My Birthright 5e Conversion

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Hi everyone,

I got working on a conversion of the Birthright setting for my own use and I thought I'd share it with you all. It is focused on the adventuring-level playstyle rather than domain management, and it uses feats for bloodline powers.

Birthright 5e D&D Conversion Document

Very impressive work here, thank you for posting; I believe someone else referred me to it on I'm going to work on the domain rules, as I anticipate using them. Fortunately they don't need much work to convert. This helps a lot on the adventuring side, though I will probably tweak some things to suite my needs.

Also I'm working on some variant backgrounds. For instance, a variant sage is the Herald, whose research feature specializes in the political and military machinations of other domains. A variant Charlatan is the False Scion, a commoner posing as a blooded scion. (yes A Knight's Tale inspired those two) I'll share those when they are presentable.

Looking at starting a 5e BR campaign in two weeks with some fairly newbie players, so I don't know how much domain play we will get into, but my thinking is that domain turns could be interesting if done by e-mail / forum / google hangouts in between adventuring down at the table.

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