D&D 5E My D&D Next Experience at DDXP


What do you want a thief to do if not sneak around and be all backstabby, lockpicky and so forth?

If you're not doing those things you're not playing that class, you're playing a fighter who insists on wearing leather armor and soft boots! :D

(Just a guess) He tried to be all sneaky and backstabby and so forth, but the game didn't support that enough so he felt too much like a fighter in leather armor and soft boots?

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First Post
So, [speculation] Clerics have to choose between casting healing spells or being a contributor to the fight? [/speculation] If that's the case, yeah, that's something from older editions that doesn't need to come back again. (I expect no confirmation or denile here, of course).

That versatility is a feature, not a bug.


That versatility is a feature, not a bug.

Only if you're able to ignore your fellow players:

Round 1: Into the fray!

Round 2: (Player 1) Ack, critted! Help!

Round 3: (Player 2) Barbarian needs healing, badly!

Round 4: (Player 3) Um, my rouge is a smear on the wall over there. Little assistance?

My players used the terms cleric and healer interchangeably before 4e, because that's all they really ever did.

I dunno, maybe this is a good thing. One of my players complained that the 4e cleric didn't feel like a cleric. Perhaps running around the battlefield healing all the time is fun for some.


I dunno, maybe this is a good thing. One of my players complained that the 4e cleric didn't feel like a cleric. Perhaps running around the battlefield healing all the time is fun for some.

But it is such a narrow archetype. Surely the god of the cleric should matter. As a cleric of the Raven Queen I like helping enemies off this mortal coil as much as keeping allies on it!


First Post
Based on all of the comments (by those who participated) I've read in this thread so far (and given that it's still too early to tell for sure), I think I'm gonna really, really like 5E.

Of course a lot will be in the presentation.


But it is such a narrow archetype. Surely the god of the cleric should matter. As a cleric of the Raven Queen I like helping enemies off this mortal coil as much as keeping allies on it!

Yeah, it sounds like a cleric will be like a more spellcasting-y paladin, where priests will be more closer to their individual gods that they worship.


Round 4: (Player 3) Um, my rouge is a smear on the wall over there. Little assistance?
"We're surrounded by ogres and you're kissing dungeon walls. What do you need assistance with? I'm a doctor, not a shrink!"

Anyway, I insist that it's a bug, and it's easy to fix. Just separate a cleric's healing from his other spells. Make it a class feature or something.

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
So, [speculation] Clerics have to choose between casting healing spells or being a contributor to the fight? [/speculation] If that's the case, yeah, that's something from older editions that doesn't need to come back again. (I expect no confirmation or denile here, of course).

Could be they brought back the non-edged weapon restrictions.

Still, this is all very early playtesting and I would let any tidbit sway me either way. I'll stay hopeful and be glad that they are exploring many, many options to see how they work together knowing full well that much will have to be cut to eventually make a coherent game system. I'm pleased to hear both about the folks who felt things worked and those who felt the direction wasn't what they felt was good because that simply, at this stage, means WotC is looking at all options.

Voidrunner's Codex

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