D&D 5E Nathan Stewart Promises WotC will do something with new settings in 2018

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I'd like to see a "Worlds of D&D" sourcebook instead of just sprinting a single setting. The intro can mention that more detailed historical and geographical info can be found in various products on DMsGuild, and each setting can get its own chapter. The settings chapter can have a synopsis of the setting and the iconic races, monsters, or whatever for that setting. I think it'd be a setting book with appeal to almost all D&D players, and it'd probably drive DMsGuild sales.


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I'd like to see a "Worlds of D&D" sourcebook instead of just sprinting a single setting. The intro can mention that more detailed historical and geographical info can be found in various products on DMsGuild, and each setting can get its own chapter. The settings chapter can have a synopsis of the setting and the iconic races, monsters, or whatever for that setting. I think it'd be a setting book with appeal to almost all D&D players, and it'd probably drive DMsGuild sales.

That format for a(n) (insert character here)'s guide to the multiverse makes a lot of sense.

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I'd like to see a "Worlds of D&D" sourcebook instead of just sprinting a single setting. The intro can mention that more detailed historical and geographical info can be found in various products on DMsGuild, and each setting can get its own chapter. The settings chapter can have a synopsis of the setting and the iconic races, monsters, or whatever for that setting. I think it'd be a setting book with appeal to almost all D&D players, and it'd probably drive DMsGuild sales.

That would be nice, but I'd put all the mechanical elements (races, classes, backgrounds, feats, spells, and monsters) into their own chapters (well, the player-facing stuff in one chapter, the monsters in another chapter). But, as nice as this would be, I'm not sure that it will exactly align with WotC's plan (whatever that may be). Like they say, hope for the best, but expect the worst. ;)


Greyhawk is my setting of choice, and I hope we never see more than a couple of suggested rule alternatives for it in this edition. Everything anyone could ever need to run campaign after campaign in Greyhawk is already out there and easy to convert, and I really don't want to see that setting get bloated like the FR. I think the same can be said of Dragonlance, too. If you want to run a Dragonlance campaign, you almost certainly already have everything you need to implement the white/red/black circles of wizards, Knights of Solamnia, etc. All you need is a tweak to the dragonborn race and a few titles from D&D classics and you're set.

A planar book, like an updated Manual of the Planes, strongly influenced by Planescape, featuring a bunch of 5e updated planar creatures and some handy tools to flavor your planar jaunts would be great. A Dark Sun book would also be welcome, because that setting is different enough to justify it, requiring a bestiary and some class options. I think the same goes for Eberron, and both Eberron and Athas need a mystic class and psionic rules for this edition. I think an Eberron book would be a good place to detail some spellpunk/steampunk tools and systems that could be adapted to various settings and homebrews (like Zeitgeist).

As I see it, a book that detailed one or more alternative settings wouldn't suffer from the Adventurer's League problem, and wouldn't need to reprint a bunch of material from earlier products just to accommodate the asinine "PH+1" rule that AL participants somehow manage to abide. Maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part, but the last thing I want in a new D&D book is a verbatim restatement of content I've already got on my shelf.


I crit!
I don't think they'd go everywhere at once. They have years worth of books to do. They'll wan't to play it out a bit, I'd think. Though I think they'd do what is cool and makes story sense, no matter.

I will point out that there was a "Lore you should know" about Lantan and the fact that it didn't drown during the spell plague, that it was rolled into some other place or plane, and they came back with a weapon.

Oh and that it WILL be in a future product.


Book-Friend, he/him
I don't think they'd go everywhere at once. They have years worth of books to do. They'll wan't to play it out a bit, I'd think. Though I think they'd do what is cool and makes story sense, no matter.

I will point out that there was a "Lore you should know" about Lantan and the fact that it didn't drown during the spell plague, that it was rolled into some other place or plane, and they came back with a weapon.

Oh and that it WILL be in a future product.
Reading the core books, the default setting is actually the Planar metasetting: I reckon they will "zoom out" and flesh that out a bit, maybe "zoom in" to particular settings in the future.
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A planar supplement would be a solid addition to the base game, as well as potentially its own setting. More useful for the highest number of people than an entirely different campaign setting.

If any kind of new setting really does get created for 5E, I would expect it to be used for the planned D&D movies. Start out fresh, rather than use a world that is full of baggage. New setting, new movies, new novels, etc.


I personally just want them to release the other settings for use in DMsGuild.

I don't think they are going to do anything with Greyhawk with their focus on FR, so why not allow folks to sell Greyhawk things via DMsGuild? Win-win for them as it keeps that old setting relevant AND makes them a bit of cash from it.

Settings like Darksun, Birthright, Mystara/Thunder Valley have been around but not updated in a long time, they are also good fodder for DMsGuild.

New settings don't interest me as much, I can make my own, but using older adventures in the new edition, or having folks build new things around those old settings is more interesting in my mind.

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