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Mutant High Issue 2: A Hard Lesson

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Fangor the Fierce

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Seeing the dilemma, Spike turns to Wolverine. "I think this might be our best chance. If they are out storming the school, then there should not be a lot of them in there... hopefully. Either way, there's less than there would be. I'll go in, seeing if I can cut the power to those metal detectors. Then we'll storm the place, wreck some stuff, and hopefully live to tell the others."

With a grin, Spike moves to the entrance, intent on making sure that he does not take anything metal into the place. (Removes cell, watch, and whatever else would trigger those detectors) As he does this, he wonders about his clothing, as he turns to check the unconscious ones. He inspects them, wondering if they have access cards, identical items that would be needed inside, etc...

Otherwise, he moves in, and scours the place...

Relique du Madde

If Serena doesn't wake, and no one tries to buckler her in, Miranda will grab and turn Serena insubstantial with her. This WILL cut off any power Serena is using that is not a Sensory power.



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Calypso grimaces as she keeps the water moving, preventing the Juggernaut's feet from touching the floor. If he got even the slightest push off something solid...

"Phase...about the cyborg," she says in a strained voice. "Can you handle him? If I try to do much else while I've got this water bubble going, Juggernaut could get out, and we reeeeeally don't want Juggernaut to get out!"

(hee hee...I almost forgot I can't use any other attacks while I'm maintaining Create Object :) Deflect still works though.)


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OOC:[sblock]It takes a move action to strap in. So I assume it also takes a move action to strap someone else in. But will it takes a move action to get over to Serena to strap her in? If not, then Temper will strap Serena and herself in. If so, then she'll just strap Sparky in anyway; there's not a whole lot of hope for her save even with the bonus.

Ref: roll is 11[/sblock], so that's 13 with her normal bonus or 18 after strapping in.[/sblock]


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Eric buckles he seat belt, and lunges out with his power in an attempt to help the others.
Just because it won't work doesn't mean he won't try :). Eric attempets to
raise everyone's dexterity.

Ref save (1d20+11=26) +5 for buckling up = 31. I think he's good.


First Post
If Serena doesn't wake, and no one tries to buckler her in, Miranda will grab and turn Serena insubstantial with her. This WILL cut off any power Serena is using that is not a Sensory power.


I don't think that will work, remember, Serena is crackling with electricity, so touching her like that is maybe risking alot of pain. Kinda like sticking a fork inside a live electrical outlet. I dunno It's nonlethal damage, so she should be okay eventually.... Cyclops should know about her regeneration ability. I'd think.


First Post
Temper lunges foward and roughly hauls Serena into a seat with a burst of strength, ignoring the electricity crackling over her form. Then she hurried straps the other girl into place. After securing the unconscious mutant, Temper tries to swing herself into an adjacent seat too late. Too slow. Pitched about by the uncontrolled descent of the X-jet, she'll at least curl herself into a ball to protect her head. I hope I don't hit anyone.

Relique du Madde

With Serena buckled in, knowing that there was little hope for her not to be injured during the X-Jet's landing, Miranda closed her eyes and returned to her ghost form and tried to see how long she could ride out the crashlanding until her incorproreal body was eventually expelled from the jet.



- X-Jet -
Miranda and Kitty phase themselves out at the last second, momentum sending them sailing through the air, though Miranda manages to control her flight a bit, landing safely though roughly several hundred feet away.

Temper succeeds in buckling Serena in before the sudden stop of the jet sends her and cyclops flying out the front window, where Miranda sees them come flying towards her, sailing through the windshield. Temper's tough form smashes a tree to splinters as she strikes it, but she seems to still be conscious. Cyclops however hits the ground hard, rolling to an immobile stop.

The remainder of those onboard managed to buckle themselves in to varying degrees of effectiveness, Eric and Xi'an are pulled hard against their harnesses but are uninjured, and Serena - though she is banged around within her seat - appears to be safe. Pyro smashes his head hard into the wall beside him, falling unconcious.

- Cyberspace -
Serena & Serena grabs the boy, jolting him with a stream of electricity. With a childish whine, he dissapears, leaving the two of them standing there staring bewildered at each other. A second later, they both clutched at their heads in pain and fall to their knees. "Somethings wrong with our body" One of them says.

- Mansion -
"Shouldn't be a problem, he's not even... Phase is interupted by a high pitched squealing as he grabs his ears. Everyone does, and Calypso finds herself unable to keep focus. The bubble collapses, Juggernaut landing on his hands and feet. With a snarl, he stands and barrels towards the others, sending beast and gambit flying.

"^#%!" Phase curses as he the scream dies down, still kneeling in pain near Calypso

"Resistance level has increased. Secondary objective terminated. Complete Primary Objective." The Cyborgs eyes lock on Phase as it stalks towards the two students, leaving the remaining X-men to Juggernaut.

- Wilderness Base -
Wolverine agrees with a sigh, but makes it clear that if there are any problems, Spike should make a lot of noise, and He'll come rushing in to help. Unfortunately, they've travelled some way, through patrolled territory, to get here, and the guards they'd fought aren't close enough for another inspection. Entering the tunnel, Spike sees that it quickly turns into a staircase going down, and at the bottom of that staircase is a metal door.

Being Buckled allows Serena to make a save at a base +5 for the seat belt.Serena's Save (1d20+5=25)
*L* Nice, nat 20. She gets 1 bruise.
-Inside the jet-
Eric and Xi'an: no damage
Pyro: unconscious
Serena: 1 bruised, stunned
-Outside the jet -
Cyclops: unconscious or worse
Temper: staggered
Miranda: bruised from her rough exit
Kitty: Unkown

Calypso Concentration check (1d20+5=8) to keep create object going through the high pitched whine
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Voidrunner's Codex

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