N.E.W. v 1.2 is here!

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Nice. I had not noticed that change.

Though, looks like there is still no point for "light", and only a limited one for "medium" (rank 3 and you are done with it).

And, what about "powered". It has it's own skill (p20), but "Powered armor counts as one category lighter" (p119) ?
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Though, looks like there is still no point for "light", and only a limited one for "medium" (rank 3 and you are done with it).

And, what about "powered". It has it's own skill (p20), but "Powered armor counts as one category lighter" (p119) ?

Amor skills still allow you to use higher quality armor. Powered armor counts as one category lighter "for the purposes of calculating DEFENSE penalties" only. In other words it has a -2 penalty, not -4. You still need the powered armor skill to offset that, or to fully benefit from high quality armor.


The more I read through the new revised version, the more changes I'm finding. This is quite a rewrite but I must admit that the new revisions are all for the better. I haven't found one change that I wished hadn't been made. Well done, Morrus, on making a great game even better.

Lucas Yew

Is this a minor oversight? The Derived Statistics Table at pg.61 is missing VITAL DEFENSE.

Well, maybe it's too late to cram it in by now...


P.S. Is O.L.D. ver.1.2 still far away from now on? ...Like April 2018? Hope it's not THAT far off, but...
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Great Old One
A very minor thing, but I noticed that the wrong character seems to be talking in the middle of page 9. ("Nichelle (playing Talik): I try to get more info from my scan. I roll 14 again. What type of creature are we talking here?")

I belive a corrected paragraph should read "Leonard (playing Dr. TikTok): I try to get more info from my scan. I roll 14 this time. What type of creature are we talking here?"


Great Old One
One more thing: page 30 says "A completed beginning character will have a total of 13 skill ranks (3 species skills and 2 career skills per grade)." That statement is leaving out the home world skill, which brings the total to 14.

Lucas Yew

I caught this change recently; are all AOE attacks (grenades, dragon breaths, etc.) now countered by VITAL DEFENSE?
Well, it does make sense, but... Yeah, maybe I was too used to the concept of Reflex saves...

Voidrunner's Codex

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