Agent 47
Origin Human
Archetype 10th Level Agile Hero;
Class Scoundrel
Background Raised by Assassins (+1 Dexterity);
Profession Crime (+1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence)
Wealth Level 2
Speed 30 Feet
Hit Points 63 (10d8+10);
Defense 16 (10 + 3 + Dexterity modifier);
Genius 4 (Plan DC is 14, use Plans equivalent to 5th level Smart Hero)
Strength 14 (+2) Dexterity 16 (+3) Constitution 12 (+1) Intelligence 14 (+2) Wisdom 12 (+1) Charisma 10 (+0)
Saving Throws Charisma +4, Dexterity +7
Skills Athletics +6, Deception +4, Intimidation +4, Investigation +10, Perception +5, Security +11, Sleight of Hand +11, Stealth +11, Streetwise +5, Vehicles +7
Languages English, Japanese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, whatever else the plot demands
Equipment Proficiencies Basic, Advanced, Military, Historical, Improvised
Passive Perception 15
Proficiency Bonus +4
Special Feature, Criminal Record: Advantage on Charisma checks when interacting with criminal underworld, disadvantage on Charisma checks with law enforcement or private security who know of your reputation.
Criminal/Covert Expertise: Double proficiency on Security, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth checks
Fast Reflexes: advantage on initiative.
Master of Subterfuge: treat 9 or lower on Deception, Security, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, or Streetwise as a 10
Roll With It: reaction to halve damage from attack
Surprise Attack: advantage on opponents who haven’t acted yet
Quickness/Swift: use Dash, Disengage, Hide, Object Interaction, Security, or Sleight of Hand as bonus action
Vital Strike: once per turn deal +5d6 damage to target you have advantage on or ally is within 5 feet.
Smart Hero Training (2nd level, Major): Know 2 Shared Plans (Know The Layout, The Right Tool)
Mastermind Training (4th level, Major): Investigation proficiency, know 1 Mastermind Plan (I Had It Poisoned)
Equipment Training (6th level, Minor): Military Equipment proficiency
Skill Training (6th level, Minor): proficiency in Athletics and Perception
Advanced Mastermind Training (8th level, Major): Expertise in Investigation, know 2 more Mastermind Plans (I Have the Perfect Disguise, I Lured You Into Danger)
Global Contacts (10th level, Minor): Can call on local friends for a variety of favors and gear, advantage on Streetwise when asking friend for tips.
Language Expert (10th level, Minor): +2 languages known, can learn new languages in 6 weeks, advantage on Intelligence (Social Sciences) checks to decipher codes, can create ciphers and codes which can be cracked with DC 14 Intelligence check.
Equipment: Memento of lost childhood innocence, 2 concealed carry pistols with suppressors, spec ops SMG, sniper rifle with suppressor, fiber wire (treat as Tiny Ouchie Thing, slashing), syringe (treat as Tiny Ouchie Thing, piercing), earpiece, utility knife/multitool, lockpicks, nice suit
Concealed Carry Pistols +7: 1d8+3 ballistic damage (1d8 if offhand), bonus action reload, PV 2, range 100/200, 8 rounds; Properties Light, Semi-Auto, Versatile 1d10
Spec-Ops SMG +7: 1d8+3 ballistic damage, bonus action reload, PV 3, range 350/700, 50 rounds; Properties Burst 3 (2d8+3 damage), Full-Auto, Restricted
Sniper Rifle +7: 2d8+3 ballistic damage, bonus action reload, PV 4, range 2,000/6,000, 10 rounds; Properties Heavy, Slow-Firing, Two-Handed
Fiber Wire or Syringe +7: 1d4+3 slashing or piercing damage, PV 1; Properties Finesse, Improvised, Light, Thrown (40/80); syringe typically uses I Had It Poisoned applied to it
I Had It Poisoned: use reaction to make poisonous a slashing/piercing weapon or medicine, food, or drink. Typically uses Rare Snake Venom (6d6 poison damage, ignores armor, half damage on successful save) or Tranquilizer (Sickened and Unconscious for 1 minute, wakes up if takes damage).
I Have the Perfect Disguise: use an action to create up to two disguises that makes you or someone else look almost identical to another person you’ve seen. Advanced on Deception checks to pretend to be the person you’re disguised as, Investigation check required to see through it. Disguises have voice modulators.
I Lured You Into Danger: use reaction when an opponent within 60 feet moves closer to you, take 5d6 bludgeoning damage with PV 1 on failed save, half damage on successful save.
Know the Layout: learn 3 facts about an area.
The Right Tool: Can produce up to 3 pieces of equipment with a Price Level up to 3 each.
The Vault Core Rules Changes
Crime Advanced Equipment Proficiency Duplicate: gain Historical Equipment proficiency
Scoundrel Advanced Equipment Proficiency Duplicate: gain Improvised Equipment proficiency
Conversion Details: Here he is, our first converted character with the Everyday Heroes ruleset! I feel that this is a rather faithful adaptation of the Hitman franchise’s lead character, a stealthy assassin of many skills who has a variety of ways to murder people. I kept him as a Scoundrel first and foremost to give him Vital Strike, as in the video games he can easily take out just about everyone with a well-placed shot, poison, or knife. This may be harder to do in Everyday Heroes given the randomness of dice, but 47 is capable of dealing a lot of damage to an individual target in a single combat round. And when you can do as much as 11d6 bonus damage in a single round, that can easily kill most civilians and a lot of lower-CR foes.
Picking up Mastermind multiclass feats lets him be able to do quite a bit of damage to a target as a reaction via I Had It Poisoned or I Lured You Into Danger. Much like in the video games, he’s an adaptable character who can make use of offscreen preparation via various Plans. And if he can do it while avoiding messy shootouts, all the better!
I needed to take some creative liberties with his iconic syringe and fiber wire, so I made them improvised weapons.
I was unable to give him Historical Equipment proficiency; he’s been able to use swords and other medieval-style weapons, but as those tend to be rare in comparison to firearms and all other kinds of weapons in the games I’m pretty fine with this. Thanks to the Vault's Core Rules Changes, I was easily able to have Agent 47 start out with all non-Military Equipment proficiencies, and used his 10th level feat to pick up Global Contacts.