D&D General Need help brainstorming ideas for thief talent 2 replacement in shadowdark full context below in comments


Hello everyone, more context for my question, I have been using side initiative with a single d6 no modifiers from the players which is contested by me the DM each round of combat in my 5e games. I am wanting to switch to shadowdark for future games. I would like to continue to use side initiative because my players and I like co-operative team work to tackle problems and it feels more engaging.

My current thoughts are to give something to the thief that increase there speed since that is what advantage to initiative generally translates to mechanically. I know the system doesn't use feet it uses abstract ranges but is there a way to maybe increase their range of movement?

Any thoughts or ideas are welcome.

PS: I have not played a game of Shadowdark yet I plan to run a game in August and hopefully for all future games.

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Distances are broken up into close (5 feet), near (up to 30 feet), and far (within sight during an encounter or scene).

If you want to make the thief better at closing distances to get into melee, you might give it something like this:

When the thief's side wins initiative, the thief may move to close distance to an enemy they are aware of. This movement is free.

Or you could even allow it whenever initiative is rolled, right at the time the initiative die is rolled, so long as the thief is not surprised.


Distances are broken up into close (5 feet), near (up to 30 feet), and far (within sight during an encounter or scene).

If you want to make the thief better at closing distances to get into melee, you might give it something like this:

When the thief's side wins initiative, the thief may move to close distance to an enemy they are aware of. This movement is free.

Or you could even allow it whenever initiative is rolled, right at the time the initiative die is rolled, so long as the thief is not surprised.
Interesting thank you for this insight I did not know the distance was broken down that much, I have not read all of the book yet lol. Your suggestion is intriguing its very similar to 5e's cunning action, I like it

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