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NeMoren's Vault III: Return to the dungeon!

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Oh, Hennet, don't you listen to a word Alhandra says, no reason for you to cover yourself. No reason at all.

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Krusk walks in midst a crowd of hair stylists, costumers and makeup artists... All bustling to keep his hair mussed properly, to make certain his necklace of tooth and bone hangs just so, and to give his tusks that trademark gleam.

He waves them off as he approaches the set.

Hello everyone!

It certainly is good to come aboard with such a fine group of adventurers.

I'm afraid my predecessor ate his script before he left... So if one of you would be so kind as to fill me in on our recent adventures and our current situation, I would greatly appreciate it.

Oh, and there wouldn't happen to be a refreshment cart nearby, would there? The girls were in such a rush to get me into costume, that I fear I've completely missed my afternoon tea.
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Alhandra said:
That's the spirit, Hennet!
By Heironeous, we'll make an honest, law-abiding citizen out of you, yet!

Your welcome to try. But I think I'd need a lot of disciplining.

Now is there any way I could get you to cover up your midsection a bit?
We can't have such a blatant display of machismo running around, frightening little girls, can we?

I prefer to think of it as a sex-positive assertion of self rather than machismo; and anything worthwhile is at least a little frightening. Just ask Vadania--nature is all the more beautiful when you contrast it with it's potential for destruction.

You don't want the women to think you're easy, do you, Hennet?
Why should the women think anything different from the men?

Vadania said:
Oh, Hennet, don't you listen to a word Alhandra says, no reason for you to cover yourself. No reason at all.

I live to obey;).
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Re: Bah, with twice the suger.

Regdar said:
By the gods and Kord, what happened to Krusk!!!

Not to worry, old chap. A few moments to get into character, and I'll be right as rain. I attended the Old Valhalla School of Method Acting, I'll have you know...

Krusk pulls out an enormous greataxe, seemingly from nowhere. Without preamble, he proceeds to hit himself in the head repeatedly with the flat of the blade... Until a feral spark lights his eyes, and he gnashes his teeth on the haft of his axe.


Krusk ready.

What happen?
Where go?
What kill?
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Okay Krusk, what we're doing here is simple. As soon as Kazak starts attacking, you start attacking as well. Okay? There's a good half-orc.


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Mialee said:
Okay Krusk, what we're doing here is simple. As soon as Kazak starts attacking, you start attacking as well. Okay? There's a good half-orc.

Kazak kill.
Krusk kill.
Krusk good.


First Post
Mialee said:
Okay Krusk, what we're doing here is simple. As soon as Kazak starts attacking, you start attacking as well. Okay? There's a good half-orc.

"Eh? Yer waiting for me? Alright then..."

There's a *twang* as Kazak shoots his crossbow at the closest hobgoblin.


OOC: thanks to Alhandra and Nebin for adventure info!!! Everyone is at full hit points and spells. It was a restful break.

The tunnel you lurk in is in the southwestern corner of a large cavern. A few stalactites cling to the ceiling like slipping thieves, barely dangling; most have been chipped off, probably by bored humanoids. The hulking things on the far side of the cavern are arguing around a fire, They had glanced suspiciously over towards the tunnel a few minutes ago, but had dismissed it as nothing.

A shame, really.

Kazak's crossbow bolt flies true and catches one of the hulking goblinoids on the side of the neck. He screams in pain and spins around, seeing the hulking Krusk shamble out of the darkness with his greataxe raised. One of the creatures grunts in goblinoid, "Brother? Why are you...", but is slapped hard by an ally. "It's an intruder from the tunnels of dead-eat," it growls. "Kill him. Quickly."

And the other creatures scrabble on the ground, raising long and pointy spears. Their tips are metal, catching the firelight.

Between Krusk, Kazak, Lidda, and Mialee is a narrow chasm. Mialee has a minor image up of a plank crossing it. Krusk is the only one that you know they can see, although that crossbow bolt must have come from somewhere.

What do you four want to do?


Meanwhile, the other iconics are at an end of hallway that has collapsed in a cave-in. The other side passage is on the other side of the pit. Do you want to cross the pit, dig in the rubble, scope out Vadania's abs, find the missing iconics, or something totally different?
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