New D&D Monthly Survey: Mystics & Psionics

The new D&D monthly survey is up - it asks about last month's Unearthed Arcana psionics rules. Additionally, WotC reports on the results of the last survey about settings, classes, and races. It turns out that the top tier settings in terms of popularity are Eberron, Ravenloft, Dark Sun, Planescape, and the Forgotten Realms, followed by Greyhawk, Dragonlance, and Spelljammer. Additionally, popular character types were led by the artificer, shaman, and alchemist; while the most popular races were thri-kreen, goblin, and aasimar.

The new D&D monthly survey is up - it asks about last month's Unearthed Arcana psionics rules. Additionally, WotC reports on the results of the last survey about settings, classes, and races. It turns out that the top tier settings in terms of popularity are Eberron, Ravenloft, Dark Sun, Planescape, and the Forgotten Realms, followed by Greyhawk, Dragonlance, and Spelljammer. Additionally, popular character types were led by the artificer, shaman, and alchemist; while the most popular races were thri-kreen, goblin, and aasimar.

Find the new survey here. "This month, our survey looks at the mystic character class and our first draft of psionics rules for fifth edition. Your input is an invaluable tool that helps shape how we develop new material for D&D. If you love the rules, hate them, or have a specific issue you want to address, let us know."

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I'm surprised and yet NOT surprised that in the settings, GH and DL, fell into a second tier behind things like PS and DS.

DL surfaced seven years after my introduction to D&D, but GH *IS* D&D to me, and so is The Wilderlands. These were new/fresh at the time and very much define the look and feel of D&D to me. MA & EPT for that matter.

I'm guessing that aging D&D players like myself have mostly moved on to other settings, editions (or even game systems ala OSR or PF, or indie) and now the original 2E/late BECMI crowd are the biggest age group among 5E fans. It would be interesting to see it broken down by age and who voted for what.

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
I love the idea that the Alchmeist and Artificier would be subclasses of same class. I guess I could see the Shaman there too, but all three would need to split at 1st level like Clerics or Wizards do.

Alchemist - channels power from the real world
Artificier - channels arcane magic through objects
Shaman - channels divine magic through objects

Is that setting list in order of popularity? I'd be really surprised if Forgotten Realms was actually behind Ravenloft. That just seems... off.

Edit: Oh wait, just read that FR is the most popular. Strange to list it last in the top tier then.

What book was an alchemist base class in? My wife enjoyed the shaman a lot in our 4E game, so I'm pleased to see if get some love.
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First Post
I liked the classes of options 3.5, when we were one psionicist, psionic warrior and soulknife (psi rogue). The options of 2th disciplines are very interesting too. This class this very strange !!!


First Post
Interesting that there wasn't a survey question on what you thought of the term "mystic."
Maybe Mearls is pretty attached to that. Wonder how much that'll show up or get paid attention to in the comments section.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
I am disappointed Greyhawk did not rank in the top tier. Ah well, it is what it is. I do wonder if some of this is a self-fulfilling prophecy. There's been so little support for Greyhawk, for so many years, that a lot of player's have never experienced it before. Though, you could say the same for Planescape. I suspect because Planescape had a very popular video game, and also because it shares so much with all the other settings in terms of the planes, that it has had in essence some support.

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