D&D 5E My big problem with 5e

It's not out until next year.

C'mon guys, I'm Jonesin' for a fix here.

Give a dude a break; I'll have the money for you next week, I promise. I'm just going through some stuff right now.

Quit holding out on me, man...

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Clicked on this thread expecting more whining, found something refreshing.

/literally found it, on the floor. Did you drop this, Blacky? It looks shiny and new, with a big '5' on the front cover. I think I'm going to go home and play it...

Clicked on this thread expecting more whining, found something refreshing.

I was getting sick of the whining too, so I thought I'd lighten things up a bit.

/literally found it, on the floor. Did you drop this, Blacky? It looks shiny and new, with a big '5' on the front cover. I think I'm going to go home and play it...
[Calculon] NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooo! [/Calculon]

Voidrunner's Codex

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