D&D General My cousin in law used random Treasure generation tables that resulted in A 1st level Party getting a permanent potion of Heroism. Ideas


I've had a idea for how my cousin in law could resolve this situation. Your thoughts? and in case your wondering I've heard enough about my cousins to know that they will readily agree that both of these options are preferable to the mess their in

Have The Magic User be in the right place to save The Heir of A Senior Elven Count, who in Elven terms is 11 years old, which means he was born roughly 90 years ago, from some racist Dwarfs

If he does step in to save the kid then he automatically succeeds, but in doing so he takes injuries that force his retirement but to make up for it he is made A Fairly Senior Baron, which means his retirement is a luxurious 1

If he doesn't step in to save the kid then the kid gets murdered and to prevent a major diplomatic incident he's executed without trial

Either way problem solved. Do you like my idea?

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Ok, so looking at this thing, it is in fact, Fighter only, so that's one out; it didn't work. The other out is:
View attachment 279361
View attachment 279365
So all this does is give you the chance to hit of a Wizard X levels higher, and additional hit points, which over time will reduce as the potion's effect is based on your level. It grants no better saving throws or spell slots (as written). So eventually this problem sorts itself out; the bonus d10 hit dice are replaced by d4's as you level, and by level 13, the potion has no effect at all.

And just look at the combat matrices; 6 levels of Wizard is like what, 5% better chance to hit? Lol.
I've just read a text from my cousin in law who says that he made it a 1-of-a-kind version of a permanent Potion of Super Heroism that can be used by A Fighter regardless of Alignment or by anyone that's not A Fighter whose Alignment is either Good or Lawful

The reason why is that he figured that his Players wouldn't risk their character drinking it, but The Magic Users Player decided that their only 1st level, its only their 1st adventure and if the worst happens his character only miss's out on 1 adventure worth of experance and loot


Ooops looks like both me and my Cousin in Law had forgotten that only men at arms and fighters can use it. Sorry
Now updated with info from a text my cousin in law send me

I've just read a text from my cousin in law who says that he made it a 1-of-a-kind version of a permanent Potion of Super Heroism that can be used by A Fighter regardless of Alignment or by anyone that's not A Fighter whose Alignment is either Good or Lawful

The reason why is that he figured that his Players wouldn't risk their character drinking it, but The Magic Users Player decided that their only 1st level, its only their 1st adventure and if the worst happens his character only miss's out on 1 adventure worth of experance and loot


I've had a idea for how my cousin in law could resolve this situation. Your thoughts? and in case your wondering I've heard enough about my cousins to know that they will readily agree that both of these options are preferable to the mess their in

Have The Magic User be in the right place to save The Heir of A Senior Elven Count, who in Elven terms is 11 years old, which means he was born roughly 90 years ago, from some racist Dwarfs

If he does step in to save the kid then he automatically succeeds, but in doing so he takes injuries that force his retirement but to make up for it he is made A Fairly Senior Baron, which means his retirement is a luxurious 1

If he doesn't step in to save the kid then the kid gets murdered and to prevent a major diplomatic incident he's executed without trial

Either way problem solved. Do you like my idea?
I do not think the solution to the problem is to take the PC away from the player. The DM might ask the player if he wants this or ask about removing the potion in the first place and making him 1st level again, but if the only options is to be removed from the game or be removed from the game, then that just sucks from a player perspective.


The reason why is that he figured that his Players wouldn't risk their character drinking it, but The Magic Users Player decided that their only 1st level, its only their 1st adventure and if the worst happens his character only miss's out on 1 adventure worth of experance and loot
This is why I sometimes use the DM override, or make things up in the moment rule. If the player was just metagaming and said, what the heck, it is only the first adventure, I would just change the potion from super-cool or just a potion of invisibility and have him be invisible for an hour. I would replace the super-cool potion later in the adventure and try again. Some here would argue against this and have a more what happens, happens rule, but I do not have a problem changing things.


the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
Since your cousin-in-law has already altered the nature of the potion, they could alter it further. Perhaps it is permanent in the sense that the effect can be called forth once per day, but the effects only last 1d4+4 turns. Still overpowered for 1st level, but not as bad.


the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
My cousin in law in law has recentely became A GM and his 1st group did their 1st adventure yesterday, the problem is that the rolls for The Villains Treasure was A 100 then A 39 then A 70

This means that the only Treasure The Villain had was A Bottle that held A Blended Magic Potion whose effects were permanent, it was A Potion of Super Heroism
Also, I'm not sure what tables your cousin-in-law was rolling on, but random treasure rolls of 100, then 39, then 70 would result in a ring of swimming, at least according to the AD&D 1st edition DMG.


Also, I'm not sure what tables your cousin-in-law was rolling on, but random treasure rolls of 100, then 39, then 70 would result in a ring of swimming, at least according to the AD&D 1st edition DMG.
I wondered that myself, so I asked him and its a custom made table that he made and the only reason this kind of thing is possible is because he thought it would never happen, which means he thought that he'd never have to worry about it


the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
I wondered that myself, so I asked him and its a custom made table that he made and the only reason this kind of thing is possible is because he thought it would never happen, which means he thought that he'd never have to worry about it
He needs to realize if you roll enough times, anything can happen. And if he didn't think it would happen, why put it on the table?

Voidrunner's Codex

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