D&D 5E Multiclass Barbarian or not?

I am playing a half orc Barbarian. Currently 8th level and I cannot decide whether or not to multiclass to Fighter when I get to 9th. The post-8th level class features for Barbarians seem not that interesting until very high level. I could take the next three levels of Fighter and get all kinds of interesting things and perhaps even stick with it til 12th to get three attacks and more ASIs. What do people think?

It fits for multiple reasons from a rp'ing point of view as well.

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41st lv DM
Leaving mechanical considerations out of it, how does becoming a Fighter fit with the character your playing?

The bear totem already got its best ability at level 3. You really don´t lose a lot.
You gain:
fighting style, second wind (double effective with rage) all at level 1. Action surge at level 2. Battle master dice or improved critical at level 3 and another ASI at level 4.
So you may want those levels. They are good and even if they delay your higher level abilities that are 4 points of damage and an average of 11hp (resistance accounted) immediately.


As long as i get to be the frog
The bear totem already got its best ability at level 3. You really don´t lose a lot.
You gain:
fighting style, second wind (double effective with rage) all at level 1. Action surge at level 2. Battle master dice or improved critical at level 3 and another ASI at level 4.
So you may want those levels. They are good and even if they delay your higher level abilities that are 4 points of damage and an average of 11hp (resistance accounted) immediately.

The biggest concern is whether you always have enough rages a day for the combats you face. If you do then multiclassing is probably better.


First Post
This is a tough choice, because you don't want to delay your Extra Attack feature too much as a weapon-primary character.

Going Barb 5 before taking levels in Fighter would be the fastest path to the feature, however then your 10th level (barb 5/fighter 5) is a dead level.

Going Barb 1/Fighter 5 would be the best way of gaining Extra Attack at a reasonable level, but then you would need to delay Barb 3 until 8th level. This isn't as bad an issue as it sounds, as non-physical damage will start becoming problematic around this time when you first activate the feature. You gain very little advantage of going Fighter first in this instance, since rage cannot be used while wearing heavy armor.

This also has the added benefit of you hitting 3 attacks/round at 14th level (Barb 3/Fighter 11).

The slowest path I would recommend would be to take Barb 3 (or 4) followed by 5 levels of fighter. This will greatly delay access to ASIs, and Extra Attack but will give you more early-game durability. I personally don't think this path is ideal, and the 2nd option would be the one I recommend (Barb 1/Fighter 5/Barb 3/Fighter X).

You can also multiclass to a third class instead of taking more levels in Fighter if that is your desire.

This is a tough choice, because you don't want to delay your Extra Attack feature too much as a weapon-primary character.

Going Barb 5 before taking levels in Fighter would be the fastest path to the feature, however then your 10th level (barb 5/fighter 5) is a dead level.

Going Barb 1/Fighter 5 would be the best way of gaining Extra Attack at a reasonable level, but then you would need to delay Barb 3 until 8th level. This isn't as bad an issue as it sounds, as non-physical damage will start becoming problematic around this time when you first activate the feature. You gain very little advantage of going Fighter first in this instance, since rage cannot be used while wearing heavy armor.

This also has the added benefit of you hitting 3 attacks/round at 14th level (Barb 3/Fighter 11).

The slowest path I would recommend would be to take Barb 3 (or 4) followed by 5 levels of fighter. This will greatly delay access to ASIs, and Extra Attack but will give you more early-game durability. I personally don't think this path is ideal, and the 2nd option would be the one I recommend (Barb 1/Fighter 5/Barb 3/Fighter X).

You can also multiclass to a third class instead of taking more levels in Fighter if that is your desire.

He is already level 8 barbarian.
That means he can't go back to level 6. ;)


41st lv DM
He's a brutal half orc who never fitted in any where but is slowly finding his place in the world and becoming less barbaric and more tactical.

Then I would MC to fighter. And I wouldn't likely look back. See, after initial creation, I make most of my choices based upon what's developing within the story. Not math, not a "build', not min/maxing. Not "Ooh, if I switch to ___ I'll get xyz - vs staying a ____ & only gaining B". Story. Even if the choice is anything but optimal.

It's how in a PF game last year I ended up with a Tiefling wizard:14 (divination)/PALADIN:1 And the character began as LE & along the way converted to LG.
Not the arc I'd generally envisioned. Absolutely non-optimal. But hey, that's how play evolved.
So.... Wizard:14/Paladin:1

And here in 5e I'm faced with a tough story choice for my 1/2ling warlock. The next time she lvs she'll get an ASI/Feat.
1) Increase her Wisdom? She's young. An actual kid. Age 11 now. Because she doesn't know any better/understand/realize, I put her Wisdom as her 2nd lowest stat (8). But thanks to a Cubic Gate/Amulet of the Planes mishap that started her career & actual play she's been adventuring for 2 years now. She's not a rookie adventurer anymore. She's learned.
But is it time to show that growth through a Wisdom increase & a slight change in how I play her? Has she learned enough yet?
2) Actual play & dice rolls have also revealed her to be amazingly talented when it comes to making medicine checks to stabilize 0HP comrades. The # of natural 20s she's rolled, putting other characters right back into action, is just uncanny.
If ever there's a character that has (or is certainly developing) the healer feat it's Bree Burrfoot - self-proclaimed Awesome Adventurer, Warlock (fey patron, chain pact), treasure hunter & now.... Combat Medic?
I admit, I didn't envision her as a healer. But apparently my D20 has its' own ideas.

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