My Paladin killed a.. 2nd thread (The Verdict is IN - p4)


Okay. I've read all of the other thread this one is based on, and there seems to be a wide variety of opinions - entirely too much information, it seems to me, for what that thread was started for. What he and his DM seemed to be looking for was a trial, of sorts, so I propose we give it to them:

First, go read the initial post in the other thread. Think it over well. Then come back in here in the character of one of your Paladin characters. State your character's name, alignment, and God of allegiance.

The first twelve LG Paladins (I am aware of variant rules and others who call themselves that - only LGs, please.) that come in and sign in will act as a jury. I will be #1:

Sandelphon, Paladin of Torm the True, LG
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Oh, I don't guess I mentioned this before, and I'm not trying to be rude, but please - no crosstalk from non-participants. It will be difficult enough to come to consensus quickly with just the 12.


#3: Valna, LG Paladin (no diety)

I am Valna Vitrano, paladin of myself. I have much experience in both the celestial and fiendish planes, and let me just say that the world we live in is not so unjust.

I have both celestial and fiendish parents, and I have slain my own father, a half-celestial exiled from Elysium, in the name of justice. My mother, who is just as evil, I have let go, as the laws of Elysium do not pertain to her and she has done nothing to wrong anyone within the recent past.

OOC: this is a very shades-of-gray paladin. Gruff, arrogant, and pushing limits. But in the end, he is still Lawful Good.
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So far, I have Sandelphon, Barconius, Valna, and Valentine del Lonis signed in. Everyone else, please sign in in the manner requested:

Name, God, Alignment

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Barconius, (Pal 9/Mkn10) God: Corean; Align: LG. Favored Weapon: Longsword

Barconius, Champion of Mithril, Mithril Sword of Corean, the Champion. LG (as if there were any other)

Tough, fair, honest, and willing to fight for what's right.


My order, which follows the precepts of our God, the Champion, teaches that sacrifice of self is very important. While it should not come at the price of honor, protecting the innocent is paramount. This is a truly tough decision I face...but as my God guides me, he teaches the act was in good faith, however the actions were not. Thus censure would be appropriate, but certainly no more. A paladin must prove he stands better than a common solider. Yeah, even the "knights" of Calastia slaughter those that harm their own, but they do so with no sense of right or protection. Merely to prove their strength. Thus I vote, with a heavy heart, Guilty. But with a measure of resolve that this paladin should not be cast away. Merely looked after and guided.
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(Okay, this is cool--I like this).

My Lord, I am Titian Kerrick, follower of Heironeous.

My judgement is that the paladin in question should recieve a slight chastisement, perhaps a temporary loss of his powers until he reconsiders his role as a paladin.

Why? Not because he slew the varlet--that was a righteous act (although subdual would have been acceptable). And not because he slew him from behind--although questionable, that was hardly enough to merit punishment. No, it was because of what he did not do, what any paladin in this or any similar situation must always do first: put themselves into the path of danger. Before anything else, the paladin should have made sure that he was between the victim and the attacker, ready to protect the child at the cost of his own life if need be.

As it turned out, the man was no serious threat to the paladin. But he was a threat to the child. And as protectors of the weak, we must always make it clear that we stand, both literally and metaphorically, between those who threaten and those who are threaten.

Lord Titain Kerrick, currently in special service to his high shining holiness, Heironeous.

Valentine will do just fine, heh no need to use my full name every time *smiles*

I'm glad to offer whatever help I can. Is there any other information needed before things get rolling?

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