At this time, there are no plans to convert Neiyar to 4e or another system. We've been terribly negligent with the setting due to focusing resources on our Karma Roleplaying System and our fiction projects, however we do intend to change that in 2010. We still have a Races of Neiyar: Amphikin project in the works, and plans for new adventures. And we are always open to freelance ideas for the setting (hint, hint, hint).
Sorry I didn't personally respond sooner, but I see Faith got to you!
We made a decision to focus on what we know well, and that is 3.5 and our own Karma system. At this point, it doesn't make sense for us to spread ourselves too thin jumping on every current system bandwagon. It would require a huge investment of time and resources to make sure the setting was converted properly to various other systems,. I personal don't feel that it would be fair to our core customer base to sacrifice our current product lines in the interest of overdiversification.
We are certainly open to discussions with other publishers that might be interested in using the Neiyar setting with other systems. And I would personally be happy to work with any gamer that was interested in creating fan conversion rules to share at Enworld. I can be contacted at jdawson(at)bardsandsages(dot)com if you (or anyone else) has further questions in that regard.
As Faith noted, we have been negligent with the setting in 2009, much of that due to the push with the Karma system and our fiction projects. But Neiyar is my baby, and it is time to start paying attention again. Also, we're always looking for freelancers with interesting ideas, and we are a paying market. Should you have an idea for the Neiyar setting you would like to discuss, please review our submission guidelines.
Thank you for your quick reply Faith and Bardsandsages (J. Dawson ?).
I can appreciate the effort needed to update the Neiyar setting to the current version of D&D, and possibly lose the fan-base entrenched in the 3.5 version (and there is a substantial fan-base, if sales of the Pathfinder system are any indication).
My first adventures into Neiyar immediately reminded me of pulp stories/movies like the Land that Time forgot; being washed ashore into a jungle world with strange cultures and sites not seen before. As such, I’ve always thought a ‘pulp’ rpg system would do a marvellous justice to this setting. Systems like Savage Worlds or Hollow Earth Expedition.
I am going to try my hand at a Fan-based conversion for (one of) these systems. While I’m sure there is no huge demand for such a conversion for Neiyar’s current players, it may get the attention of SW or HEE players. And more exposure is always desirable.
I'm definately glad that you have enjoyed the setting. Please consider leaving a review at RPGNOW or on Amazon to help let others know about the setting. And should you have specific questions, feel free to contact me directly.