really dislike having "gods" in my science fiction.


  • Terminator 2: Judgement Day. Very good continuation on the original Terminator.
I watched the original Terminator about 10-12 years ago and the acting was really bad and the FX look dated but the plot was good. I've often wondered if I just got a bad DVD pressing or something as it looked odd. T2 the FX were great, Arnold had grown as an actor, the GNR soundtrack sure didn't hurt but I don't remember the plot being all that great. Haven't seen it in probably 30 years so who knows.


As an aside, I started this thread, so we'll roll with it, unless it breaks some EN World Forum rules or other member oppose but I have a quick question and don't want to start another thread.

I've looked online a few times and couldn't find anything on it. Has anyone ever heard that the topic of conversation changes every seven minutes? I remember this coming up in conversation in the 80s, a time when you couldn't "Google" everything, and this has always stuck in my head for years.

EDIT: I do remember the amount of people in the conversation made a difference.

I watched the original Terminator about 10-12 years ago and the acting was really bad and the FX look dated but the plot was good. I've often wondered if I just got a bad DVD pressing or something as it looked odd.
I watched it recently and it's a great-looking movie, so if it didn't look good overall, there probably was some kind of issue. The FX are pretty dated though.

I've looked online a few times and couldn't find anything on it. Has anyone ever heard that the topic of conversation changes every seven minutes? I remember this coming up in conversation in the 80s, a time when you couldn't "Google" everything, and this has always stuck in my head for years.
Sounds like one of those "facts" that were so common in the 1970s and 1980s (and probably earlier) where it was actually just some quack or pop-scientist or psychologist (not psychiatrist) who absolutely just made it up.

Looking it up, it looks like you might be slightly misremembering a definitely made-up and sourceless but common rule used by questionable life coaches, public speakers and so on which is that every seven minutes there will be or should be a lull in your speech or conversation.

For example:


I watched it recently and it's a great-looking movie, so if it didn't look good overall, there probably was some kind of issue. The FX are pretty dated though.

Me too. I watched it twice again this year. Honestly, the original terminator is an excellent movie, far better than the sequel (it is dark, gritty, has a solid time loop, has a menacing threat, the acting, at least in my opinion, is perfect for the style of film it is, and the action is great). And the music goes with it perfectly. The sequel is just a big summer block buster. It is perfectly entertaining and has more advanced effects but the original was way more grounded and told a much better story. I thought most of the effects in the original were good too. The one where he takes out his eye is a bit goofy, but the rest look quite good when you consider the time it was made and the budget it was made on.

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