D&D 5E Nathan Stewart Promises WotC will do something with new settings in 2018


I know there's a lot of love for Al-Qadim in the WotC building, so that's always a possibility. Technically it's part of the Realms, but it's always been treated as its own animal. The 2e version is still one of the most beautiful books ever released for D&D and I wouldn't mind it terribly.

My worst fear is it's more of the same. FR, GH, Ebberon, and DL are all the same. Yes, there are some differences but they're all high magic, high fantasy. Referring to GH as gritty is laughable.

My first guess is it will be Dark Sun. That also wouldn't be terrible, at least it's something different. Planescape is also a possibility, and a way outside shot would be Spelljammer. I don't like either of the latter two settings, but at least they aren't just slightly tweaked sameness like all the core settings.

My dream setting would be something that is actually gritty in the vein of Howard, Lieber, or even the Midnight Campaign Setting. I'd love a low magic sword and sorcery world, but I know WotC doesn't do new. They only re-hash the old. Seriously, in the nearly 20 years they've owned the D&D license have they done anything new outside of Ebberon? One thing? And Ebberon wasn't even theirs, they actually had to have a fan contest for that. It's possible I just don't remember anything but I don't recall one other new thing through three entire editions.

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Lowcountry Low Roller
Let’s not forget that WotC has said that each setting going forward needs to evoke a distinct theme, e.g. Ravenloft = Gothic Horror.


Book-Friend, he/him
I know there's a lot of love for Al-Qadim in the WotC building, so that's always a possibility. Technically it's part of the Realms, but it's always been treated as its own animal. The 2e version is still one of the most beautiful books ever released for D&D and I wouldn't mind it terribly.

My worst fear is it's more of the same. FR, GH, Ebberon, and DL are all the same. Yes, there are some differences but they're all high magic, high fantasy. Referring to GH as gritty is laughable.

My first guess is it will be Dark Sun. That also wouldn't be terrible, at least it's something different. Planescape is also a possibility, and a way outside shot would be Spelljammer. I don't like either of the latter two settings, but at least they aren't just slightly tweaked sameness like all the core settings.

My dream setting would be something that is actually gritty in the vein of Howard, Lieber, or even the Midnight Campaign Setting. I'd love a low magic sword and sorcery world, but I know WotC doesn't do new. They only re-hash the old. Seriously, in the nearly 20 years they've owned the D&D license have they done anything new outside of Ebberon? One thing? And Ebberon wasn't even theirs, they actually had to have a fan contest for that. It's possible I just don't remember anything but I don't recall one other new thing through three entire editions.
Nentir Vale, Ghostwalk, Western parts of Oerik in Chainmail, Urban Arcana, actually quite a few other things here and there. The Magic: the Gathering team puts out new settings every time they turned around.


And the whole point of going OGL was so that other companies could put out new campaign settings so that they didn't have to.

[MENTION=1]Morrus[/MENTION] even has a thread on the boards here that lists all the various campaign settings that have already been made for 5E. If you can't find something there you're looking for... then it's pretty much guaranteed that your desire and want is so narrow that WotC sure isn't going to scratch your itch, even if they *do* eventually produce a completely new setting at some point. That's just simply odds.


I think its going to be a book of settings. Most settings don't change much aside for some mechanics. So you'll get the basic overview of the setting, any basic details you need, and races, classes, and mechanics for the setting, then it will tell you to see previous edition setting book X, and DMSGUILD for more. That is why the playtests have spnded multiple settings lately.

Githzerai and Githyanki Planescape, Eldarin Nentir Vale, Gurchac Elves Greyhawk, Averiel FR, Sea Elves FR too.

Voidrunner's Codex

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