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Nazareth Awakened - Chapter 02: Wives of Solomon


Harper, Thyrsus mage

Harper nods to Faye's retreating back. It makes sense as he can't imagine Penrose dealing with the mundane things that normal people have to deal with. He sighs and returns to the coffeepot to top off his cup. Another sip and he heads back into the room where Penrose and his fellow students wait.


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Agnasci mulls over Penrose's words. Of course his awakening has changed him, just as Penrose noted, but it still doesn't seem right to call Orlando a lie. Agnasci feels more like Orlando-plus. Not a completely different person, but rather a better version of himself.

I am better, Agnasci realizes. He pulls out his phone, and sends a text to Rachel. She probably won't read it until the morning.

"I'm leaving you. You'll get over it." Perhaps a bit cruel, but the tone is necessary. He knows just how far he has burrowed under her skin, and only the emotional equivalent of a slap to the face will make this real (and more importantly, final) for her.

His next text is to Big Rich.

"See you and mad dog wed. Just dumped R. Got a couch I can crash on?"


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One by one the mages take their spots in the chairs that have been set out for them against the far wall of the study. Penrose continues to watch the swinging crystal for a minute or so, and then directs his attention to his students.

"You've all come far these last couple of months. You can do in a few moments what used to take you hours." Penrose scratches idly at the rash on his hand. "But you're doing simple magic. Tricks. Your spells don't last more than a few minutes, and don't affect more than a small area or a single target." Each of the students knows that they could potentially do more, but it would be extraordinarily difficult.

In rules terms, all mages are capable of casting spells with modified duration and target factors. If you reference page 118 of the core Mage: The Awakening rulebook you'll find multiple ways you can modify spells. You can increase the potency of a spell, making it more difficult to dispel. You can increase the number of targets, allowing you to affect multiple people or things with a single casting. You can increase the radius of an area spell, allowing you to target a larger area with a spell. You can increase the duration of a spell, making it last longer (note that you can use advanced duration factors if you have more dots in an arcanum than are required to cast a spell).

Doing any of these things imposes dice penalties. For example, if Penrose wished to cast Eyes of the Matrix (page 165) so that if affected each of four students, and do so with a single spell (and therefore only have one instance of the spell count against the max number of spells he can maintain at once, rather than four), he would cast the spell as normal but with a -4 dice penalty. Needless to say this is a significant penalty.

"Chance," Penrose gestures at her, "cast a spell that provides yourself with the mage's sight. But make it last..." Penrose thumbs the blade of the gleaming sword that's been on his table both times his students have visited. "Make it last at least an entire day." Chance nods and concentrates in an attempt to cast the spell.

Chance has 2 dots in the Time Arcanum, more than the 1 required for Temporal Eddies (page 258), the Time mage sight spell, allowing her to use the advanced duration factors described on page 119. She has a Gnosis of 1 and Time 2, for a pool of 3. Under the advanced duration factor table we see that casting a spell that normally has a prolonged (one scene) duration with an increased duration of 24 hours incurs a -2 dice penalty. So Chance is down to 1 die.

She rolls 0 successes on 1 die, and the spell fails.

Penrose doesn't seem surprised. "It's not easy. But what if instead of casting a spell in moments, you took the hours you used to?"

The vast majority of the time you'll be casting spells as instant actions, as you've been doing. Occasionally it will be in your benefit to cast spells ritually. Ritual magic takes time (see just how much time by referencing the table on page 121), especially if you have a low Gnosis, but the benefit is that you accumulate successes over a period of time rather than trying to get them all on one roll. You can change the way your spell works with ritual magic just like normal, by referencing page 120. There you'll see that with ritual magic you don't take dice penalties - instead the number of successes needed is increased. That Eyes of the Matrix spell Penrose was going to cast in the example? Rather than taking a -4 penalty to a single roll, he now needs two more successes than normal, and he can keep casting until he has the successes he needs.

One thing to keep in mind is that you have to announce what parameters you're aiming for when you start the spell. You can spend a point of Willpower at any time to cast a spell using the number of successes already scored rather than continuing to accumulate more.

"Each of you will have six hours," says Penrose, ignoring the panicked looks his students exchange, "to cast a spell. The spell needs to last 24 hours and be at least somewhat resistant to dispelling." "Somewhat resistant to dispelling" refers to an increased potency. "Those of you who manage it will get a drink of tass." Tass is mana in its material form. Penrose is miserly with the tass that his hallow provides, only occasionally giving his students any in water form.


Everyone pick a spell with a prolonged duration to cast and choose what level of potency you're aiming for (the 24 hour duration is required, as is at least potency 2 - you can aim for a higher potency if you're feeling bold, though it will cost you a point of Willpower if you haven't reached the target successes in six hours). It's recommended you try a level 1 spell of an arcanum that you have 2 dots in, so that you can make use of the advanced duration factors. You can spend Willpower up to twice (once per roll) to add dice, whether you do is up to you.


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Law stirs when Penrose begins speaking and wakes up from his brief nap, not fully refreshed by any means but not as tired as he was before.

"Well lets get this over with."

He bows his head and concentrates to cast Grim Sight for 24 hours and with a potency of 3. Blowing as much Willpower as he can muster.


First Post
Agnasci finds a corner of the shop away from the others to begin his ritual spellcasting. He briefly considers using he Sense Consciousness spell, but then a different thought crosses his mind. He has never been able to see Penrose's sanctum with Mage Sight, and this may be the perfect excuse to do so.

OOC: Agnasci will use ritual magic to cast Third Eye with potency 2 (+1 success) and duration 24 hours (+1 success). If I calculated everything correctly, the six hours Penrose gave us will allow Agnasci to roll two times, with 3 dice each time. This is a total of 6 dice, with 3 successes required. If all this is correct, Agnasci will use Willpower during the second roll if he has accumulated fewer than 2 successes already.


Harper, Thyrsus mage

'Tass. Not often Penrose doles out a sip. Don't get distracted. Keep it simple: Second Sight, 24 hours, and, umm, potent. Shouldn't have drunk that coffee.'

Harper sits, regretting the coffee, and considers his spell. When he's decided he begins imagining his effect and casting his spell.


[sblock=OOC]Second Sight, 24 hr, potency 2. If he only has one success after the first time increment he'll spend a point of Willpower for the second time increment to add a die.[/sblock]


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In the interest of Keeping Things Moving™ I'm going to assume [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] has Chance cast Temporal Eddies (the Time arcanum mage sight spell) at the minimum requirements without using Willpower.

The six hours passes faster than any of the group would have anticipated, and the weight of the spent time seems to fall upon them all at once.
[sblock=Ritual spellcasting]Law's 1st Roll: Death 2 + Gnosis 1 + Willpower 3 = 0 successes
Law's 2nd Roll: Death 2 + Gnosis 1 + Willpower 3 = 2 successes
Total: 2 successes = Failure
Unfortunately even spending two points of Willpower isn't enough for Law and he only manages 2 successes against the 4 he requires. Law is down to 3 Willpower remaining (he'll regain one of these points after a night's rest, the second point will take a week to recover).

Agnasci's 1st Roll: Mind 2 + Gnosis 1 = 0 successes
Agnasci's 2nd Roll: Mind 2 + Gnosis 1 + Willpower 3 = 4 successes
Total: 4 successes = Success
Thanks to a 10-again reroll Agnasci scores more than the 3 required successes to cast his spell. Agnasci is down to 3 Willpower remaining (he'll recover one spent point after a night's rest, the other spent point from earlier will still take a week to recover).

Harper's 1st Roll: Spirit 2 + Gnosis 1 = 0 successes
Harper's 2nd Roll: Spirit 2 + Gnosis 1 + Willpower 3 = 2 successes
Total: 2 successes = Failure
Unfortunately even after spending a point of Willpower Harper isn't quite able to score the required 3 successes. Harper's down to 5 Willpower remaining (he'll recover his spent Willpower after a night's rest).

Chance's 1st Roll: Time 2 + Gnosis 1 = 1 success
Chance's 2nd Roll: Time 2 + Gnosis 1 = 0 successes
Total: 1 success = Failure
Unfortunately Chance didn't score the required 3 successes to cast the spell.[/sblock]Agnasci is the only one to manage ritual casting on his first attempt. He's greeted by an environment overflowing with magic. There are stacks of spells all over the room, including a few on Penrose himself. The ball bearing making circuits around the room isn't magical itself but it is being propelled by... not a spell, precisely, but magical energy. The pulsing veins the group had seen running along the surface of the earth in various locations in and around Nazareth are present here: Four separate lines meet in the center of the ceiling where they create a throbbing nexus that Agnasci can only assume is the ley itself. The hallow isn't visible, but with the mage sight Agnasci's spell provides he can determine with a certainty that it is here. Mana trickles through it into the world like the slow dripping of water from a leaky faucet. This is certainly the home of a mage.

Penrose has his students line up by his desk and they all feel the surge of magic as he casts a spell of his own (Agnasci can actually see it in the form of magical energy bubbling up from within his mentor and blossoming into a spell). He inspects each of the four before nodding at Agnasci. "Well done. You can take a cupful on your way out." Agnasci knows he's referring to the water cooler in the kitchen. "To the rest of you: Keep practicing whenever you have the time. You're free to go."

The four are free to speak to Penrose or leave. The tass Agnasci's won will increase his mana total by 1. Once the scene has ended we'll be fast-forwarding a few days of in-game time.

The group has encountered new supernal mysteries for the first time: They've begun their investigations into the mysterious Earnshaw, experienced a haunting, poked around at the sites of dormant hallows, and finished a lesson with Penrose. Everyone is awarded 4 points of Arcane Experience (pg 340 of the Mage: The Awakening rulebook). Arcane Experience works in the same way as normal Experience except that it can only be spent on increasing or restoring Gnosis, Wisdom, and Willpower (Wisdom increases and Willpower restoration have decreased Experience costs as outlined in the OOC Thread). Normal Experience and Arcane Experience can be combined.

Everyone should have a total of 5 Arcane Experience and 0 Normal Experience at this time.


Harper, Thyrsus mage

Harper is disappointed and a little annoyed that he didn't succeed. He should have and the fact that he didn't stings a little. He tries to put that aside, however, so he can ask Penrose a question.

"Excuse me. I was wondering if there is a way to make ritual casting easier. Not that I'm opposed to hard work just a tool sometimes makes the job easier. You know," Here his face flushes red with embarrassment and his speech hesitant. "Umm, like in the movies when Gandalf uses his staff to cast a spell. I mean, I know it's fiction but is there a basis in fact there?"



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Penrose's eyes move from Harper to the gleaming sword on his table and back again. "There is." He takes the sword by the handle and holds it in his lap. "Magical tools are used to decrease the chances of Paradox when using vulgar magic. I was planning on introducing them in a later lesson, but you're not the first to inquire." Penrose nods in Law's direction. "The five universal types of tool are wands or staves, weapons, mirrors, coins, and cups. Occasionally a mage will find another type of tool that works for him, but those five are the ones that will work for anyone." Penrose sets the sword down. "Some mages use different tools for each arcana - those tools are more varied. Magical tools don't help with ritual casting in particular."

Rubberneck was the only player to provide a magical tool at character creation. The rest of you can feel free to come up with magical tools that fit the requirements listed on pg 89/90 of the Mage: The Awakening rulebook. You can either have a general magical tool like Penrose described or you can use different tools for different arcana, which allows for more interesting object types (note that it mentions you can come up with your own arcana-specific tools so long as they fit the described themes). You can have both a general tool as well as arcana-specific tools, if you'd like.

Some magical tools can be tricky or expensive to get a hold of (you want a coin made of glass or a mirror of gold?) but it's largely just an inconvenience in the age of online shopping. Penrose will aid with the dedication of your first magical tools (so no need for a Gnosis + Composure roll to dedicate them).


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Law is also irritated he didn't succeed in casting the spell. He is on his way out when the question is asked, he pauses in the doorway to listen. Once the question is answered he'll head home.

Voidrunner's Codex

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