New Campaign Setting Hint Is Eberron?

I don’t care about Eberon personally, we have had books for that setting the last 2 editions. I think it is pretty likely that will be one of them.

Id MUCH prefer a revisit to Greyhawk, but from the flavor perspective of the Gygax era folio and WoG box set! I know that 3e had a Greyhawk focus but I didn’t think it was as well presented as it could have been. It was mostly based around LG public play at that time (I did love LG back then !). My dream would be for them to release a castle Greyhawk campaign based around the original dungeon (in spirit) and surrounding region.

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Greyhawk is my jam; not because I like running Greyhawk, but because I've already had so much practice translating material for that setting to my homebrew campaigns. With FR, I am in unfamiliar territory and I have a harder time making use of it.

Eberron would be cool as I like the races and setting. I keep thinking about getting more of the back catalogue 3e books. And probably will pick them up when they go Print on Demand over at the Guild. (One already is.) Ditto Planescape really; I wish they'd PoD more of those.

It's hard not to be excited for new product of my favourite setting, but I have mixed feelings. I've taken a lot of the 3.5e book, some bits from the 4e book, and hacked together my own take on the world. I don't have any of the other sourcebooks, so I've been filling in details myself, unaware of what's "canonically" been fleshed out. Like more of what's in Sharn, how the Silver Flame operates, etc. I've even gone against what's in the books I have to create a custom interesting story for my players.

This is exactly how a campaign setting should be used, IMO. Setting material should be inspirational, not constraining.

It would feel weird to see a new book take updates in a completely different direction and "undo" a lot of my custom work.

The best approach is to do what you did with the original setting material - take what's there and use it as inspiration for your own version. If something doesn't work at all, throw it out. But usually I find that there are good ideas in new books and you just have to tweak it a bit to be able to use if they contradict what you've already done.

Also - keep in mind that if Eberron is the new setting they're likely to do with it what they've been doing with the Realms. Which means that it's won't be a full campaign setting but instead a campaign adventure set somewhere in Eberron and the setting material would be just for that one area of the world. And, since Eberron is a world with no advancing meta-plot timeline, the setting material in the book will likely be very close to what is in the original campaign setting (or at least not contradict it).

I would rather WOTC give us a new campaign world. If I'm not mistaken, the most recent one was Eberron in 2003. That's 15 years since we got something fresh.

I mean, there was the Nentir Vale, 4th edition's default campaign setting, in 2008.

That was fresh and new and challenged a lot of the stale assumptions and people reacted so strongly against it that i don't think they'll ever try making a new setting ever again.

Also - keep in mind that if Eberron is the new setting they're likely to do with it what they've been doing with the Realms. Which means that it's won't be a full campaign setting but instead a campaign adventure set somewhere in Eberron and the setting material would be just for that one area of the world.
One of the hallmarks of Eberron is that thanks to airships and lightning rails a single adventure might take you to several far flung locations. I think it would be a disservice to limit the setting to a single region. I would rather have a book that has sparse details on a variety of locations than one that focuses exclusively on the Eldeen Reaches or Breland for example. I guess we'll know more in a couple weeks.

One of the hallmarks of Eberron is that thanks to airships and lightning rails a single adventure might take you to several far flung locations. I think it would be a disservice to limit the setting to a single region. I would rather have a book that has sparse details on a variety of locations than one that focuses exclusively on the Eldeen Reaches or Breland for example. I guess we'll know more in a couple weeks.
Nentir Vale had some really great stuff that was quite yoinkable. The Raven Queen, the cosmology (especially the Astral Sea), the Feywild, and the Shadowfell are still a part of my homebrew campaigns even though we've long left 4e behind. I would very much like that setting the survive in one form or another.

One of the hallmarks of Eberron is that thanks to airships and lightning rails a single adventure might take you to several far flung locations. I think it would be a disservice to limit the setting to a single region. I would rather have a book that has sparse details on a variety of locations than one that focuses exclusively on the Eldeen Reaches or Breland for example. I guess we'll know more in a couple weeks.

Yeah, I was thinking something similar, but I figured I was starting to stray off topic.

I'm not sure how Eberron would fit into the current Wizards publication model. Having a single campaign that stretches from levels 1-10 that all takes place in one geographic area (that isn't Xen'drick, I guess) wouldn't fit with Eberron very well. On the other hand, having one book with an adventure that spans 6 different nations/regions might be too much from a content perspective.

We'll see I suppose. The "safe" thing to do would be to have it take place on Xen'drick and use Stormreach, but it would also be the most boring thing to do IMO.

They really should do a full Ravenloft setting. Curse of Strahd was absolutely AMAZING! I would love to see a full campaign book with details on every domain. That would be awesome!
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I don't think these new setting publications will be part of WOTC's publication schedule at all. I suspect they'll be third party content. Kobold Press publishing Planescape 5e under license for example.
There remains the other possibility that what they mean by 'new settings stuff' is actually just allowing folks to write stuff set in two more settings and publish it via the DM's Guild...

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