DDAL Jasper DMs Quests from the Infinite Staircase

Quests form the Infinite Staircase Session 11

Chapter 3 When A Star Falls

Day 23 Breakfast to Day 26 Noon.

PC Killed 0 Monsters Killed 103 Villains Captured 11 Villains Escaped 28

Start Time 6:15 End Time 8:00

Take 10 down time days. Level up to sixth.

Magic Item Choose One and they don’t duplicate. Charm of Darkvision, Charm of Feather Falling, Charm of Heroism, Charm of Vitality. This for everyone who played in the adventure.

Choose One and they don’t duplicate. Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location, Grey Bag of Tricks, Pearl of Power, Eversmoking Bottle, +1 Weapon. This is only for the ones who completed the session.

I had a weak group of four. Ardor Paladin of Vengeance Elf 5. Nick Warrior of Mercy 5 Harengon. Vailin Champion Fighter Human 5. Styx Sorceress 6 Changeling.

Taking a boat up river the see the natural wildlife of a troll beckoning them to join it for dinner over a goat. On the second night during Styx’s watch Scion on of Picard’s minions tries to drown her. The Fey Bunny Nick dives in saves her. On the morning on the third they make landfall about three miles away from the deep gnome forge.

Nick, “so we go in. Kill the gnomes and take their books right.?

Ardor, “No. We can do it peacefully.”

Nick, “So we have the spell casters cast silence on the forge like Scion did on the boat. And we quietly and peacefully kill them all.”

Styx, “Um guys we have signs of a red dragon attack and deep gnomes.”

Shalfey, “I forgot about the red dragon. I thought it would be searching for falling star.”

Ardor, “that was information we could use.”

Book, “Don’t look at me. The players are off script.”

Getting closer to the forge sounds of a pep rally, and busy lunchroom room approach. Two swarms of Gibberlings charge out the forest. The adventurers let go their ready action and then close with the groups. The swarm nibble on some toes but do no real damage.

Enter the forge’s front yard, a Gibberling is trying to eat the pony lizards. Pony lizards are lizards as big as ponies which the deep gnomes ride. Ardor and Nick beat up the demon and take with them.

Entering the grand hall, the steam engine of doom attacks. Nick beats it up by two-thirds and it runs over his foot and charges the rest of group. Its steam breath engulfs them all. Dropping Vailin, the wizard.

Mr. Happy rolls in on his skateboard. ” Hellos only two sessions in and already on death saves. You will go far. Well maybe six feet down.”

Vailin, “What are death saves.”

Mr. Happy, “You about to find out. Roll that beautiful D20. Rats.” A couple of potion of healing, and a short rest the group moves on. Hearing voices in deep gnome from the inner hall the group decides to go on peacefully.

Nick, “But I want to murder them.”

Ardor, “Seven Deep Gnomes. Seven Pony Lizards. Four PCS. Three steam engines of doom. One NPC. Do the math, and we said we try peace first.”

Styx takes the lead in talking. Ecklash is happy the prophecy is coming true. She takes the Fallen Star and Styx to the back room. Placing the star on the protection dome, the dome falls. Five minutes later a stack of books with legs enters the hall. It is Styx. The second set of prophecy books are here.

Ecklash, “With the prophecy become true, we are closing shop. Take what you need out of the stores. We will be sealing the front door and leaving the steam engines behind. You have three hours to leave. Bye”

The party makes back to the tower with no problem.

Grisdelfawr, “But I was supposed to eat the adventurers. It said so on page 75.”

DM, “No time left, it closing time.”

Carlton the Doorman opens the door, “I have contacted the Xerox Corporation to copy both books and the Fallen Star. Thank you for recovering them. Please enter, and take a week off.”

End of session 555.

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Quests form the Infinite Staircase Session 12

Chapter 4 Beyond the Crystal Cave

Day 37 to Day 37 1 PM.

PC Killed 0 Monsters Killed 109 Villains Captured 11 Villains Escaped 28

Start Time 6:00 End Time 8:30

Take 10 downtime days and 156 GP.

Magic Items Necklace of Adaptation, +1 dagger with Madrigal in Elf carved into it.

I had a strong group of 7. Eaden Soulknife 5 Rogue 1 human. Ardor Paladin of Vengeance Elf 6. Nick Warrior of Mercy 6 Harengon. Styx Sorceress 6 Changeling. Malakai Light Cleric 6 Aarakocra. Mishy Rogue 1 Warlock 5 fairy. Kaelus Warrior of Mercy 6 Human.

Nafas, “It is great that you have seven days of vacation. Now back to work.”

Nick, “isn’t Carlton the Doorman going to give us a briefing.”

Nafas, “No, I am doing it. Two families, their histories and hands stained with blood and hate, are now wishing as one to wake true love lost. Heed their plea and carry their wandering hearts home. Pull the level Kronk. Um Carlton.” A trap door opens and the group plunges into a misty, the crashing on top of a middle age human women.

Isabela Folcarae, “Off. Off. Who are you? Why did you appear out the sky?” Spits. “Is that a fairy, it got crap on its shoes. Someone start explaining.”

Malakai, “We are the adventurers you been wishing for.”

Governor Isabela, “I been tossing three coins into that fountain for two years. And you finally arrive!?”

Malakai, “We have to take the wishes in order.”

Nick, “And we don’t do refunds.” He scoops up the three coins.

Once things are sorted out, the briefing begins. Two years and two days ago the Isabela’s daughter went missing, so did the boyfriend. They were of age but came from rival families. They were last scene in two places. The Echo Caves, and the Grand Garden. The governor sent out search parties and the found nothing. The families have hired adventurers and nothing. The reward stands at five grand if both are return. While she does want the boyfriend back, she is willing to accept that to keep peace with the rival family. She gives them breakfast and a pass token to enter the garden.

The garden is a wonder of island flora and fauna.

Book, “That not what I said! And you spelled it correctly. Good job.”

DM, “Hey I just back for vacation so my mind is working in that direction.”

However, while the 100-acre garden is beautiful, they find nothing. The last recorded kidnapping by fey was over 80 years ago. Mishy mumble about not kidnapping if the person is awake. The group gets to know each other some more as they move on to the Echo caves. The caves are used mainly by the towns people to enter the garden. The group enters. A few seconds after they do, Eaden, Nick, and Mishy feel a cold wind of winter. They have entered the feywild.

Graffiti is all over the cave. Only “C+P” stand out due to being carved into the stone with the spell stone shape. The fairy sends his sprite to scout with the rogue. Suddenly a stalagmite attacks the familiar, and another stalagmite is being broken off to attack the thief. Three ghosts are trying to kill the scouts and the group moves up. Once the dust sets, Kaelus finds the body of on the ghosts and loots it. The ghost was either a paladin or high level fighter but the body is over 50 years old.

Moving deeper into the cave complex the smell of fresh water and spring is in the air. The cave opens into a wide rectangle; a mud pool takes up a third. Curiosity takes up the rabbit, and Nick stirs the mud. And is suddenly drugged under, only to reappear being bashed against the wall. As Kaelus runs to help but a second mud creature eats him. Arrows, daggers, Fireballs, Lightning bolts and toll the dead take care of both monsters and adventurers. But potions of healing bring the lucky back. A short nap is called for before they press on.

The group enters the Crystal Cave where quartz and other gem like stone line the walls and floors. A diamond waterfall reflects music and light on the walls. The music is joyful but slow. Kaelus does jumping jacks on the water as it is frozen in time. Examining the waterfall, a chamber is seen on the opposite side. The fairy shoves the cleric and Kaelus in its bag of holding and misty steps through. Eaden taps the waterfall in time to music and falls through. The rest of the group does the same. As they catch their breath, they are transported to a fairy ring in another location.

Five leprechauns are smoking and drinking on toadstools. Each is wearing a different hat from a different century, the cowboy Brunnick speaks, “Well now partner welcome to the garden. Be nice and we will get along. Be disrespectful and you’re going to get a licking.”

Nick replies in a cowboy drawl, “Partner, well met. We seek.”

Cowboy Brunnick, “Now city slicker. That is not your natural dialect, speak plainly and you go far.” Nick gets angry.

Nick, “ Don’t call me a city slicker. I have only be one city. I will call you out at high noon and challenge to the band of the bands.” The rest of party quickly leave the circle. Nick pulls out his bag pipes and start to play. Only to find out they are filled with yogurt. He is pants, disrobed, disarmed, and has his fur changed color. He does manage to punch out Brunnick. The leprechauns disappear but tap the other five non fey folk and gift them with luck.

The group move on and Styx is startled when a young brass dragon named Vuuthramis jumps out the water and shouts boo. The other members applaud. The dragon takes a bow and talks to the group. Yes, the couple was here in the garden the last two days. They picnicked with pixies oward the eastern wall. But avoid the treant Gnarlroot who is extra grumpy today.

End of session 557

Quests form the Infinite Staircase Session 13

Chapter 4 Beyond the Crystal Cave

Day 37 1 PM to Day 37 10 PM

PC Killed 0 Monsters Killed 111 Villains Captured 11 Villains Escaped 28

Start Time 5:55 End Time 8:20

Take 10 downtime days. 2,047 GP 5 SP. Take a Level.

Magic Items. Potion of Clairvoyance, Pearl of Power, +1 longsword always glows with torch light, Potion of Growth, Potion of Greater Healing * 2, Wand of Magic Detection, Mage Spellbook.

I had a weak group of 4. Ardor Paladin of Vengeance Elf 6. Nick Warrior of Mercy 6 Harengon. Malakai Light Cleric 6 Aarakocra. Mishy Rogue 1 Warlock 5 fairy.

Moving mostly clockwise they approach the goat and lion cave. Nick and sprite familiar move on into the cave. It is a chimera!

Gorguth, “Who bother me. An Awaken rabbit. I am not hungry at this time. Please cover yourself in seven herbs and spices and call around dinner time.”

Nick, “I will fight you. But who was making that noise?”

Gorguth, “The goat and lion heads snore. The Gardener will help you out he is south of here in is cave just pass the big lake.” He is thanked and the group moves south pass the huge natural fountain. The yellow rose arbor does not grab their interest but the two unicorns do.

Stargleam and Silverlily invited the group into a discussion. The main topic is it okay to lie to someone you love. The whole group says yes to the small things like are my hips fat. But you will lose your lovers trust if you lie about the important things. They are wishy washy about what is an important topic. They do get better directions to the Gardener’s house.

“I am the Gardener, you can call me just Gardener.” Replies the archfey.

Malakai, “What is an archfey?”

Gardener, “Think of me as the boss of this Demiplane. The fountain to the north heals all. It is a magic fountain. Look for the pixies to the north of my house.”

Mishy, “have you seen some kids lately.”

Ardor, “And not the goat type of kids. Two humans.”

Gardener, “I have seen a couple of couples in the last two days. Are you a couple of couples?”

Group, “NO!”

Gardener, “That is amazing you are looking for Julianna and Orlando. I give you leave to explore for them. The key is that you leave.” The group pauses and gets the clue. They spy some of the dog rose leaves have a key symbol. “You can leave my presence now. And look over my garden to key to the hedge maze.”

Pushing on to the pixie forest various sprites have fun with Mishy and his familiar. They are invited to a picnic. Some partake of the food. There is no meat but winter fairy (Mishy) makes a delicious meal. Pooling their resources, they trade some +1 dagger with Madrigal in Elf carved into it. They get information. The couple visited them two days ago, and bathed in the fountain because they were messy eaters. No the pixies did not start a food fight but did win it. The pixies swap out their magic items for the daggers.

Ardor, “Great with are not running arms to the summer fey pixie army.”

Pixie, “Hey Pixie sticks are great. But daggers are to kill for.”

The group decides to circle back on themselves. They wave at the Gardener and enter a section a woods. The forest is lightly wooded. A treant beckons Nick forward. Nick closes.

WHAM! It isn’t a treant. The barkburrs attack and Nick is trapped. For a few seconds. As the last creature falls, the Gardener appears.

Gardener, “Barkburr have to eat too. It was a just fight. Have fun.” He disappears back into the woods. The group finds an adventurer turned fertilizer and loots it. They also find some oak leaves and mistletoe leaves with keys on them. Moving on they come to ravine, Ardor tries to climbs down but slips.

Gnarlroot, “Nice face plant. You should branch out more in your adventuring gear. Maybe some rope and tackle. Now Ardor what is with the dirty looks.” The treant helps the paladin out the ravine and talks with the group. “The leprechauns have the last key. You may ask them for help.” Meanwhile Mishy’s familiar is stealing a potion from the treant’s lair.

The group travels onwards meeting the centaur family. The centaurs saw the young couple entering the hedge maze but don’t have any keys. But the honey from the bees is nice if the group wants to try to grab some. This mini quest is respectably not accepted.

Entering the fairy ring the leprechauns appear. Cowboy is happy the rabbit has remained quiet. Some gifts are exchanged and the group moves on to the hedge maze. It takes four hours to find the solution to the hedge maze. Placing the leaves on the sundial transports them to another Demiplane. They are in a small garden connected to a three story palace. The leaves on the sundial turn brown. No trees are around.

The palace of Spires is the only location in this Demiplane. As they try to enter the palace the statues of an elf woman and human male join hands to block them. When the group goes into a peaceful mode, the hands part and the doors open. The main entrance has another nice fountain which is the center piece. Two doors are to left and right, and staircase leads up.

Ardor, “We open the left door.”

DM, “You see the couple on a swing set.”

Group, “That it? It can’t be that easy.” The two lovers have only been here two days and don’t want to leave. This is the second group mommy and daddy have sent to bring them back and they are not going. True love will win out. About an hour later with various arguments and some magic suggestions, the group know the couple is enchanted. The solution must be in the palace somewhere. But the couple does unknowingly hold the silver keys to the sun dial.

Ardor, “We will go to right hand door.”

Nick, “Hold on. I think the beast with two backs is present in the room maybe we will come back later.”

The second floor has galley with multiple statues of the elf and human couple. The side gardens have white and red roses, blue lilies and pink orchids. The side towers lead to third story. It has a crystal bridge connecting to the roof garden. The left bed is full of white roses and right bed full of red roses. A stair leads up to a dais. Mishy flies up and sees the tomb of Caerwyn and Porphura. Reading the inscription does not give the group a clue.

Ardor, “Wait a minute. You said red and white roses. I pluck one each and will give them to the couple to break the enchantment”

Book and DM, “WHAT! Okay.”

Ardor, “Dear Juliana, your lips are red as this rose. You rose to the occasion to defy your mother to marry your soul mate. Take this rose to symbolize you love. Orlando to a dude batting way out his league, a white rose.” The spell breaks. And some quick discussion brings them to their senses. They are prepared to leave but worry about Argus and Hamish in the other bedroom.

Ardor, “Let Nick bring them roses.” Nick breaks that spell and everyone leaves. They return to current time and year with only most of day passed. They group is rewarded and the door opens to Nafas mall.

End of Session 558.

Quests form the Infinite Staircase Session 15

Chapter 5 Pharaoh Part 2

Day 48 Dusk to Day 49 Noon

PC Killed 0 Monsters Killed 132 Villains Captured 11 Villains Escaped 29

Start Time 6:10 End Time 8:30

Take 10 downtime days.

I had a very strong group of six. Nick Warrior of Mercy 7 Harengon. Eaden Soul Knife 5 Ranger 2 human. Styx Storm Sorceress 7 Changeling. Ardor Vengeance Paladin 7 Elf. Mishy Rogue 1 Warlock 6 fairy. Kira Barbarian 7 human.

The bathroom door of the deck of cards opens and Ardor, Mishy, and Kira appear. They are slightly confused as a camel for each appears. Nick brings them up to date on mission. Help break Amun Sa curse on the land. First point is finding the pyramid.

KNOCK KNOCK! The Pup Tent of Cards shutters as someone pounds on the front door. A desert dweller is knocking.

Desert Dweller, “I see you are strong people. I am Wrangler I wish that you join my fiefdom.”

Ardor, “What is a fiefdom and where is it?”

Wrangler, “You know what a kingdom is? Yes. Think a little bit smaller. It is to the east.”

Eaden has drawn his long bow and taken a bead on the stranger. “I don’t trust him.”

Wrangler, “Lack of trust is good. I will need that in my fiefdom, perhaps you want to be the head cop? I offer good wages and reduced housing. It will be at least better that a wyvern pup tent.” The group decides to be hired out but first they need to find the pyramid and break the curse, Wrangler agrees to with them. They move out into the desert. About two hours into travel they are attack by dust mephits and an air elemental. The group does well.

Arriving at Amun Ra pyramid, an archaeologist camp has been set up. While talking with Arfez and Pachi, Eaden recognizes they are members of the history club Tears of Athis. The group does digs in Amun Ra lands, and hope to break the curse. With a little bit of friendship, Pachi decides to open one the tent for the group for a short nap which turns into a long night of peaceful sleep.

During the morning Iaseda asks for help translating the hieroglyphs. Mishy casts comprehend languages and gets the following information.

East wall

“I, Amun Sa, set forth a record of myself and of my dealings with this world. Our land is rich with green and fertile fields. The River Athis is the mother of our land, giving life with its waters. Athis nourishes all she touches and gives strength and health to her children. In my youth, my father, the pharaoh, would sit with me beside the spring and tell me stories of the river’s wonderful power and the blessings it gives unto this land.”

South Wall

“In the years that followed, I learned of the passing of the pharaohs and how our tombs could guarantee a path into our chosen afterlife. I watched as my father built a tomb for himself, to guard against bandits who might plunder his tomb, robbing him of his refuge in the beyond. Yet, only a few years after my father’s death, his great burial place was desecrated by thieves. I was tortured by the thought of his spirit wandering the planes alone forever.”

West Wall

Cloaked in the darkness of night, I went to my father’s tomb to witness the truth with my own eyes. My father’s riches were plundered, and the hull of his ship, once jewel-encrusted, was bare and scarred with gouges. I knew with certainty he could not have approached his afterlife in such a boat. As my torch went out, so did the light within my soul. Clutching my staff, I swore by the gods that I would not be cheated of my place in the great beyond. I would build a tomb to end all tombs—one that none could ever despoil.”

The Nafas Nasty (Team name maybe) move into the pyramid and first spy a huge twenty-foot statute of Amun Sa. Eaden and Nick find a secret door behind and crack it open. Moving deeper into the complex they find a second twenty-foot statue in Amun Ra form. With another secret door.

The floor behind the secret door slopes downward twenty degrees, and opens into a church room with seven twenty foot statues Amun Ra. The altar mentions praying to Amun Ra and when Nick does two of the statues open to other places. The first placed is a sprung trap room. The second leads downward to the Grand Hallway which has been totally looted. The Treasure room has been mostly looted but the remains of looting party remain.

Well not exactly, the mimic skeletons attack the paladin when he investigates. But after a brief battle, no treasure is found. Nor is treasure found in the tomb of Amun Ra’s father.

The group back tracks and finds two wells which have running water but no buckets. Waters try to fill the well but a great underground lake is being filled by them. Back tracking to the east front room they find more hieroglyphs. The room is lit by Continual Flame spells.

We will continue next week in Room P4.

DM Note. The group is back to adventuring during the daytime. Wrangler +6 to hit 17 fire damage, or scimitar damage in melee. He is warlock type NPC.

New Scroll Cost Cantrip 30, 1- 50, 2-200, 3-300, 4-2,000 5 – 3K. Ask about scrolls over third.

New Potion Cost Common 25, Uncommon 100 GP Rare 1K ,Very Rare 10 K,

End of Session 561.

Quests form the Infinite Staircase Session 16

Chapter 5 Pharaoh Part 3

Day 49 Noon to Day 50 Breakfast

PC Killed 0 Monsters Killed 149 Villains Captured 11 Villains Escaped 30

Start Time 6:05 End Time 8:40

Take 10 downtime days. 836 GP 66 SP.

Magic Items Scroll of Fly, Fireball Scroll

I had a very weak group of three (NOT!). Nick Warrior of Mercy 7 Harengon. Styx Storm Sorceress 7 Changeling. Ardor Vengeance Paladin 7 Elf. Sidekick Wrangler Warlock NPC.

Staring up at yet another statue of Amun Ra the group is getting tired of his Dorkiness face. This statue is holding a barbecue pit which is active. The foreign language mentions sacrificing food. The group toss in the Wyvern roasts and some mushrooms and are swept into the fire. But they don’t burn. The teleport places in an octagon room.

A skeleton gripping a sword is pointing to the east. The four exits all have dense magical fog in them and Styx loses her sense of direction the moment see steps into one hallway. The four walls have illusions which cover a lever in the center of the wall. Nick shoves one lever down and the paladin clangs to the magnetic ceiling dodging daggers and crossbows and other metal released from the others. Styx shoves another lever which shuts the effect off. Ardor falls face first to the floor. They think and move out.

The mists cover them. They go ten, twenty, or forty feet and come to a long hallway. The hallways are all intersections. In this hallway they find a pouch with platinum pieces. They move on.

The mists cover them. They go ten, twenty, or forty feet and come to a long hallway. The hallways are all intersections. In this hallway they find a pouch with gold pieces. They move on.

The mists cover them. They go ten, twenty, or forty feet and come to a long hallway. The hallways are all intersections. In this hallway they find a kid’s backpack. Nick throws daggers at it. And then searches it. They move on.

The mists cover them. They go ten, twenty, or forty feet and come to a long hallway. The hallways are all intersections. In this hallway they find nothing Nick comes up with the idea of carving letters and numbers in the hallways. K1 N1 are the first. And their first choice leads them back to K1 N1.

DM NOTE. The players were getting ticked off at me smiling at them being lost. But I was remembering how my 1E group got lost in this maze too. Nick got inspiration for the mapping idea. And see the photo of their map.

They made friends with a group of elves. Excuse me I lied. Four doppelgangers lie their way into the party and try to kill them. The Doppelganger room is mapped. The group circles around the Doppelganger room and finds a new intersection.

One exit leads to attack throw rug room. One exit leads to a bandit room. The third exit leads to a trapped room. As they are cutting their way into the room to get some gems. A bandit runs in followed by two minotaurs. The minotaurs want lunch. They don’t get lunch.

The trap room resets as sphinx comes down off the ceiling and turns off the illusion. She asks a riddle with the reward of not being eaten and one question about the tomb. Ardor answers the riddle. The group takes a long rest and asks where the Staff and Star Gem are.

Sphinx, “Go down through the water and up. Up two floors to Amun Ra tomb and then take a leap of faith.” She unscrews the lid to the water system. Nick swims through and climbs up a level. Ardor swims through and up a level.

As Styx nearly gets flushed down the hole, Wrangle swims through and grabs her strongly and pushes her through.

DM NOTE. We will pick up at P29. You have long rest. You are soaking wet. There is a pewter spoon with “P” scratched in it.

End of Session 564.

Quests form the Infinite Staircase Session 17

Chapter 5 Pharaoh Part 4

Day 50 Breakfast to Day 60 breakfast

PC Killed 0 Monsters Killed 157 Villains Captured 11 Villains Escaped 31

Start Time 6:05 End Time 8:38

Take 10 downtime days. 10,222 gp. Take a Level.

Magic Items Staff of Ruling, gem of Seeing, silver cleaver. (Yes, silvered items now count as magic.)

I had a very weak group of three (NOT!). Nick Warrior of Mercy 7 Harengon. Styx Storm Sorceress 7 Changeling. Ardor Vengeance Paladin 7 Elf. Sidekick Wrangler Warlock NPC.

As the rest of group comes up for air, Nick is hopping mad at pewter spoon. He curses it and mangles it and puts in his pouch. Moving upstream everyone is clean. No dungeon funk.

They enter a garden. Ferns, flowers and palm tree grow. Two huge bowls of fresh fruit are ignored as the group search for secret doors. They find one to their right. Nick explores the corridor behind it, while Ardor sticks his head in the far hallway which shows a second garden.

The corridor has a gazelle statue, a long hallway, and ends in a pantry. The pantry is empty but has an old kitchen attached to it. A silver cleaver rests in a block. Meanwhile Ardor has check out the long hallway and crack open a door to some loot. And is knocking on the kitchen door.

Nick, “Go away. I didn’t order Uber. Besides this place is a mess. No one has dusted here in ages. Look at this filthy kitchen. Some great cook must have worked here. Not.” The cleaver bounces between his legs. The ghost of the head chief appears motioning the two out.

Nick, “you not the boss of me. I say...” The chef flicks her cleaning towel out at Nick for 19 points damage. “Miss me you Beep!” She shoves a bar soap down Nick’s mouth. Ardor just watches and then walks out. The sounds of battle fade. Finally, Nick pops out very dusty.

The group back tracks to the second garden. It has four palm trees, two coffins, two doors are fifteen feet above the room, and a lion head spits out the running water. Nick hops up on the ledge and explores. The rest of group tries to decipher the script on the coffin.

Styx, “I am having no lucky how about you Ardor?”

Ardor, “me neither but lovely pineapple trees. Do pineapples grow on trees?’

Wrangler, “NO!” Three pineapples fall from the trees exploding at their feet.

Meanwhile, dirt has fallen at Nick’s feet and an eye is looking at him. “Stop staring at me.” He pokes the eye.

Prit, “Why poke Prit in eye. Why has talking rabbit invaded the crypt? You have spoon? I have spoon. Gold spoons. Silver spoons. Plastic spoons. Steel spoons. Soup spoons. Slotted spoon. Coke spoon. Baby spoon.”

Nick, “I have spoon too.” He holds up the mangled spoon.

Prit, “My spoon I been looking for spoon for twelve years. Why you damage spoon? What spoon do to you. I will dig through the wall and.” Nick kicks the wall down showering the group below.

Nick, “I give you spoon back for more information. Deal?” The deal is struck and Prit has a very strange relationship with spoons. So many spoons are in his vest he has spoon armour. While pewter spoon and Prit are getting to know each other, the rest of group climbs up. Some of the pineapples are picked. Prit tells them of two ways to fourth level, through the spoon tunnel or the door behind the water fall. They take the water fall but make Prit bath first, and they take a short rest since once the two feet of dirt is removed, Prit is really a gnome.

Entering the fourth level, they open the door to the gauntlet. Nafik goes to monologue and is cut short by Styx’s fireball which melts the fist of justice. Nik and Ardor use various teleporting abilities to get up close and personal with the mummy. But this activates various jellies, wall of fires, and shadows behind them. Punches and lightning bolts are thrown and Nafik dust is kick off into the waterway.

The fountain of water in the next room will not talk to them once it learns, they only killed Nafik. Exploring one side off the fountain, they steal Amun Ra’s silver and plate. They destroy Nafik’s coffin and find the front end of the spoon tunnel. Exploring the spoon tunnel, they stomp flat an earth elemental and a heart.

The fountain is pleased. And carries them up to the real tomb. Entering the prechamber, they see a reed boat, a coffin, and mural. The mural is very life like and nearly mirrors the room with another reed boat floating in air. Moving to the tomb they find the Staff of Amun Ra. They collect the staff and open the coffin. They all flash loser signs at the corpse.

Moving back to mural room, they know magic is happening as a cool breeze kisses their hands as they stick them thru the mural.

Someone, “Hey flying boat out there. We can push this boat out the window, and row over to the second boat.” They wrestle the boat through the window. The boat plunges out of site. Their second cunning plan is either Misty Step or fly over. With five people the boat is full.

Wrangler pulls the gem from the bow, “What would you adventurers give me for this gem. You have already promise me service.” He steps out of the boat and walks fifteen feet away juggling the gem.

Styx, “How are you walking on air.”

Nick, “Give the gem.”

Ardor, “Who are you?”

Wrangler, “You can call me Wrangler Jordache. Who are you working for?”

Styx, “He is a djinn.” Nick leaps for the gem and misses.

Wrangler, “Have fun falling three miles. Damn, I forgot about the ring of feather falling.”

Ardor, “We work for Nafas.”

Wrangler, “Tell him I said hello. Catch. Carlton it is time to open the doors now.” A door opens on the boat and behind Nick.

The End.

DM Note. See adjusted Gp. We will be using the new Monster manual. Beyond sometimes pulls up the old monster stats. Most of the changes are more hp which don’t matter, and an extra attack.

End of session 565.

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