
Picture taken from the Drive
Special Forces Twins
Origin Human
Archetype 6th Level Wise Hero; Class Bonded Twins
Background (Juvenile Delinquent, +1 Dexterity); Profession (Special Forces Career Path, +1 Dexterity)
Wealth Level 2
Speed 30 Feet
Hit Points 52 (6d10+12); Defense 17 (10 + 3 + Dexterity modifier); Focus 6
Strength 14 (+2) Dexterity 18 (+4) Constitution 14 (+2) Intelligence 10 (+0) Wisdom 10 (+0) Charisma 8 (-1)
Saving Throws Intelligence +3, Wisdom +3
Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +5, Endurance +5, Insight +3, Mechanics +3, Medicine +3, Perception +3, Stealth +7, Streetwise +3, Vehicles +7
Languages English, German
Equipment Proficiencies Basic, Advanced, Military
Passive Perception 13 (18 if not using Bulk rules)
Proficiency Bonus +3
Special Feature, Underworld Contacts: Advantage on Streetwise checks to buy or sell illegal goods and services.
Special Forces Career Path
Recruitment Type: Enlisted (+1 Dexterity, Wealth Level 2)
Basic Training: Navy Enlisted (Acrobatics, Athletics, Mechanics proficiency; Basic and Advanced Equipment, bonus iconic equipment)
Special Operations Training Feats: Combat Weapons Training (Military Equipment proficiency, clear firearms jam as a bonus action), Reconnaissance Training (Perception and Stealth proficiency, bonus iconic equipment)
Advanced Twin Combat: Both of your bodies can make an attack when you take the Attack action.
Bonded: You control two bodies who share the same stats, hit points, and actions but each have their own carrying capacity. Various movement-based actions can be taken by both bodies at the same time (Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Dive for Cover, breaking grapples and general escapes) and they move independently. Can make an off-hand attack with a weapon one of your bodies is holding, provided the weapon isn’t Heavy or Two-Handed. Damaging effects only deal damage once if both bodies are hit (any saving throw is made at disadvantage if physical). Non-damaging effects requiring a save require two rolls and can affect both if physical, but mental effects only roll once and both bodies use the same result.
Concentration: When you fail a Wisdom ability check, you can spend 1 Focus to reroll that check. This can be used only once per ability check.
Coordination: Can spend 1 Focus to either have both bodies make an attack or special attack such as grapple or shove, rolling once but with advantage and expending ammunition from both firearms if appropriate; gain advantage on an ability check if both bodies can participate; gain advantage on roll vs a mental effect that targets both bodies.
Discordant Separation: Disadvantage on all ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws if bodies are more than 100 feet away from each other.
Focus: You have Focus points equal to the number shown on the Wise Hero table, which can be spent to use your Concentration talent as well as talents granted by your class. All your Focus recharges whenever you finish a short or long rest.
Improved Coordination: Spend 1 Focus for both of your bodies to make separate opportunity attacks if it would be provoked by the same source.
One Step Ahead: Can choose not to fall Prone when taking the Dive for Cover reaction.
Ability Score Training (2nd level, Minor): +1 Dexterity
Artful Dodger (2nd level, Minor): Can make an off-hand attack as a bonus action when you take the Dodge action.
Fast Hands (4th level, Minor): Move reload action type one step down (action to bonus, bonus to free), clear a jam as a bonus action, disassemble held gun as an action.
Pack Rat (4th level, Minor):* Can carry 5 more Bulk without penalty, can take items from carrying case as bonus action in combat.
Combat Dive Training (6th level, Major): Advantage on Athletics checks to swim or dive and Endurance checks to avoid suffocation. Gain proficiency in Medicine, Survival, and Vehicles.
*If not using Bulk, choose Scout (Minor) instead: +5 to passive Perception, advantage on ability checks to defeat traps.
Equipment (each comes in pairs unless otherwise noted): Soldier’s kit (4 Bulk, frame backpack adds +5 Bulk), Scuba Gear (4 Bulk, not taken save on underwater missions), Ocean Grease (0 Bulk), Binoculars (1 Bulk), Camouflage Clothing (0 Bulk), Ghillie Suit (2 Bulk, not taken on underwater missions), Pocket Stuff (0 Bulk), Combat Knife (1 Bulk), Assault Carbine with Suppressor (3 Bulk), Hand Cannon Pistol with Suppressor (2 Bulk, not taken on underwater missions), Harpoon Gun (2 Bulk, not taken save on underwater missions)
Combat Knife +7: 1d4+4 piercing or slashing; PV 1; Properties Light, Finesse, Thrown (20/40); Bulk 1
Assault Carbine +7: 1d12+4 ballistic; Range 800/1,600; 30 Rounds; Reload Free; PV 3; Properties Burst 3, Full-Auto, Restricted, Two-Handed; Bulk 3
Hand Cannon Pistol +7: 1d12+4 ballistic; Range 100/200; 7 Rounds; Reload Free; PV 3; Properties Loud, Semi-Auto; Bulk 2
Harpoon Gun +7: 1d8+4 piercing; Range 30/60; 2 Rounds; Reload Bonus; PV 2; Properties Aquatic; Bulk 2
Level Up Choices
8th Level: Feats: Ability Score Training x2 (Dexterity, Minor)
10th Level: Feats: Healthy (Major)
Details: Taken originally from the Pacific Rim sourcebook, the Bonded Twins class has been slightly tweaked to not make references to mecha combat in its mechanics. But it still has enough stuff to make it a mechanically interesting build. For this idea, I went with building a pair of stealthy ranged combatants with feats meant to synergize with their class features. One of the Bonded Twins’ major offensive abilities is being able to use heavier weapons with an “off-hand” attack, and hand cannon pistols do quite a bit of damage even without an ability modifier tacked on to them. Thus, I chose Artful Dodger so that they can still deal an appreciable amount of damage in battle even when dodging, and took Fast Hands so as to not waste that valuable bonus action when reloading for most firearms. The other 4th level feat is variant depending on whether or not the Bulk rules are in play, but regardless both options work well for a pair of special operations agents: Pack Rat lets them carry more, and as each twin has their own carrying capacity this is effectively a doubled bonus. Scout helps give them a high passive Perception so as to better spot hidden threats and ambushes. Combat Dive Training is more or less the best thing to take for a Navy SEAL, so I chose that as the 6th level Major feat. For their initial Career Path feats, Combat Weapons Training was necessary to get Military Equipment proficiency, while Reconnaissance Training grants proficiency in two highly useful skills.
An interesting thing about the Bonded Twins is that there’s nothing in the class that requires them to have a high Wisdom. In being so focused on physical actions I could neglect mental ability scores in favor of focusing on their physical capabilities. Another thing to bring up is that some of the gear is a bit pricey for their Wealth Level, and they are a bit bulky to the point they’d be Encumbered if using the Bulk rules. But I presume that at 5th level the characters got access to some otherwise restricted gear in that time frame, and they can keep unneeded gear in storage.
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