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D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools

Purple, This is a excellent character sheet and it is the only one that I use.

Just wanted to make you aware, if you are not already, it would seem Paladin Oath of Vengence, the Abjure Enemy actually shows the text for Sacred Weapon Oath of Devotion.

Keep up the excellent work.
That is really great to hear, one sheet for all ;)

Thanks a lot for letting me know about the Paladin feature having the wrong text. I totally missed that one! It is fixed in the new version.

Your class feature and spell notes alone speed up the game for both DM and players. Keep up the good work. Let us know when you update with those Paladin corrections.
Thank you, speeding up the game was a big reason for all the things I made. Hope you keep on having good games with the help of my sheet!

Hey, Purple.

I have a suggestion for a feature: can we get a button for the "background feature" area to allow us to change the feature shown? Since backgrounds are customizable, this would allow me to have a customized background using one of the PHB background features, which you already have programmed in. Or, maybe have that second dropdown box allow for selection of an existing background which contains the background feature you want to use, if you enter a custom background in the actual background box?

I'm not sure of any other way to accomplish this simply, but if you come up with something else that works, that's still awesome! :)
It is currently possible to do what you want, but with a bit of a workaround:
1) Enter the background with the desired feature
2) Click the "Manual" button and check "Background"
3) Change the name of the background and see that all the things (feature, skills, proficiencies) stay as they were

With the change in the Paladin text this bring us to Character Sheet/Generator v9.4 (19-10-2015) with the following changelog:
- Fixed the “Channel Divinity: Abjure Enemy” text (thanks Panzermeyer for noticing)
- Some tiny graphic changes

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I registered to the site to tell you that your work with this character sheets is awesome! And is great that you are updating it quite often.
With my group we are using it and is perfect! :D
Is there a way that I didn't find to add the "type" (Draconic Ancestry) of a Dragonborn having so his breathe and his damage resistance (lightning for bronze, fire for red, etc.) ?

I registered to the site to tell you that your work with this character sheets is awesome! And is great that you are updating it quite often.
With my group we are using it and is perfect! :D
Is there a way that I didn't find to add the "type" (Draconic Ancestry) of a Dragonborn having so his breathe and his damage resistance (lightning for bronze, fire for red, etc.) ?
Marvellous to hear that you registered just for this comment (and an upvote), thank you so much!
As for the Dragonborn question, this is something I have to the FAQ for sure! Good thing you asked it, because I didn't yet think of that one!

Because Dragonborn is literally the only race that requires you to make such a choice, I didn't feel it necessary to make a sheet function just for the Dragonborn players. So I'm sorry to inform you that you'll have to add the resistance and damage types manually.


Thank you for your answer ^_^
Indeed no problem adding it manually, at the beginning I was trying to look for a subdivision under the race-tab for different Dragonborn choices: Dragonborn (Bronze), Dragonborn (Gold) etc like the various Shifters, but not finding any clue about it I dared to ask :p
Thanks again for your work!


First Post
BUG REPORT: Form-fillable character sheet is incorrectly populating the Abjure Enemy (Channel Divinity) from the Oath of Vengeance (Paladin 3) archetype with the text for the Sacred Weapon (Channel Divinity) from the Oath of Devotion (Paladin 3) archetype.

Stellar character and spell sheets ... love the newest mods you've added including color swaps.

Noah Ivaldi

First Post
Just wanted to say a few things:
I am not entirely dead.
I have read up and approve of everything gleefully.
Excellent job on the Oath of Vengeance fix!
This is orgasmically amazing. Keep up the great work.


Found the following issue in SL generator 6.2 : cleric with light domain : the light cantrip is not added.

Keep up the excellent work !


Rule Lawyer Groupie
Great charsheet! Using v9.3 and v9.4 of your sheet, on Windows 7, using the last update of Adobe Reader DC (2015.009.20071), sometimes it takes a while for the form fields to appear.

On Android, Adobe Reader 15.2.2 freezes when a field is changes that triggers a calculation (e.g. choosing a weapon), I need to force close. Android Lollipop 5.1.1, on a Galaxy Tab S2.

Keep up the good work! :)

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