My own "Dr. Horrible's sing-along blog": a musical about my D&D campaign


Bard 7/Mod (ret) 10/Mgr 3
I think the greatest gift is that you have long-time friends nearby who love you enough to do such an awesome thing. Hope to see (and hear) it sometime!

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First Post
So far beyond awesome.

Must see! Or at least hear!

Happy 40th! May the next 40 be as great as the previous!



Wow. I'm not sure how you took it, Kevin, but my mouth would be agape for the whole thing.

Tres awesome. Happy B-Day, P-kitty!

What a wonderful gift! I can only aspire to earn such an effort from my own friends and family someday.

In the looks like my daughter is not the only one with tinkerbell footie pajamas.

Voidrunner's Codex

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