D&D General Ghostly player?

It's been a complicated campaign, to say the least. This character got artificially aged by a necromancer (stealing youth) during character creation, so he's been a 15-year-old trapped in a geriatric body, pretending to be an archer (mages in the setting are heavily moderated and not allowed just to roam about) and someday aiming to learn enough necromancy to steal his life back from that guy.

He is totally infatuated with a random encounter barmaid (who flirted with him in order to get out of her dead-end village) and it's been his life goal to win her over (because deep down he's an infatuated 15-year-old).

So (the player is an awesome roleplayer), the player was overjoyed that when he died because his ghost form allowed him to manifest as his youthful self. Now that he's young and hot again, he firmly believes the barmaid (who secretly despises him for reasons way too complicated to put in this post) will totally be into him if he can just get a body.
Sounds awesome. When he is spurned, or (worse) led on while she conducts a physical relationship with a really annoying jerk at the local tavern, then he can opt for corporeality through Reincarnation, and become a centaur or lizard folk.

Tale as old as time.

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He's found out she's been with other people, and before becoming a ghost he's rationalized that he needed to be more "hip," causing him to expend his funds (he asks the party treasurer for permission to get money, like an allowance) on cool hats and coats and expensive wine. He heard from some learned rugged mercenary men that women like wine and a man with a nice hat.

Oh, it's become something I would never have predicted.

So A5E has a feat chain called Revenant. I made a custom wraithform-type modification of it to suit one of my games' purposes, here ya go in case it helps out:

You have shed your mortal shell and forsaken another- your essence is ablaze with a purpose so focused that it walks Advaen as a mortal would, its existence beyond mortal ken.
You shall burn bright, before all you are and all those you ever have been are no more.

You may choose to select this feat when you die, replacing your most recently chosen feat other than Vendetta or reducing your ability scores to reverse your last Ability Score Increase. The next midnight your corpse rises and your soul returns to it. You gain the undead type in addition to being a humanoid, as well as the following benefits:

  • Your destiny changes to Revenge.
  • You gain resistance to radiant and psychic damage.
  • You gain vulnerability to necrotic damage.
  • You gain darkvision to a range of 60 feet (or if you already have it, its range increases by 30 feet).
  • You become immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition.
  • If your vendetta has not ended, you regain all of your hit points when you finish a short rest or 1 hour after you are reduced to 0 hit points.
  • You gain an expertise die on saving throws made against spells and other magical effects, and on saving throws made to resist being charmed, fatigued, frightened, paralyzed, or stunned.
  • You gain an expertise die on ability checks made to find or track a creature that is part of your vendetta.

    Ghostwalk. As a bonus action, you can relax your essence enough to walk the border between the ethereal and the physical worlds. This lasts for 1 minute or until you use a bonus action to end it. Once you have used this trait, you cannot use it again until after you finish a long rest.

    While ghostwalk is active you move through nonmagical solid objects and occupied spaces as if they were difficult terrain; opportunity attacks made against you have disadvantage. You cannot move further than 5 feet into walls or other solid objects in this way. If you would end your turn in an occupied space, you are shunted into the nearest unoccupied space and take 3d12 force damage.
"Expertise die" refers to a 1d4 in this case, but you could just sub in a +2 bonus if you like.
Yes, this is powerful.. the chain takes 2 feats at this point, and A5E doesn't have extra feats via fighter etc.

Oh, and probably swap the radiant and necrotic resist/damage. That's just to fit the circumstance of its creation, sort of a light-based specter/wraith-soul :)

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