Need Recommendations for Deep, Campaign-Friendly Sci-Fi / Modern TTRPGs


Hi fellow nerds.

In general I have a lot of experience with DnD and similar dungeon-crawl board games, but for whatever reason I have never really gone into anything outside of the fantasy genre. Now my group is interested in doing something with guns and vehicles and I haven't had much luck finding the right game for us.

It seems like most of the new options are d6 fudging systems that don't exactly have expansive player options and progression. That's what I'm looking for and that's the main reason we have been on DnD/PF for so long. Can you recommend anything that is comparable to a level 1-15+ dnd/pf campaign, but has a modern or sci-fi setting?


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B/X Known World
It seems like most of the new options are d6 fudging systems that don't exactly have expansive player options and progression. That's what I'm looking for and that's the main reason we have been on DnD/PF for so long. Can you recommend anything that is comparable to a level 1-15+ dnd/pf campaign, but has a modern or sci-fi setting?
I'm not sure what you mean by this bolded bit.

Mongoose Traveller has gear, player options, and vehicles out the wazoo. Starfinder is a PF science-fantasy game. It might be right up your alley, it might not. If you're looking for licensed stuff, there's Star Trek Adventures (not a fan of the system personally, but a lot of people seem to love it). There's also Star Wars. The FFG game with funky dice seems popular enough with lots of options (not a fan of proprietary symbol dice). If you're good picking up an older game, there's the perennial favorite WEG d6 Star Wars. There's also Blade Runner, Alien, and Dune. Most cyberpunk games have gear for days. CY_BORG, Cyberpunk Red, Hard Wired Island, The Sprawl, The Veil.

I haven't played all of these, so some might not be what you're looking for.


Traveller is the ‘big dog’ in sci-fi, and Pirates of Drinax is reckoned to be one of the best campaigns ever released, though I haven’t played them personally.

What I can recommend from personal experience is Savage Worlds for sci-fi. There is a couple of options open to you, here.

For ‘straight’ sci-fi there is the Last Parsec which is pretty ‘kitchen sink’ in that it has ships, AI, robots, aliens, psychic abilities all in there. You can place the emphasis where you like as the GM to tweak the mix to your liking. The books are for the previous edition, but the editions are highly backwards compatible. I ran Eris Beta-V with my group and did most of the conversion on-the-fly even though this was one of my first times running the latest edition.

If you want sci-fi with a twist there is Deadlands: Lost Colony. This is a sci-fi offshoot of Savage Worlds Deadlands - in this campaign backdrop in the future a worm hole has been opened to a planet across the galaxy and an outpost set up there. The campaign premise starts with the wormhole having collapsed due to an apocalyptic event back on earth, so now the colonists are stuck and have to deal with their new circumstances. This campaign backdrop mixes in both human and alien powers and includes a horror twist as with all the Deadlands games. It was written for the latest edition of the game so no conversion needed. The campaign book contains a ‘plot point campaign’ (which is how Pinnacle tend to do campaigns - ten-twelve key but lighter weight adventures loosely strung together to form a campaign) and there is a second campaign out, too.

In terms of character development there are certainly a lot of edges (a cross between feats and class abilities) that characters can take to give them cool options and differentiate them. We have also run home-brew WH40K using Savage Worlds in the past and it was a great fit for that, too.


Small God of the Dozens
Most people use them as source books because they are amazing for sandboxes, but they do have a system. They use a modified B/X core system.
The system is excellent IMO. Just to dispel any misconceptions it might be BX based, but it does have a fully fleshed out skill system and the other expected mod-cons.


One of the best descriptions as I have heard for Stars Without Number is “BX D&D and Traveller had a baby”. It brings together the overall structure of D&D BX with Traveller’s skill system.

Sine Nomine specialise in creating books with a working system and a boat-load of system agnostic GM tools, and then add-in an example default campaign for good measure. The books are great in my experience.

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