D&D 4E My 4e House Rules that have nothing to do with 1-2-1 movement

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
psionotic said:
The diagonal movement thing would bother me more if the 1-2-1-2 movement was itself more mathematically accurate.

Well, it is demonstrably more mathematically accurate than 1-1-1-1 :)

But I can see your point that it isn't perfectly accurate. You know what this really means, don't you?

More tape measures!

Back to wargaming roots! ;)


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I've decided my solution for the 1-1-1-1 problem is going to be two-fold.

1) Stop drawing underground rooms ridiculously big, and instead spread the fight over several rooms.

2) Buy a hex mat for the outdoors, which I've been thinking of doing anyway.

Now I can have the ease of use, and accuracy is no longer an issue. Done and done.

Tolen Mar

First Post
Plane Sailing said:
Well, it is demonstrably more mathematically accurate than 1-1-1-1 :)

But I can see your point that it isn't perfectly accurate. You know what this really means, don't you?

More tape measures!

Back to wargaming roots! ;)


Actually, our group has been doing this for some time. Its just easier all around, gets rid of the funky AoE shapes...but then a lot of folks already complain about the rules being too wargamey.


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Mourn said:
Sure, this is a problem... if you ignore the fact that the fighter has abilities specifically to negate this sort of thing. Previously, while this may have resulted in slower movement, the fighter could do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to prevent someone from moving past him, since AoOs didn't stop anyone from continuing to move (unless they died, of course).
Yeah, and now he doesn't even get an AoO when somebody moves past him, because they move around his reach at no penalty. Unless every fighter is a reach weapon fighter now. What fighter powers have been shown that allow him to stop movement outside his own reach as an immediate action? Besides, that's only one example. Do some extrapolation. Not every obstacle is going to be a character in the defender role.
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Squire James

First Post
I admit I've always been somewhat of a stickler for accuracy when judging distances. There was a time I actually applied the Pythagorean Theorem for each non-orthogonal movement, and my math skills were up to it. Nowadays my thought processes are slower, and people have less patience, so I can't do that anymore. So I started doing simpler rules, like adding 5 ft to movement distance per 10 ft offset from orthogonal (i.e. straight along the grid) movement... in other words the "1, 2, 1, 2" rule.

This rule is already a simplification from what I'd like... ten diagonals should after all be 140 (OK, actually 141.4) feet and not 150 feet!... adopting a 1 diagonal = 1 orthogonal model is like suddenly deciding that Pi is 4. I'm too much the math guy to let THAT happen!


Plane Sailing said:
Well, it is demonstrably more mathematically accurate than 1-1-1-1 :)

But I can see your point that it isn't perfectly accurate. You know what this really means, don't you?

More tape measures!

Back to wargaming roots! ;)


A squared + B squared = C squared - good old Pythagorus will get you the exact distance of a diagonal movement ;)


First Post
A marked length of string is, er, markedly faster than doing the math, and necessarily comes up with the same results. :)

Also, some of us have been playing tabletop RPGs for quite long enough to know what we like and don't like, and especially what works for us and doesn't work for us without having to sit down and play through a game we know we're not going to like for months. I know I'll be adding a good few of the missing area-of-effect templates back into my own game, starting with lines.


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Regardless of how mathematically accurate it is, after 8 years of playing with 1212 movement, and just one night of 1111 movement on Friday, I adamantly endorse 1111 movement as being superior for this game. It makes everything much smoother.


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epochrpg said:
When did this become the 1-2-1 movement thread again?

I'd say it's bound to happen in a thread discussing 4E house rules before we've actually played the game to see how 1-1-1 movement fits into the framework of the rules.

Voidrunner's Codex

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