Multi-part adventures that allow tiering upand switching PC between 2 parts


I've played before a multi-part adventure that allow tiering up and switching PC between 2 parts; I don't recall which it is but I think it's an 8 hrs T3 (tier 3). Is DDEX03-16 Assault on Maerimydra such expedition? If so and you have access to it, please quote the part stating so and possibly the page. Is there a list, partial or complete, of such adventures (no need for quote or page for the rest) ?

Thank you kindly

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First Post
I don't know of any such module which specifically allows you to switch characters mid-adventure (with the exception of the mini-adventures for L1-2 characters). There is however, a rule in AL that if you break up a multi-part adventure into multiple sessions, the DM should award XP/GP at the end of each session to any character that participates.

As a result, some players may be absent/show up at later sessions, and some players may decide to switch characters between sessions (this is not recommended but there is no rule preventing it). When it comes to the DDAL/EX modules, you don't get the DT/Renown until the end of the adventure.

Likewise, there is a standing rule that if you do break up a module into multiple sessions, a character (not just the player) must be present for the ENTIRE adventure in order to qualify for magic items, DT, and Renown. If they only show up for the end of the adventure, they are considered to have completed the adventure as well.... Meanwhile if you show up for the first session, you are considered to be part-way through the adventure, but run the risk of leveling out of the module if you don't complete it before reaching a new tier (as softcover adventures do not have the built in level-out protection that HC adventures do).

Assault on Maerimydra is a Tier 3, 8-hour adventure. You would play it with one player character. See the quote below.

Welcome to Assault on Maerimydra, a D&D ExpeditionsTM adventure, part of the official D&D Adventurers LeagueTM organized play system and the Rage of DemonsTM storyline season. This adventure is designed for three to seven 11th-16th level characters, and is optimized for five 13th level characters. Players with 10th level characters may spend 100 downtime days to level up to 11th level. Characters outside this level range cannot participate in this adventure.


That guy, who does that thing.
As a result, some players may be absent/show up at later sessions, and some players may decide to switch characters between sessions (this is not recommended but there is no rule preventing it). When it comes to the DDAL/EX modules, you don't get the DT/Renown until the end of the adventure.

Also, keep in mind that if you do this, both characters are considered to have played the adventure and cannot 'go back' and finish parts of the adventure they didn't play -- this is different from hardcover adventures where only specific encounters cannot be replayed with the same character.

I also don't know if it's an official rule, but it's a common ruling in our local games -- a character who doesn't play every session of a multi-session DDEX/AL adventure is not subject to the 'minimum XP' award for that adventure. If you play only the first session and get 50 XP for that session, that's all you get for the adventure if you don't show up to finish it at the next session.



First Post
Correct - Minimum XP award only applies if you complete the full adventure. If you only show up for the first or last session, you earn session XP as normal, even if it is less than min


That guy, who does that thing.
I haven't been able to find an official reference to the 'must play all sessions to earn minimum XP' rule; if you know where it is, Kalani, a quote would be appreciated.




a character who doesn't play every session of a multi-session DDEX/AL adventure is not subject to the 'minimum XP' award for that adventure.

I was subjected to that; luckily the 2nd PC, the one that didn't tier-up, got a large part of the minimum XP. However, I've seen favoritism, someone show up for < 1 hr for a 6+ hrs game and got the min XP, the player was also a pretty active GM.


First Post
I haven't been able to find an official reference to the 'must play all sessions to earn minimum XP' rule; if you know where it is, Kalani, a quote would be appreciated.



Robert Adducci has said it on several occasions in the FB group, as have several other admins (Alan and Travis come to mind)

Voidrunner's Codex

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