D&D 5E My Everyday Heroes Conversion & Builds


About 8 months ago I did a review for Everyday Heroes, and last month I did a review for the system’s Rambo sourcebook. Suffice to say that I’m a big fan, and converted various characters from existing media properties to show off its versatility. However, I became busy with other things and only made 3 such conversions. But with the recent release of the Vault, a sourcebook compiling the various new mechanics from the product line, I found my imagination reignited again.

I will be posting two kinds of builds in this thread: those based off of characters from existing franchises, and more general builds reflecting popular concepts.

All characters, unless otherwise noted, use 27 point buy and take average results for Hit Point increases.

I will be making use of one errata/change from Chapter 12 of the Vault for my builds:

Acquiring Duplicate Equipment Proficiencies said:
When you would gain Advanced, Historical, or Improvised equipment proficiency, if you already have that proficiency, you can instead choose a different equipment proficiency from among Advanced, Historical, or Improvised or you can choose to gain any single skill proficiency.

If you would gain Military equipment proficiency and you already have it, you can instead choose to gain proficiency in Historical or Improvised equipment, or you can gain expertise in any one skill that you are already proficient in.

Explanation: Since equipment proficiencies do have a cost in backgrounds and professions, we felt that, on balance, this rule should be added to make sure that the thematic combat characters don’t lose out. This rule does slightly complicate character building, but, after talking with fans, we feel that it is worth the trade-off.

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Jack of All Trades
Archetype 1st Level Smart Hero; Class Everyday Hero
Background Technophile (+1 Intelligence); Profession Aid Worker (+1 Constitution, +1 Wisdom)
Wealth Level 1
Speed 30 Feet

Hit Points 7 (1d6+1); Defense 13 (10 + Intelligence modifier); Genius 2 (Plan DC is 13)

Strength 10 (+0) Dexterity 10 (+0) Constitution 12 (+1) Intelligence 16 (+3) Wisdom 13 (+1) Charisma 14 (+2)
Saving Throws Constitution +2, Dexterity +3
Skills Arts & Crafts +3, Computers +5, Endurance +3, Mechanics +5, Medicine +5, Natural Sciences +5, Perception +5 (expertise), Persuasion +4, Security +5, Social Sciences +5, Stealth +3, Streetwise +3
Languages English, Spanish
Equipment Proficiencies Basic, Advanced
Passive Perception 15
Proficiency Bonus +2
Special Feature There’s an App for That: You always have the latest and greatest cell phone before the general public. Your phone can substitute as any plausible tool in the equipment list. The GM has final say on what is plausible for your phone to do.
Special Feature A Good Reputation: You have advantage on Charisma ability checks made to ask for aid for yourself, your allies, or others. You also have advantage on Charisma saving throws made to resist attempts to slander you. You lose these advantages with any person who has witnessed you committing an act of violence.


Versatile: You can take Multiclass Feats one level earlier than their prerequisites normally allow.


Global Contacts (1st Level, Minor): Can call upon a local friend for various favors, gain advantage on Wisdom (Streetwise) checks when getting tips from friends, can borrow up to 3 items with a Price Level of 3 or less for a month from your friend.

Skill Training (1st Level, Minor): Gain proficiency in Arts & Crafts and Mechanics skills.


Coordinated Maneuvers: Spend bonus action so that you and each ally that can see or hear you can immediately move up to their movement speed. Opportunity attacks have disadvantage vs moving allies. Allies advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks until the start of your next turn on a foot chase.

Expect the Unexpected: Spend action to increase Defense bonus to +3 for the next hour.

Watch Your Step: As an action, cause a 10-foot square surface within 60 feet to become difficult terrain for 1 minute. Each combatant standing in the area or who enters the area or ends their turn there must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or fall Prone.

Choose up to two opponents on foot or one land vehicle’s driver during a chase. You earn 1 chase point for each target that fails a Dexterity saving throw against the plan DC, or 2 points if the target was a driver.

Equipment: A not-yet-released smartphone, first-aid kit, nutrition bars, aid worker ID


Unarmed Strike +2: 1d4 bludgeoning; PV 1; Properties Finesse, Light, Special; Bulk -

Level Up Choices

2nd: Plans: Know the Layout; Feats: Ability Score Training (Wisdom, Minor), Weapons Expertise (Minor)
3rd: Feats: Charming Hero Training (Deception & Intimidation proficiency, Persuasion expertise)
4th: Plans: Dirty Little Secrets; Feats: Duelist Training (Tricks: Riposte, Tripping Strike, Major)
5th: Advanced Combat Training
6th: Plans: When A Plan Comes Together, I Brought a Friend (Feat); Feats: Strategist Training (Military Equipment proficiency, Major)
7th: Feats: Wise Hero Training (Insight proficiency, Major)
8th: Plans: The Right Tool, Actionable Intelligence & That Was a Mistake (Feat); Feats: Advanced Strategist Training (Improvised Equipment proficiency, Major)
9th: Capstone (Strategist)
10th: Plans: Calculated Trajectory; Feats: Sleuth Training (Investigation & Sleight of Hand proficiency, Major)

Details: This build makes use of the Everyday Hero class exclusive to the Vault. It can be applied to any of the six Hero archetypes and was created as a sort of “classless” alternative that requires special GM permission to take. Instead of gaining explicit class features, it is akin to the 3rd Edition Fighter in giving a character a bunch of feats, and they can take Multiclass feats one level earlier than they would otherwise, while their 9th level Capstone lets them take such a feature from any class in which they have taken Multiclass feats (Smart Heroes use Plans at full enhancement level) or a Major feat if they have not done so.

This tempted me to try and make a sort of all-in-one character concept for Everyday Heroes. I admit that the character starts out as not very combat-worthy, but is very strong in having a huge amount of skill proficiencies right off the bat. The Global Contacts feat and initial Plans are designed to help aid the party in a variety of open-ended ways.

At further levels their capabilities branch out more. Weapons Expertise is designed to give them a decent to-hit and damage bonus with weapons, Know the Layout helps identify notable features for areas the party may infiltrate or explore, Charming Hero Training gives them social skills and Dirty Little Secrets helps even further with that, and Duelist grants them some melee options. At 5th level, Everyday Hero has the option of either Advanced Combat Training (extra attack, basically) or taking another Major Advanced feat, so I took Advanced Combat Training to help up their offensive potential. By 6th level I chose Strategist, a rather martial Smart hero archetype that grants a useful bonus equipment choice for its normal and advanced feats. The class’ specific Plans are broad enough to be useful in a variety of situations, such as gaining NPC allies (I Brought a Friend), the ability to preemptively detect various hazards and threats (Actionable Intelligence), and ways to inconvenience foes in combat (That Was a Mistake). I chose Strategist to be the Capstone rather than Duelist, as the Plans all work very well with this boost. By the later levels I chose Wise Hero and Sleuth Training to get more skill proficiencies.

While I’d haven’t tested it in play, this build more or less works at being a master-of-none with a bunch of different options to cover a variety of roles. By 10th level they have all 5 Equipment proficiencies, 15 out of 22 skills, and expertise in Perception and Persuasion. They aren’t going to be as great as specialists in certain areas, as is to be expected, and due to being a Smart Hero are pretty fragile.


Agent 47
Archetype 10th Level Agile Hero; Class Scoundrel
Background Raised by Assassins (+1 Dexterity); Profession Crime (+1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence)
Wealth Level 2
Speed 30 Feet

Hit Points 63 (10d8+10); Defense 16 (10 + 3 + Dexterity modifier); Genius 4 (Plan DC is 14, use Plans equivalent to 5th level Smart Hero)

Strength 14 (+2) Dexterity 16 (+3) Constitution 12 (+1) Intelligence 14 (+2) Wisdom 12 (+1) Charisma 10 (+0)
Saving Throws Charisma +4, Dexterity +7
Skills Athletics +6, Deception +4, Intimidation +4, Investigation +10, Perception +5, Security +11, Sleight of Hand +11, Stealth +11, Streetwise +5, Vehicles +7
Languages English, Japanese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, whatever else the plot demands
Equipment Proficiencies Basic, Advanced, Military, Historical, Improvised
Passive Perception 15
Proficiency Bonus +4
Special Feature, Criminal Record: Advantage on Charisma checks when interacting with criminal underworld, disadvantage on Charisma checks with law enforcement or private security who know of your reputation.

Criminal/Covert Expertise: Double proficiency on Security, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth checks
Fast Reflexes: advantage on initiative.
Master of Subterfuge: treat 9 or lower on Deception, Security, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, or Streetwise as a 10
Roll With It: reaction to halve damage from attack
Surprise Attack: advantage on opponents who haven’t acted yet
Quickness/Swift: use Dash, Disengage, Hide, Object Interaction, Security, or Sleight of Hand as bonus action
Vital Strike: once per turn deal +5d6 damage to target you have advantage on or ally is within 5 feet.

Smart Hero Training (2nd level, Major): Know 2 Shared Plans (Know The Layout, The Right Tool)
Mastermind Training (4th level, Major): Investigation proficiency, know 1 Mastermind Plan (I Had It Poisoned)
Equipment Training (6th level, Minor): Military Equipment proficiency
Skill Training (6th level, Minor): proficiency in Athletics and Perception
Advanced Mastermind Training (8th level, Major): Expertise in Investigation, know 2 more Mastermind Plans (I Have the Perfect Disguise, I Lured You Into Danger)
Global Contacts (10th level, Minor): Can call on local friends for a variety of favors and gear, advantage on Streetwise when asking friend for tips.
Language Expert (10th level, Minor): +2 languages known, can learn new languages in 6 weeks, advantage on Intelligence (Social Sciences) checks to decipher codes, can create ciphers and codes which can be cracked with DC 14 Intelligence check.

Equipment: Memento of lost childhood innocence, 2 concealed carry pistols with suppressors, spec ops SMG, sniper rifle with suppressor, fiber wire (treat as Tiny Ouchie Thing, slashing), syringe (treat as Tiny Ouchie Thing, piercing), earpiece, utility knife/multitool, lockpicks, nice suit

Concealed Carry Pistols +7: 1d8+3 ballistic damage (1d8 if offhand), bonus action reload, PV 2, range 100/200, 8 rounds; Properties Light, Semi-Auto, Versatile 1d10
Spec-Ops SMG +7: 1d8+3 ballistic damage, bonus action reload, PV 3, range 350/700, 50 rounds; Properties Burst 3 (2d8+3 damage), Full-Auto, Restricted
Sniper Rifle +7: 2d8+3 ballistic damage, bonus action reload, PV 4, range 2,000/6,000, 10 rounds; Properties Heavy, Slow-Firing, Two-Handed
Fiber Wire or Syringe +7: 1d4+3 slashing or piercing damage, PV 1; Properties Finesse, Improvised, Light, Thrown (40/80); syringe typically uses I Had It Poisoned applied to it

I Had It Poisoned: use reaction to make poisonous a slashing/piercing weapon or medicine, food, or drink. Typically uses Rare Snake Venom (6d6 poison damage, ignores armor, half damage on successful save) or Tranquilizer (Sickened and Unconscious for 1 minute, wakes up if takes damage).
I Have the Perfect Disguise: use an action to create up to two disguises that makes you or someone else look almost identical to another person you’ve seen. Advanced on Deception checks to pretend to be the person you’re disguised as, Investigation check required to see through it. Disguises have voice modulators.
I Lured You Into Danger: use reaction when an opponent within 60 feet moves closer to you, take 5d6 bludgeoning damage with PV 1 on failed save, half damage on successful save.
Know the Layout: learn 3 facts about an area.
The Right Tool: Can produce up to 3 pieces of equipment with a Price Level up to 3 each.

The Vault Core Rules Changes

Crime Advanced Equipment Proficiency Duplicate: gain Historical Equipment proficiency
Scoundrel Advanced Equipment Proficiency Duplicate: gain Improvised Equipment proficiency

Conversion Details: Here he is, our first converted character with the Everyday Heroes ruleset! I feel that this is a rather faithful adaptation of the Hitman franchise’s lead character, a stealthy assassin of many skills who has a variety of ways to murder people. I kept him as a Scoundrel first and foremost to give him Vital Strike, as in the video games he can easily take out just about everyone with a well-placed shot, poison, or knife. This may be harder to do in Everyday Heroes given the randomness of dice, but 47 is capable of dealing a lot of damage to an individual target in a single combat round. And when you can do as much as 11d6 bonus damage in a single round, that can easily kill most civilians and a lot of lower-CR foes.

Picking up Mastermind multiclass feats lets him be able to do quite a bit of damage to a target as a reaction via I Had It Poisoned or I Lured You Into Danger. Much like in the video games, he’s an adaptable character who can make use of offscreen preparation via various Plans. And if he can do it while avoiding messy shootouts, all the better!

I needed to take some creative liberties with his iconic syringe and fiber wire, so I made them improvised weapons. I was unable to give him Historical Equipment proficiency; he’s been able to use swords and other medieval-style weapons, but as those tend to be rare in comparison to firearms and all other kinds of weapons in the games I’m pretty fine with this. Thanks to the Vault's Core Rules Changes, I was easily able to have Agent 47 start out with all non-Military Equipment proficiencies, and used his 10th level feat to pick up Global Contacts.


Marcus Holloway
Archetype 8th Level Smart Hero; Class Hacker
Background Poor Family (+1 Intelligence); Profession Information Technology (+1 Intelligence)
Wealth Level 4 (6 when using Cha-Ching)
Speed 30 Feet

Hit Points 50 (8d6+8); Defense 15 (10 + 1 + Intelligence modifier) or 18 (Expect the Unexpected); Genius 7 (Plan DC 15, use Engineer plans as 5th level Smart Hero)

Strength 10 (+0) Dexterity 14 (+2) Constitution 14 (+2) Intelligence 18 (+4) Wisdom 10 (+0) Charisma 10 (+0)
Saving Throws Intelligence +7, Wisdom +3
Skills Acrobatics +5, Computers +10, Deception +3, Investigation +7, Mechanics +10, Security +5, Stealth +5, Streetwise +3
Languages English
Equipment Proficiencies Basic, Advanced
Passive Perception 10
Proficiency Bonus +3
Special Feature, Making Do: Ignore disadvantage from not having the correct professional tools on hand when performing an ability check.
Special Feature, Tech Support: Advantage on Computer checks to fix a broken computer system or to understand how to operate a computer system correctly.

Digital Ghost: real name, address, and other vital data is impossible for any person or organization to discover.
Advanced Engineer Training/Electronic Expertise: Double proficiency in Computers and Mechanics.
It’s For You: bonus action to make someone’s cell phone ring at max volume, making them Distracted until the end of their next turn on a failed Wisdom save.
Mental Refresh: Once per long rest regain 1 Genius point when finishing a short rest.

Ability Score Training (2nd level, Minor): +1 Intelligence
Free Running (2nd level, Minor): ignore movement requirement for jumps, climbing is not difficult movement, can jump down up to 15 feet without taking damage, advantage on Acrobatics checks made during a foot chase.
Engineer Training (4th level, Major): proficiency in Acrobatics (already proficient in Mechanics), gain Flying Drone Mechanical Companion, gain 1 plan from Engineer Plan list.
Ability Score Training (6th level, Minor): +1 Constitution.
Equipment Training (6th level, Minor): Gain Advanced Equipment proficiency.
Advanced Engineer Training (8th level, Major): Expertise in Mechanics, +1 Genius point, 2 additional Engineer plans

Equipment: bag stuff, pocket stuff, car stuff, old photograph of where you grew up, laptop computer, mobile hotspot, hacking kit, energy drink, protein bar, common car, Thunder Ball (treat as small metal club but with finesse property), TASER.

Thunder Ball +5: 1d6+2 bludgeoning damage. RTFM changes attack and damage bonuses to +7/1d6+4.
TASER +5: 1d4+2 electrical, Range 15 feet, 2 rounds, 0 PV, Properties Light, Stunning. RTFM changes attack and damage bonuses to +7/1d4+4.

Brick It: use an action to affect computer-controlled devices within 100 feet for a variety of effects.
Cha-Ching: Treat Wealth Level as 6 for 24 hours.
Cut the Power (Engineer): spend bonus action to cut power to three individual machines you can see or an entire building. Lasts until repaired, held or operated machines have the owner make an Intelligence save against the Plan DC to ignore the effect, outages can be fixed by you spending a bonus action or someone making a Mechanics check against your Plan DC. Robots are Paralyzed until the end of your next turn on a failed save.
Dirty Little Secrets: Advantage on Charisma checks made against a person for the next week.
Expect the Unexpected: spend an action to gain Defense bonus of +4 for the next hour. Can use this bonus in place of Strength or Dexterity saving throw.
I’m In: take control of a single computer system, save with disadvantage against plan DC if it’s a robot or being actively operated by someone, access cannot be traced back to you and others have disadvantage on Computers checks to detect and kick you out.
My Robot Can Do That (Engineer): spend an action to grant up to 3 perks to mechanical companion for the next hour: make opportunity attacks and add proficiency bonus to damage, gain 10 temporary hit points, plan lasts for 4 hours or 8 if taken twice as a perk, mechanical companion can use your Computers bonus instead of its own bonus when using one skill, or double movement speed.
Overload (Engineer): spend an action to cause an electronic device you can see within 120 feet or you have access to via a network to short out, dealing 6d6 electricity damage (PV 4) to combatants within 10 feet, can save for half damage and they cannot dive for cover.
RTFM: spend reaction before making an ability check or skill, as a bonus action, or any time outside combat. Gain proficiency and expertise in a skill or an equipment proficiency until the next short or long rest, also use Intelligence modifier for weapon attack and damage rolls in which you are proficient.
Sucks To Be You: spend an action to choose up to four ways to inconvenience someone (scramble their passwords, stop their credit and debit cards from working, put on a no-fly list or arrest warrant, fill hard drives with embarrassing and salacious media files), takes at least 24 hours and Persuasion against Plan DC to sort out.
We Interrupt This Program: spend an action to broadcast an audio/video message up to 3 minutes long in real time to all media devices nationwide. Can limit the number and/or types of devices to which it’s sent.


Mechanical Companion, Flying Drone
Tiny robot (autonomous)
Defense 15
Hit Points 27
Speed fly 60 feet
Str 5 (-3) Dex 14 (+2) Con 12 (+1) Int 5 (-3) Wis 11 (0) Cha 1 (-5)

Hover: doesn’t fall prone when diving for cover as long as it’s flying.
Mechanical Nature: immune to frightened, paralyzed, sickened, stunned, exhaustion, intoxication, poison damage.

Multiattack: attack twice.
Nudge +7: 1 bludgeoning damage, PV 0.
Firearm +7: 1d6+2 ballistic damage, range 50/100 feet, PV 2. Doesn’t need to track ammo or reload.

Conversion Details: The Smart Hero Hacker fits the Watch Dogs franchise to a T, to the point that a huge amount of hacking skills you can do in the games can be replicated by existing Plans in Everyday Heroes. For this build I chose the hero of the game regarded by fans as the best in the series.

In addition to being a superb computer whiz, Marcus is also an agile parkour expert, which I emulated with the Free Running feat and choosing Acrobatics when taking Engineer Training on account I already chose Mechanics as a class skill. While Marcus has a variety of remote-controlled gadgets in the game, for the Engineer mechanical companion I chose the flying drone given that his quadcopter can enter almost anywhere. With My Robot Can Do That, he can have it do skill checks on his behalf. Which, like in the video game, is a tactic you can use to infiltrate buildings and beat entire levels without having to set foot into personal danger yourself.

While not exactly canon, the mood and feel of Watch Dogs 2 doesn’t lend itself to the idea of Marcus being a killer, so I gave him non-lethal weapons. For those who want to give him a more lethal arsenal, he can use pretty much any non-military firearm, and even then RTFM can give him temporary proficiency if the need arises. The Thunder Ball was a subversion in the rules, being an eight ball attached to an elastic rope that Marcus uses as his primary melee weapon. While I could count it as an improvised Tiny Ouchie Thing, I was a bit feat-starved and unlike Agent 47 he didn’t strike me as being “best in the world” on power scale to try and make up for it with a 10th level feat.


Kazuma Kiryu
8th Level Strong Hero; Class MMA Fighter
Background Orphan (+1 Constitution); Profession Crime (+1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Constitution)
Wealth Level 2 (6 if you do well enough in Real Estate Royale)
Speed 30 Feet

Hit Points 68 (8d10+16); Defense 16 (10 + PB + Strength modifier)

Strength 16 (+3) Dexterity 14 (+2) Constitution 14 (+2) Intelligence 10 (+0) Wisdom 10 (+0) Charisma 14 (+2)
Saving Throws Dexterity +5, Strength +6
Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +9, Deception +5, Intimidation +5, Perception +3, Performance +5, Persuasion +5, Security +5, Stealth +5, Streetwise +3
Languages Japanese
Equipment Proficiencies Basic, Advanced, Historical, Improvised
Passive Perception 13
Proficiency Bonus +3
Special Feature, Survivor: Can reroll one failed saving throw once per long rest.
Special Feature, Criminal Record: Advantage on Charisma checks when interacting with criminal underworld, disadvantage on Charisma checks with law enforcement or private security who know of Kazuma’s reputation.

Advanced Combat Training: Can make two attacks as part of Attack action once during your turn.
Athletic Expertise: double proficiency in Athletics
Improved Heavy Hands: unarmed strike damage increases by 2 steps, can use Power Attack with off-hand unarmed attacks.
Jab: Once during your turn can declare an unarmed strike to be a jab. If jab hits gain advantage on your next melee attack roll against opponent before end of your next turn.
Master Grappler: advantage on Athletics checks made to initiate or escape a grapple.
Pin: Can automatically pin as a special attack an opponent you have grappled. You and opponent are Restrained until grapple is broken.
Power Attack: Can take -5 penalty on attack with melee or thrown weapon to gain +10 damage if it hits. Cannot be used with Power Attack (unless it’s unarmed), bonus action attack, explosive, or if attack doesn’t require an attack roll.
Reckless Attack: At start of turn can gain advantage on melee attacks until the end of your turn, opponents gain advantage on attacks against you until the start of your next turn.
Submission Move: Automatically deal unarmed strike damage to opponent you have grappled, cannot use Power Attack with it.
Takedown: Once during your turn can declare an unarmed strike to be a takedown. If it hits you deal damage and then can perform a disarm, grapple, shove, or trip attempt against the opponent.

Ability Score Training (2nd, Minor): +1 Charisma.
Skill Training (2nd, Minor): proficiency in Performance and Perception.
Brawler Training (4th level, Major): gain proficiency in Improvised Equipment, advantage on Strength checks to break objects, melee weapons have +1 PV, can move speed up to an opponent or a dangerous situation as a bonus action.
Agile Hero Training (6th level, Major): proficiency in Stealth, can Dash or Disengage as a bonus action, advantage on Athletics made to Gain Ground during foot chases.
Martial Artist Training (8th level, Major): gain proficiency in Historical Equipment, unarmed strike damage improves one die step, can make unarmed attack as a bonus action, climbing and swimming are not considered difficult movement.

Equipment: Cool suit, luxury car with clean plates, various energy drinks, concealed carry pistol, knife, sword, stun gun

Unarmed Strike +6: 1d10+3 bludgeoning damage (1d10 as bonus action), PV 2: Properties Finesse, Light, Special
Concealed Carry Pistol +5: 1d8+2 ballistic damage, bonus action reload, PV 2, range 100/200, 8 rounds; Properties Light, Loud, Semi-Auto, Versatile 1d10
Knife +6: 1d4+3 slashing damage, PV 2; Properties Finesse, Light, Thrown (30/60)
Stun Gun +6: 1d4+3 electrical damage, PV 1; Properties Finesse, Stunning
Sword +6: 1d8+3 slashing damage, PV 2: Properties Versatile 1d10

Kazuma can use Power Attack to hit with +1 total with his melee attacks but adds +10 damage.

Heeeeere’s Kazuma! I admit that I only played Yakuza 0, so this is my estimation of his capabilities from that game. As the famed Dragon of Dojima, he rose from meager beginnings in a mob-run orphanage to a leg-breaking debt collector to the fourth chairman of the Tojo clan. He is first and foremost a melee fighter, swinging with his bare fists and a variety of close-range weapons on hand, from knives and swords to trash cans and bicycles. I found taking MMA Fighter with multiclass feats in Brawler and Martial Artist to be reflective of the various fighting styles he can use in the game. Brawler style (the video game, not the ED archetype) is closest to MMA, Rush is closest to the agility of Martial Artist, and Beast the Brawler archetype.

Kazuma’s also a surprisingly thoughtful and persuasive individual, who in between his underworld politics has found time to become a disco sensation, help individuals pursue their dreams, and instill important life lessons for the various interesting characters of Tokyo’s back alleys. Giving him a high Charisma is reflective of this aspect of his character.

Rich Playboy
4th Level Smart Hero; Class Billionaire
Origin Human
Background Wealthy Family (+1 Intelligence); Profession Independent (+1 Intelligence, +1 Charisma)
Wealth Level 6
Speed 30 Feet

Hit Points 18 (4d6); Defense 13 (10 + Intelligence modifier); Genius 4 (Plan DC is 13); Influence Dice 2 (d6)

Strength 8 (-1) Dexterity 14 (+2) Constitution 10 (+0) Intelligence 16 (+3) Wisdom 10 (+0) Charisma 16 (+3)
Saving Throws Charisma +5, Intelligence +5
Skills Deception +5, Insight +2, Intimidation +5, Perception +2, Performance +5, Persuasion +7 (expertise), Streetwise +2, Vehicles +4
Languages English, French
Equipment Proficiencies Basic
Passive Perception 12
Proficiency Bonus +2
Special Feature Trust Fund: +1 Wealth
Special Feature Pulling Strings: Advantage on Charisma checks to receive special privileges such as a meeting with a public official or tickets to an exclusive show.


Employees: Have dozens of employees who can do a variety of mundane tasks that won’t put them in harm’s way.

Filthy Rich: Wealth Level increases to 6, can purchase restricted equipment.

Mental Refresh: regain 1 Genius Point when you finish a short rest. Can only be done once until the next long rest.


Check Your Account: Target one person you are aware of that can see and understand you. If they fail a Wisdom save (disadvantage if Wealth is 2 or lower, advantage if 4 or higher), are non-hostile, and are CR 1 or lower, they will do what you want for the next hour if it won’t put them in direct harm. If they’re hostile they will attempt to surrender, flee, or otherwise leave combat. If their CR is higher than 1, they are Distracted until the end of your next turn.

Hostile Takeover: You purchase a single apartment, office space, or building with a Price of 4 or lower. You are the landlord and have permission to enter any areas that are not top secret. Can instead become majority shareholder of a publicly traded company, provided its current owners each have a Wealth of 4 or lower.

I Hired Help: Create a contact with level 4 in one category, or level 3 in two categories (new rule in Universal Soldier/the Vault). They are immediately available and ready to aid you.

My Satellite Is In Position: As an action, gain real-time footage of an aerial 1-mile radius area anywhere on the planet for the next 10 minutes. Can clearly see any object as small as an ant, can read text on a phone screen that is held with its screen tilted upward, and gain advantage on ability checks and saving throws for chases based on navigation, avoiding surprises, and keeping track of targets provided you aren’t indoors or under cover of heavy foliage.

The Right Tool: Have two tools at hand that can be any piece of equipment that you can carry and afford. Weapons are fully loaded


Charming Hero Training (2nd level, Major): Gain Deception and Performance as bonus skills. Gain expertise in Persuasion. When you make a Charisma check, after rolling but before determining the result, you can roll an influence die and add it to your result.

Global Contacts (4th level, Minor): Can call upon a local friend for various favors, gain advantage on Wisdom (Streetwise) checks when getting tips from friends, can borrow up to 3 items with a Price Level of 3 or less for a month from your friend.

Whale (4th level, Minor): +6 bonus on Charisma (Intimidation) and Charisma (Persuasion) checks made with customer service workers, bankers, sales professionals, business owners, casino personnel, and politicians. Advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks made when bribing someone who has a lower Wealth Level than yours. Free meals and lodging at casino hotels and restaurants.

Equipment: Tasteful clothing (armored, Bulk 1, grants 1 AV), dress shoes, designer 3-piece suit, platinum engraved debit card, a monogrammed scarf, smartphone, bag stuff (Bulk 1), pocket stuff, expensive watch, luxury car containing car stuff, hunting rifle with Laser sight (Bulk 2), Rolling Suitcase (Bulk +5)


Hunting Rifle +4: 1d10+2 ballistic; Range 750/2,200; 6 Rounds; Reload Bonus; PV 4; Properties Loud, Slow-Firing, Two-Handed, Laser Sight (as gear); Bulk 2

Unarmed Strike +4: 1d4+2 bludgeoning; PV 1; Properties Finesse, Light, Special; Bulk -

Level Up Choices

6th: Plans: Bonuses for Everyone; Feats: Networker Training (Major, Tricks: Rumor Mill, You’d Better Not)
8th: Plans: Dirty Little Secrets; Feats: Advanced Networker Training (Major, Social Sciences proficiency; Tricks: Chop Chop)
10th: Plans: Called Shot, Know the Layout (Feat); Feats: Ability Score Training x2 (Intelligence, Minor)

Details: When I say that the Vault (and Universal Soldier) had a class that’s all about being rich and throwing your money around, I knew I had to create a “rich playboy” concept. I went with 4th level on being not too high but also high enough to show off some neat features and abilities I wouldn’t get at lower levels.

Much like the core rules’ Mastermind, the Billionaire class is also quite good at social skills, but like most other Smart classes isn’t so great in direct offense. For feat choices I leaned on Charming Hero Training and Whale, and combined with the Independent profession it’s quite easy for them to ace a lot of social challenges. While there may be some overlap, I also chose Global Contacts as a feat and I Hired Help as a Plan in case the player wants to use their mechanics to get aid from several allies rather than just one, which fits well with the concept. My Satellite Is In Position sticks out as being more useful for searching and navigation, but it gets points for Rule of Cool so I had to pick it. Check Your Account is pretty open-ended but is best used against faceless minion types, while Hostile Takeover can help get the party into places otherwise restricted to them.

But perhaps the most useful ability for the Rich Playboy is being able to outfit the party with just about anything with a Price Level. And the Right Tool can give the party some very nifty toys at a moment’s notice.

In case the +1 Wealth Special Feature seems redundant, the Billionaire has some prerequisites other classes do not have: you need to begin play with a Wealth Level of 5, which narrows things down to a small number of Professions. Only Finance has a 5 to begin with, meaning those who want Professions with Wealth Level 4 need the Trust Fund special feature from Wealthy Family in order to qualify. As Independent felt most in line with the "playboy" nature, I picked that.
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Nathan Drake
Archetype 10th Level Fast Hero; Class Martial Artist
Background Orphan (+1 Constitution); Profession Academia (+1 Intelligence, +1 Dexterity, +1 Wisdom)
Wealth Level 3
Speed 30 Feet

Hit Points 73 (10d8+20); Defense 16 (10 + 3 + Dexterity modifier); Focus 3

Strength 10 (+0) Dexterity 16 (+3) Constitution 14 (+2) Intelligence 14 (+2) Wisdom 14 (+2) Charisma 10 (+0)
Saving Throws Dexterity +7, Strength +4
Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +7, Endurance +7, Investigation +6, Natural Sciences +6, Perception +6, Persuasion +4, Sleight of Hand +7, Social Sciences +6, Stealth +7, Vehicles +7
Languages English, Indonesian, Latin, Spanish, plus whatever else the plot demands
Equipment Proficiencies Basic, Advanced, Military, Historical
Passive Perception 16
Proficiency Bonus +4
Special Feature Survivor: Reroll one failed saving throw per long rest.
Special Feature Debate: Use Intelligence instead of Charisma when using Persuasion on academic topics, have advantage on such checks.


Advanced Combat Training: Can make two attacks whenever you take the Attack action.

Advanced Martial Arts: Unarmed strike damage improved by 2 steps (1d8). All melee weapons gain finesse property.

Evasion: When making Dexterity save vs damaging effect, take half damage on a failure and no damage on a success.

Fast Reflexes: Advantage on initiative.

Lightning Strikes: make an unarmed strike as a bonus action.

Parkour: Ignore difficult terrain when moving, climbing and swimming don’t count as difficult movement. Advantage on Acrobatics checks to Gain Ground during chases.

Quickness: Take Dash or Disengage as bonus action, advantage on Athletics checks to Gain Ground during chases.


Cross Training (2nd Level, Minor): Use Dexterity score whenever making Athletics, Acrobatics, or Endurance checks.
Language Expert (2nd Level, Minor): +2 languages known, can learn new languages in 6 weeks, advantage on Intelligence (Social Sciences) checks to decipher codes, can create ciphers and codes which can be cracked with DC 13 Intelligence check.
Wise Hero Training (4th Level, Major): proficient in Perception, gain 2 Focus Points, can spend Focus to reroll failed Wisdom ability check, can choose not to fall Prone when Diving for Cover.
Sleuth Training (6th Level, Major): gain Advanced Equipment proficiency, proficient in Investigation, cannot be surprised, can Search as a bonus action, +1 Focus point, spend Focus to reroll failed Intelligence ability check.
Ability Score Training (8th Level, Minor): +1 to Constitution.
Skill Training (8th Level, Minor): proficient in Sleight of Hand and Stealth.
Equipment Training (10th Level, Minor): proficient in Military equipment.
Skill Training (10th Level, Minor): proficient in Natural Sciences and Vehicles.

Equipment: Mother’s journal, climber’s kit (2 Bulk), survival kit (1 Bulk), frame backpack (+5 Bulk), 50 feet of rope (Bulk 1), utility knife/multitool, 4WD Vehicle with car stuff


Assault Rifle +7: 1d12+3 ballistic; Range 900/1,800; 30 Rounds; Reload Bonus; PV 3; Properties Burst 3, Full-Auto, Loud, Restricted, Two-Handed; Bulk 2

Fragmentation Grenade +7: 4d8 explosive; Radius 20 feet; PV 3; Properties Grenade, Loud, Restricted, Bulk 1

9mm Semi-Auto Pistol +7: 1d10+3 ballistic; Range 100/200; 21 Rounds; Reload Bonus; PV 2; Properties Loud, Semi-Auto; Bulk 1

Unarmed Strike +7: 1d8+3 bludgeoning; PV 1; Properties Finesse, Light, Special; Bulk -

Note: Nathan Drake rarely carries more than one main firearm and sidearm each. The above is to reflect some of the more common weapons he can find in the Uncharted series. Other weapons Nathan can reasonably come across include revolvers, sniper rifles, pump-action shotguns, smoke grenades, submachine guns, and light machine guns.

Conversion Details: While Nathan Drake may primarily rely on firearms as his main weapons of choice, the Martial Artist class proved a surprisingly good match. Not only does it reflect his ability to throw a mean punch, the other class features such as ignoring movement penalties when climbing and swimming reflect his great mobility. In order to keep him within the bounds of 27 point buy I emphasized Dexterity first and foremost, even though in the games he is very physically fit across the board. I thus took Cross Training to lessen the dependency on multiple ability scores in order to keep him an overall expert athlete.

Instead of going for a brainy scholar route via Smart Hero multiclass feats, I chose Wise Hero and Sleuth Training on account that the options still help enhance Nathan Drake’s general investigative abilities, while ignoring the Prone condition while Diving for Cover further reinforces his in-game skills. I chose Language Expert on account that he is knowledgeable in quite a number of languages both ancient and modern, along with him solving puzzles that often involve ciphers and hidden meanings. Military Equipment Training was to let him use the automatic rifles which are common in all the Uncharted games, and I chose Skill Training feats in line with gameplay.
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Cyber Ninja Fuma by benedickbana on Deviantart

Cyborg Ninja
Origin Cyborg (Major Enhancements, 24 Point Buy, 14 is purchasable maximum)
Archetype 6th Level Charming Hero; Class Duelist
Background Raised by Assassins (+1 Dexterity); Profession Espionage (+1 Dexterity)
Wealth Level 3
Speed 40 Feet (climbing is not considered difficult movement)

Hit Points 39 (6d8+6); Defense 15/16 (10 + 2 + Dexterity modifier, +1 when wielding finesse weapon); Influence Dice 6 (d8, Trick DC is 13)

Strength 10 (+0) Dexterity 16 (+3) Constitution 12 (+1) Intelligence 10 (+0) Wisdom 10 (+0) Charisma 14 (+2)
Saving Throws Charisma +5, Dexterity +6
Skills Acrobatics +6, Athletics +3, Deception +5, Intimidation +5, Perception +3, Persuasion +5, Security +3, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +6
Languages English, Japanese, Mandarin, Russian
Equipment Proficiencies Basic, Advanced, Historical
Passive Perception 13
Proficiency Bonus +3
Special Feature: Safe House: While employed by the agency, you have access to a level 3 safe house somewhere in the city. This safe house serves as a secure haven that no one else knows about and can be used for a long rest. (See chapter 6 for details on safe houses.)


Advanced Combat Training: Can attack two times instead of once when taking the Attack action.

Charm: roll influence die and add it to a rolled Charisma check before determining the result.

En Guarde: Add Charisma and Dexterity modifiers to initiative rolls.

Precision: Add additional damage die to melee attacks with finesse weapons, can’t be applied to bonus action attacks.


Disarming Strike: add influence die to damage of a successful hit, target drops a held item if they fail a Strength save.

Entering Without Breaking: When making a check to enter a restricted area, spend influence die and add to check. If successful, you leave no trace of your entry.

Flèche: Add influence die to melee weapon attack before determining the result. Target is Distracted by you until the end of their next turn regardless of whether you hit or miss.

Parry: when damaged with a melee attack, spend reaction to reduce damage by influence die + Charisma modifier.

Quick Change: Spend influence die as an action to instantly gain a new disguise. Add influence die to checks made to convince others of the disguise for the next hour.

Tripping Strike: add influence die to damage of a successful hit, targets falls Prone if they fail a Strength save.


Guerilla (2nd level, Major): Ignore poor visibility effects, can hide from targets from whom you have poor visibility, missing with a ranged attack while hiding doesn’t reveal your position.
Spy Training (4th level, Major): Proficient in Persuasion, +1 Influence Die, learn 2 Spy tricks, advantage on checks to blend into crowds, conceal items on person, or pretend to be a normal person. Can modify 3 (Proficiency bonus) weapons or tools to to look like mundane objects vs casual scrutiny.
Fast Feet (6th level, Minor): +10 base speed, ignore difficult terrain when Dashing, advantage on Athletics checks during foot chases.
Free Running (6th level, Minor): Climbing is not considered difficult movement, ignore movement requirement for jumps, can jump down up to 15 feet without taking damage and land on feet, advantage on Acrobatics checks during foot chases.


Maximum Strain is 4, begins play with 4 Strain worth of cybernetics.

Concealed Weapon Arm: Replaces one arm. Has a wakizashi (shortsword) built into it, attacks can be made with it as though holding it. Can only be detected by a detailed security scan.

Jet Boost Feet: Replaces feet. Long jump is 30 feet, high jump is 15 feet regardless of running start. Jumping in this manner destroys any worn footwear.

Equipment: A memento of your lost childhood innocence, a memento from the spy who loved you, concealed carry pistol with suppressor (bulk 2), 1 wakizashi (Bulk 1), 10 shuriken, fake passport and ID, surveillance kit (Bulk 2), earpiece, ear protection, safety goggles, utility knife/multitool, 50 feet of rope (Bulk 1), combat harness (+4 Bulk)


Pistol, Concealed Carry +6: 1d8+3 ballistic; Range 100/200; 8 Rounds; Reload Bonus; PV 2; Properties Light, Semi-Auto, Versatile (1d10); Bulk 2 (Bulk is 1 if suppressor is removed but adds Loud property)

Shuriken +6: 1d4+3 piercing; PV 1; Properties Finesse, Light, Thrown (30/60); Bulk -

Unarmed Strike +6: 2d4+3 bludgeoning; PV 1; Properties Finesse, Light, Special; Bulk -

Wakizashi +6: 2d6+3 piercing or slashing; PV 1; Properties Finesse, Light; Bulk 1 (one built into cybernetic arm has 0 Bulk)

Off-Hand Wakizashi +6: 1d6 piercing or slashing; PV 1; Properties Finesse, Light; Bulk 1

Level Up Choices

8th: Tricks: Go To Sleep (feat); Feats: Advanced Spy Training (Stealth Expertise, Major)
9th: Tricks: Lunge
10th: Feats: Blind Fighting (Minor), Tumbling (Minor)

The Vault Core Rules Changes

Espionage Advanced Weapon Proficiency Duplicate: Sleight of Hand proficiency

Details: The first of our non-human origin builds, I opted to break with convention and built a high-Dexterity rogue-style character who is first and foremost a Charming Hero. Duelist helps cover the sword-fighting aspect of a ninja, and their wakizashis can deal greatsword damage while also being dual-wielded. Disarming and Tripping Strikes are designed to impose broadly useful penalties on enemies, while Parry is good at negating potentially dire blows in melee. The cyborg ninja also has ranged capabilities at their disposal, being proficient in Advanced equipment that grants them access to most non-automatic firearms, while their Wealth Level lets them easily buy a suppressor for their concealed carry pistol. For their feats, Guerilla lets them both see and hide better in darkness, while Spy Training grants them access to more stealthy tricks and a bonus skill. Fast Feet and Free Running significantly increase the mobility options and feel highly appropriate for a ninja, so I took both of those at 6th level.

Regarding ideal cybernetics, I had quite the number of useful options for ninja types, but I decided on a concealed weapon arm and jet boosts. The former was to have a built-in wakizashi to let them be armed at all times, and the latter helps them reach otherwise unreachable locations on top of their already great climbing capabilities. The Spy ability to disguise weapons and tools can be applied to their other wakizashi and pistol to take their weapons into otherwise restricted places while having one more slot for another tool or weapon. They may need to leave their excess shurikens behind, but that’s not a huge loss.

The cyborg ninja’s major weakness is their glass cannon nature. I was torn between taking feats that would directly enhance their staying power such as Healthy, or making them a better ninja in general. I went with the latter option on account that the cyborg ninja can ideally outmaneuver foes in a variety of ways, from three-dimensional movement to hiding in darkness. They can do quite a bit of damage in melee, but ideally they’ll only start combat once they have the advantage.


Dominic Toretto
Archetype 13th Level Agile Hero; Class Motorhead
Background Convict (+1 Strength); Profession Daredevil (+1 Strength, +1 Dexterity)
Wealth Level 3
Speed 30 Feet

Hit Points 91 (11d8+33); Defense 19 (10 + 4 + Dexterity modifier)

Strength 20 (+5) Dexterity 20 (+5) Constitution 16 (+3) Intelligence 14 (+2) Wisdom 10 (+0) Charisma 14 (+2)
Saving Throws Dexterity +10, Intelligence +7
Skills Acrobatics +10, Athletics +10, Endurance +8, Intimidation +7, Investigation +7, Mechanics +12 (expertise), Natural Sciences +7, Persuasion +7, Streetwise +5, Vehicles +15 (expertise)
Languages English, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
Equipment Proficiencies Basic, Advanced, Improvised
Passive Perception 10
Proficiency Bonus +5
Special Feature Know the Routine: You have advantage on Insight checks made against law enforcement, correctional officers, and other convicts.
Special Feature Safety First: You take half damage as a passenger in a vehicle crash. (Drivers are also considered passengers in the vehicle rules.)


Advanced Combat Driver: attack with integrated vehicle weapon as bonus action whenever you Brace or Gain Ground during a chase in a vehicle.

Advanced Combat Training: Can attack two times instead of once when using the Attack action.

Combat Driver: ignore disadvantage on ranged attacks due to being in a moving vehicle. Treat integrated vehicle weapons as Advanced instead of Military Equipment.

Fast Reflexes: advantage on initiative.

Master Motorhead: Double number of chase points received for winning Vehicles contest, overcoming challenges, or avoiding hazards while driving a vehicle.

Max Performance: Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution modifiers of vehicles you drive each increase by 2.

Quickness: Dash or disengage as a bonus action. Advantage on Athletics checks made to Gain Ground as part of a foot chase.


Avert Disaster: Reroll one failed vehicle damage saving throw once per short rest.

Burnout: Advantage in driving speed contests.

Daredevil Driver: Advantage on Vehicles checks to perform a vehicle stunt.

Nimble: Advantage in driving maneuverability contests.

Too Cool: Advantage on single Charisma check made while driving a vehicle once per short rest.


Ability Score Training (2nd level, Minor): +1 Dexterity.
Racer (2nd level, Minor): +2 Strength and Dexterity modifiers to vehicles you operate, advantage on Vehicles checks called for by complications.
Strong Hero Training (4th level, Major): proficiency in Persuasion, can make reckless attacks to gain advantage on all melee attacks for a turn but attackers gain advantage on attacks against you.
Brawler Training (6th level, Major): proficiency in Investigation, +1 PV on melee attacks, advantage on Strength checks to break objects, can move speed as bonus action to enemy or obviously dangerous situations.
Defensive Driving (8th level, Minor): advantage on Vehicles checks to avoid a crash, +2 Constitution modifier to vehicles you operate, vehicle has advantage on saving throws against complications.
Free Running (8th level, Minor): Climbing is not considered difficult movement, ignore movement requirement for jumps, can jump down up to 15 feet without taking damage and land on feet, advantage on Acrobatics checks made during a foot chase.
Advanced Brawler Training (10th level, Major): Can deal +2d6 damage on an attack with melee weapon once per turn, destroys weapon if not unarmed strike, advantage on ability checks and saves to avoid or escape being Grappled, Restrained, Stunned, or Paralyzed.
Language Expert (11th level, Minor): +2 languages known, can learn new languages in 6 weeks, advantage on Intelligence (Social Sciences) checks to decipher codes, can create ciphers and codes which can be cracked with DC 14 Intelligence check.
Walking Dead (11th level, Minor): Gain 2 levels of exhaustion and fall Prone instead of Unconsciousness when reduced to 0 hit points. Must still make death saving throws, but exhaustion is removed if hit points are recovered while in this state.
Extra Health (12th level, Minor): Gain 1 additional Hit Dice.
Extra Bonus Damage (12th level, Minor): Increase amount of bonus damage dealt from one class talent (Brawler Training) by an additional 1d6.
Defense Training Influence (13th level, Minor): Defense increases by 1.
Proficiency Advancement (13th level, Minor): Proficiency Bonus increases by 1.

Equipment: First aid kit, rugged clothes, a cool muscle car with car stuff, smartphone, pump-action shotgun (2 Bulk)


Pump-action Shotgun +10: 2d6+5 ballistic; Range 200/400; 9 Rounds; Reload Action; PV 3; Properties Loud, Shot, Two-Handed; Bulk 2

Unarmed Strike +10: 1d4+5 bludgeoning damage; PV 2; Properties Finesse, Light, Special; Bulk -

The Vault Core Rules Changes

Motorhead Improvised Equipment Proficiency Duplicate: Intimidation proficiency
Brawler Training Improvised Equipment Proficiency Duplicate: Investigation proficiency

Details: While I only saw the Fast and Furious 6, even I am aware of the cultural staying power and badassery of its main star. Thankfully I have a fan wiki plus more than a few online clips to help fill in the gaps.

I had to take some liberties to reflect Dom’s level of power given that his own capabilities, as well as the stakes of the movies, keep on increasing. First I went in line with giving him ability scores far above what one could ordinarily get with point buy, much like John Rambo in the Rambo sourcebook. I also used the new optional rules for Levels 11+ from the Vault, where basically you gain two Minor Feats or one Major Feat each time you gain a level past 10th. Increases to Hit Die, Proficiency Bonus, and similar things must be taken as new Leveling Feats.

To specifically discuss his build, Dom is first and foremost an Agile Hero with the Motorhead class given he performs best behind the wheel. The selected Motor Pool abilities from that class reflect how he’s an unmatched legend in street racing circles who treats death-defying stunts as routine activities. The Racer and Defensive Driver feats help enhance the physical properties of any vehicle he drives, which combined with Max Performance are a huge +4 bonus to each of the three ability scores of a vehicle. Dom is quite nimble even on his own two feet, so I gave him Free Running based off of the favela chase scene from the fifth movie.

Dom is also a capable fist-fighter, so I gave him the Strong/Brawler Training feat tree. Combined with a shotgun which is his favorite firearm, he can deal quite a bit of bonus damage with his trademark weapons: +3d6 from Brawler or +1d6 from the shotgun’s Shot Property. Furthermore, Dom’s shown himself to be very smart and well-spoken on a variety of occasions, which I reflected with above-average Intelligence and Charisma along with proficiency in several skills related to the two. I took the Language Expert feat to reflect his ability to speak at least four languages in the films.
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Art by Anthony Rodriguez on Artstation

Archetype 4th Level Smart Hero; Class Strategist
Background (Wealthy Family, +1 Intelligence); Profession (Arms Dealer, +1 Charisma)
Wealth Level 5
Speed 30 Feet

Hit Points 22 (4d6+4); Defense 13 (10 + Intelligence modifier); Genius 5 (Plan DC 13)

Strength 12 (+1) Dexterity 14 (+2) Constitution 12 (+1) Intelligence 16 (+3) Wisdom 8 (-1) Charisma 14 (+2)
Saving Throws Constitution +3, Intelligence +5
Skills Arts & Crafts +5, Insight +5, Intimidation +4, Mechanics +5, Perception +7 (expertise), Persuasion +4, Security +5, Stealth +4, Streetwise +5, Vehicles +4
Languages English, Russian
Equipment Proficiencies Basic, Advanced, Military, Historical
Passive Perception 17
Proficiency Bonus +2
Special Feature, Trust Fund: +1 to starting Wealth Level.
Special Feature, Restricted Arms: You can buy restricted weapons and armor. Selling them to unauthorized buyers is illegal.


Analyze Opponent: bonus action to learn highest and lowest ability scores of single visible target within 100 feet.

Flexible Defense: Use best of Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence modifier to add to Defense.

Mental Refresh: regain 1 Genius Point when you finish a short rest. Can only be done once until the next long rest.


Customize: Enact plan as an action to apply one of the following features to a mechanical weapon to yourself or wielded by adjacent ally for the next hour: +1 PV, remove Stationary property, +1 attack and damage rolls, +1d4 fire damage, double range values, decrease reload speed by one action type, or grant full-auto property to weapon.

Expect the Unexpected: Enact plan as an action to gain +3 Defense for the next hour.

I Arranged Transportation: Enact plan in combat as an action or anytime outside of combat. Professional driver/pilot arrives at the nearest feasible location within reason. Is civilian transport that can be used for up to 4 hours.

I Brought a Friend: Enact plan in combat as an action for a CR ½ ally to show up. Under GM control and acts just after your initiative in turn order, leaves at end of combat and you can’t “summon” multiple allies while one is still alive.

That Was a Mistake: Enact plan as a reaction when someone misses you with a single-target attack to inflict one of the following: weapon jams, disadvantage on next attack, drops weapon, weapon gets stuck in adjacent object, or auto-hits another enemy or object of your choice within 5 feet.

The Right Tool: Have two tools at hand that can be any piece of equipment that you can carry and afford. Weapons are fully loaded.

Ability Score Training (2nd level, Minor): +1 to Dexterity
Renaissance Thinking (2nd level, Minor): Substitute Intelligence for Wisdom checks for skills in which you’re proficient.
Engineer Training (Major): +1 Genius, gain proficiency in Mechanics, gain a Mechanical Companion, use engineer plans up to 3rd level, gain 1 additional Plan (Customize).

Equipment: Soldier’s Kit (4 Bulk, included Frame Backpack adds +5 Bulk), Combat Knife (1 Bulk), SMG (1 Bulk)


Combat Knife +4: 1d4+2 piercing or slashing; PV 1; Properties Light, Finesse, Thrown (20/40); Bulk 1

SMG +4: 1d10+2 ballistic; Range 100/200; 30 Rounds; Reload Bonus; PV 2; Properties Burst 3, Full-Auto, Loud, Restricted; Bulk 1

The Vault Core Rules Changes

Advanced Weapon Proficiency Strategist Duplicate: Security proficiency.
Military Weapon Proficiency Strategist Duplicate: Arts & Crafts proficiency.

Mechanical Companion (Walking or Driving Robot)
Small robot (autonomous)
Defense 14
Hit Points 20 (4d6)
Speed 40 ft.
STR 8 (-1) DEX 14 (+2) CON 12 (+1) INT 5 (-3) WIS 11 (0) CHA 1 (-5)
Senses passive Perception 10; Nightvision
Mechanical Nature. Immunity to Frightened, Paralyzed, Sickened, Stunned, Exhaustion, Intoxication, and poison damage

Power Saw. Melee Attack: +5 to hit, PV 2, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 + 2 slashing damage.
Turret. Ranged Attack: +5 to hit, PV 2, range 100/200 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 + 2 ballistic damage. (This weapon does not need to track ammunition or reload.)

Level Up Choices
6th: Plans: Actionable Intelligence; Feats: Fast Hands (Minor), Pinning Fire (Minor)
8th: Plans: Emergency Jetpack (feat), Shocking Blow (feat), The Perfect Storm; Feats: Advanced Engineer Training
10th: Plans: Perfect Timing (feat), You’ve Already Lost; Feats: Ability Score Training x2 (Intelligence, Minor)

Details: I wanted to make a “gun nut” sort of build, portraying someone who not only displays a deep knowledge of firearms and other weapons, they also have the capability to build, use, and customize them. I chose Smart Hero to make use of Plans, and Strategist on account that it is the most martial of that archetype’s classes. For feats I chose to increase Dexterity to make them better at using ranged weapons, while Renaissance Thinking was to make up for their low Wisdom and grant a massive boost to the modifiers of skills that would otherwise use said ability. I chose Engineer Training as a multiclass feat to gain access to the Customize talent, which further reinforces the concept.

The background and professional combination is designed to give the Weaponsmith practically unfettered access to just about every weapon available. I still chose a light loadout to avoid saddling them with too much gear in the event that the Bulk rules are used. Expect the Unexpected and I Brought a Friend are designed for combat and crisis situations, while I Arranged Transportation and the Right Tool grant them equipment and vehicles at a moment’s notice. Last but not least, That Was a Mistake can be a convenient means of disarming or otherwise disabling the use of opponents of their weapons. For the Mechanical Companion, I chose the Walking or Driving Robot on account that it comes with a turret which feels the most in line with the gun-lover concept.

One final note is that I realize that I didn’t include the Mental Refresh talent for some prior Smart Hero builds. As it is a core feature of the class by 2nd level, that is an oversight on my part.

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