New Campaign Setting Hint Is Eberron?

Eberron? Count me in!


I crit!
WotC's slow trickle of social media teases continues. Could one of the two campaign settings becoming "available" this year be Eberron? Check out the background of WotC's Nathan Stewart's picture. Stewart confirmed in a live stream last Friday that we'd hear more on the 23rd in his announcement of an announcement of an announcement (and today's Unearthed Arcana has been delayed until then, too).

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I wouldn't buy too much into anything Nathan Stewart is tweeting as he seems to take great glee from dropping hints and seeing people speculate rampantly.

That said, Eberron seems like a solid possibility and is on the short list of what I consider "likely" candidates.

If they really are going to put some form of product for two campaign settings, I would categorize them as follows:

Likely: Dark Sun, Eberron, Spelljammer, Planescape, Forgotten Realms

Unlikely, but possible: Nentir Vale, Dragonlance, Greyhawk, Mystara, new setting

Very unlikely: Birthright, Blackmoor, Council of Wyrms, and pretty much everything else

I personally think we're going to see all in the "likely" group in some form or fashion, be it merely PDFs or actual setting books. I was thinking we'll definitely see Planescape/Spelljammer as a merged setting (spelljammer ships sailing the Astral Sea) which opens the door to everything else. I think we'll see Dark Sun when they feel psionics are ready and Eberron in way, although it might simply be a PDF gazetteer and opened up in DM's Guild.

EDIT: I added FR. I'm a bit torn on the Realms, because on one hand it has been the default setting and has some published material, so you'd think they'd be ready to move on. On the other, it seems like a good idea to "complete" the Realms with a proper world book. Hmm...
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I wouldn't buy too much into anything Nathan Stewart is tweeting as he seems to take great glee from dropping hints and seeing people speculate rampantly.

That said, Eberron seems like a solid possibility and is on the short list of what I consider "likely" candidates.

If they really are going to put some form of product for two campaign settings, I would categorize them as follows:

Likely: Dark Sun, Eberron, Spelljammer, Planescape, Forgotten Realms

Unlikely, but possible: Nentir Vale, Dragonlance, Greyhawk, Mystara, new setting

Very unlikely: Birthright, Blackmoor, Council of Wyrms, and pretty much everything else

I personally think we're going to see all in the "likely" group in some form or fashion, be it merely PDFs or actual setting books. I was thinking we'll definitely see Planescape/Spelljammer as a merged setting (spelljammer ships sailing the Astral Sea) which opens the door to everything else. I think we'll see Dark Sun when they feel psionics are ready and Eberron in way, although it might simply be a PDF gazetteer and opened up in DM's Guild.

EDIT: I added FR. I'm a bit torn on the Realms, because on one hand it has been the default setting and has some published material, so you'd think they'd be ready to move on. On the other, it seems like a good idea to "complete" the Realms with a proper world book. Hmm...

Yes, yes, yes, it's time to complete FR with a FRCG and move on.

Eberron is enough open to more things to be added. And Spelljammer allows to test a lot of things to be added in a second edition of d20 Modern. And we shouldn't forget these arcane-punk settins allow the creation of "crazy vehicles" to be sold by Hasbro as toys and action-figures.

A crossover transformers/spelljammer would be fun. (a crossover among Kaladesh, a world from the game Magic: the Gathering, and transformers was one of my crazy ideas published in April 1st).

Darth Palpy

I pray the Silver Flame that it will be Eberron. Give me shifters and kalashtars, dhakaani goblins and hobgoblins, dragonmarked, and an artificer class !! ^^
But reasonably anything about Eberron would be good, since it's been some time and we need an overhaul to 5e...

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