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Needed strategies for taking on Kerzit


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Hi, so this is my first time asking for help. We are not the best group of gamers out there, but we have fun. Anyway to the point, our mission is coming to its climax any Saturday now. Tonight I afraid we just may make that encounter. So that doesn't give you guys much time to respond. Please no spoilers, we don't know much other then Kerzit is a demon.
Kerzit from the Dungeon magazine Maure Castle adventure.

Who we are, (Merlin/Milo) if you read this please add more details:
Filia, Fire Miphet/Sorceror, 6 lvls/9 lvls, she mostly has fire spells
image http://jamie.mccoard.net/filia/index.php?page=info
Ramzina, wizard, 15 lvls, < she kicks serious butt.
Thorin, dwarven fighter, 15 lvls, loves a good fight.
Alfred, our cleric, 15 lvls, he is a grumpy old guy--but really the only cleric who would want to hang with our group. (We are known as Cleric killers.)

That's it, not very strong team. I was thinking maybe we can use a Commune spell to learn more about Kerzit. Maybe a anchor lock when we get in to battle... Some buff up spells to increase our SR and saving throws.

I'm terrified that we are all going to die. (which our DM would love).

Any strategies out there, even basic ones that would help us out?
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Milo Windby

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Also Presenting...

I should also mention that they will be joined by a level 15 rogue and a level 15 monk as my brother-in-law and his wife will be playing guest roles tonight. Good luck, guys!


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So disappointed.

I was hoping to get a hit before our game session tonight, so far no advice. I'm bummed out.


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It's hard to suggest advice for a monster several people haven't heard of- and those who have, to give advice without revealing spoilers...

For instance, if the demon had an acid attack- we'd say prepare against acid, but we can't say that without spoiling something about the demon.

You've got a wizard and fire sorc... so your firepower is covered- less the thing has fire resistance, in which case you should get the sorc a wand and/or staff of something icey or acidy or whatever. Force and sonic will probably be your friends.

The rogue and monk working together should make flanking no problem (but i doubt this battle will take place on the ground).

Make sure everyone who can has flight capabilities- especially the fighter- and have him decked out with energy resistance, stone skin, etc. Have all three casters hit the demon with dispel magics early on- and ready silence spells if it tries to cast (won't do much good against Spell-like abilities, but meh). Ready actions to attack when it tries those, maybe?

If you have time to prepare- then heck yeah, commune, scry, research, etc. etc. Dimensional anchor sounds like a good plan if you fear it teleporting (and it's a demon, so you do).

Maybe planar bind (or even better- planar ally) some allies? If this is the climax, why not bring in some celestials- and ask them to help you? It may cost you some gold, but meh.

Once you know combat is emminent- buff away... If it's your typical demon- it's natural attacks will be what to fear, but if it were- say- a balor- then sunder it's weapon like there ain't no tomorrow.

Stuff like that- put yourself in the demon's shoes- and ask what you'd do... the answer is probably destroy you all with minions- yet another good reaosn to have summoned/called allies with you.



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Sweet, Thank you.

Vorput thank you for your feedback, it is very useful. We aren't very good with battle tactics. :) So any support helps. Thanks!


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I just looked up the statistics for Kerzit, if it's the same one......

Good luck. Plan realllllllly well. Are you supposed to fighting him? His CR is....substantial.


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FrostedMini1337 said:
I just looked up the statistics for Kerzit, if it's the same one......

Good luck. Plan realllllllly well. Are you supposed to fighting him? His CR is....substantial.

If that's true- then your best hope may be death spells. Do both your sorcerer and wizard have save or die spells? If so, now would be the time to use them... cleric too. If your rogue has UMD- have him read off a scroll of it, or a staff- whatever. If not save or die spells, maybe dominate monster.

The thing has to roll a 1 sometime... and if 4 characters use such a spell off the bat (granted, spell resistance will kill you- but meh)- that's at least a 20% chance he dies in the first round.

Holy word would also be a good move- if the thing has less hit dice than your caster level- particularly if you have some means of upping your caster level (good domain, spells, items, whatever).

All else fails- maybe just get a scroll and gate in a solar... or two...

Is it too late to bargain your party member's immortal souls in exchange for your life?


Have you considered that you might not have to fight Kerzit? That there might be a way of getting round the demon without fighting it?


Kerzit was a formidable foe in AD&D, and as such he's much more powerful under 3.x rules.

Without revealing any spoilers, if I was going to fight a big bad demon, I would always consider trying the following:

  • prevent the demon from gating in help: most big demons can gate in lesser demons, and while your PCs are tangling with the minions, you may be easier pickings for it to use its spell-like powers
  • try to out-maneuver it: use etherealness, the plane of shadow, the astral, etc. if possible (assuming it can't access those planes too)
  • use multiple communes and ask LOTS of pointed questions about Kerzit beforehand: whether it is susceptible to X, Y, Z attack forms; whether it has allies; whether it has any special vulnerabilities; etc.
  • employ holy water, holy weapons, good weapons, lawful weapons, etc.
  • beg/borrow/steal some arrows/weapons of demon slaying
  • cast augury/divination to determine your likelihood of success in the encounter after you put your best battle plans together (I don't recall offhand if 3.x substantially changed those spells or not from their AD&D tactical usages)
  • if possible, confine the demon in a magical circle/thaumaturgic diagram/whatever, or use one to protect yourselves
  • Vorput's suggestions for save or die spells are good: destruction, disintigrate, imprisonment, perhaps you could banish it, etc.
  • lastly, you could also figure out if Kerzit has any demonic enemies who may be willing to assist in his demise :]

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