Sounds awesome. When he is spurned, or (worse) led on while she conducts a physical relationship with a really annoying jerk at the local tavern, then he can opt for corporeality through Reincarnation, and become a centaur or lizard folk.It's been a complicated campaign, to say the least. This character got artificially aged by a necromancer (stealing youth) during character creation, so he's been a 15-year-old trapped in a geriatric body, pretending to be an archer (mages in the setting are heavily moderated and not allowed just to roam about) and someday aiming to learn enough necromancy to steal his life back from that guy.
He is totally infatuated with a random encounter barmaid (who flirted with him in order to get out of her dead-end village) and it's been his life goal to win her over (because deep down he's an infatuated 15-year-old).
So (the player is an awesome roleplayer), the player was overjoyed that when he died because his ghost form allowed him to manifest as his youthful self. Now that he's young and hot again, he firmly believes the barmaid (who secretly despises him for reasons way too complicated to put in this post) will totally be into him if he can just get a body.
Tale as old as time.